Datang: What's wrong with my fief being a billion points larger?

Chapter 327: Cognition is impacted, Li Yuanji marches west

Two days passed, and on this day, everyone in Li Yuanji's fiefdom was in an uproar.

The two pieces of news spread to all prefectures, states, and counties at the same time.

Their king is going to march westward, because the Harsha Dynasty was the first to invade the border, and their king is going to personally lead the army to destroy the Harsha Dynasty.

At the same time, the Tang Dynasty was sharpening its sword against their king and preparing to launch military operations in various parts of Lingnan.

Another piece of news is the construction of a mausoleum of heroes, which will be built for all the soldiers who died in battle and will be worshipped for eternity.

When the two pieces of news came out, people from all over the country started talking about it.

In a restaurant in Haikang New City, Li Yuanji, who had been dressed up, was sitting inside eating and drinking, actually to listen to the voices of the people.

Haikang New City is the later expansion of Haikang. The original Haikang City is now the old city, also called the inner city.

"This Harsha Dynasty is really hateful. It's a pity for the two thousand men stationed in Pari. They are all great. They did not bring shame to the king, nor did they bring shame to the Tang people. They fought to the death in Pari. Although it was tragic and heroic, I admire them!"

"Yes, two thousand men against an army of one hundred thousand, all killed in battle, it was truly tragic.

The Harsha Dynasty is truly despicable. Now that the King will personally lead the army to the west, he can avenge them."

"Humph, ever since the King came here, we have always been the ones beating others up, never allowing others to beat us up.
When the small states of Yangtong came to attack, the king personally led his army to repel them, and the king's general Xi Junmai destroyed their states.

When the Srivijaya countries invaded, the naval admiral Liu Rengui conquered and destroyed the Srivijaya countries, enhancing the power of the Tang people.

The Harsha Dynasty deserves to be destroyed!

Although I am a merchant, I support the king in going to war. I will go to the government later. If the king needs money and food, I still have some left at home. I will hand it all over, just for the king's victory!"

"This Harsha Dynasty is nothing but a clown. Generals Xie Shufang and Wei Yunqi have already invaded the Harsha Dynasty. Now the king is going there only to completely destroy the country. The Harsha Dynasty will not be able to make any waves.

It’s just that the Tang Emperor, Li Er, is going to send troops against the king. This is the real crisis.”

"What are you afraid of? Your Majesty established your fiefdom through military force. Except for the prefectures in Lingnan, which of the other prefectures was not conquered by Your Majesty?

Today we have sufficient armaments, with an army of more than 300,000, and this is just the Type A army. If we include the Type B army, there will be as many as 500,000.

Li Er originally usurped the throne. The position of Emperor of the Tang Dynasty should belong to the king. Only the king can lead the Tang Dynasty to prosperity!
The king will win this battle!"

"Haha, Yang Lao San, you are right. The world should be ruled by the king. What virtue and ability does Li Er have? A man who killed his brother and imprisoned his father should not be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

The name of the Tang people today was earned by the King. Not only did he make the Tang people famous, but look at us today. We all know that we are where we are today because of the King’s arrival.

Think about what life was like in the past, and look at the present, Li Er is not even worthy of carrying our king's shoes!"

"That's right. I'm not afraid of Li Er. If the king needs me, I'll not only use all my family's money to support the king, but I'll also take my eldest son with me to join the army and fight for the king!"

"Brother Huang is right. The king has done so much for us. Without the king, many of us might have died. Now is the time for us to repay the king.

I can tell you that when I was doing business, I went to the Tang Dynasty. The people there all looked forward to coming to your Majesty. They are now living a hard life, and countless people have died of freezing or starvation.

Only by visiting them can you understand how benevolent our king is. All of us have received great favors from him and we must repay him!"

Li Yuanji listened quietly, and had to conform from time to time, because the people around him looked at him incoherently, staring at him with unfriendly eyes, as if they regarded him as a spy from outside.

Li Yuanji listened to this with a smile on his face and felt extremely proud and happy. He looked at the people under his rule and saw that they all supported him.

This time, Li Yuanji did not send any agents. As long as public opinion did not get out of control, he did not make any adjustments. What he heard now were the most real voices of the people.

"Yes, I must repay the king's kindness! Even if I join the army, I don't have to worry about my family. Not only will I receive a pension, but the king has also built a cemetery for heroes. To be honest, I really want to join the army, and I also want to die in battle.

You don’t know, I was originally a hottie here, not as good as some of the guys here.

If I die in battle, I will be able to enter the Mausoleum of Heroes built by the King. My name and achievements will be on the tombstone. Not only will I be able to enjoy incense, but a commoner like me will also be remembered forever.

We ordinary people can all get the honor we deserve. My descendants will be proud of me. I will also bring honor to my family. It's worth it!"

When these words were spoken, they resonated with many people. Before Li Yuanji, who would be willing to join the army and go to the battlefield? No one wanted to die in battle, they just wanted to live.

But now, there are indeed many people who want to join the army and then die gloriously in battle. The temptation of this cemetery of heroes is really too great.

Li Yuanji may still be unable to understand until now how attractive it is for people of this era to receive incense, have their achievements preserved forever, and be remembered forever.

As long as Li Yuanji does not fall, those who died in battle can live forever, instead of dying one day and remaining unknown, and without even a name left as time goes by.

Li Yuanji looked at the crowd who were gradually becoming excited. He could understand them, but he couldn't fully understand them. However, in his heart, he was still extremely relieved.

After listening for a while, he stood up and walked out. Now he had a general idea of ​​the people's opinion.

Li Yuanji then visited many places, and could hear people talking about it in every street and alley. The impact of this incident was really too great. Coupled with the sudden appearance of newspapers and the publicity from government offices at all levels, it was impossible for it not to become the only focus of discussion.

Because these also concern the interests, as well as life and death, of each and every one of them.

Everyone was talking about almost the same thing, and Li Yuanji felt completely relaxed.

Although Hikvision is different from other places and is definitely the place with the most popular support among the people, if even Hikvision is not good, how can we expect other places to be good?
Now that the scene that Li Yuanji didn't want to see has not occurred in Haikang, he at least has expectations for other places.

It was not until the evening that Li Yuanji returned to the palace. Without having time to eat, he called Cen Wenben.

"Jingren, you should have gone out to find out today. Have you heard any news from outside?"

After hearing this, Cen Wenben's expression gradually relaxed.

"Your Majesty, right now we only have news from Haikang. As for other places, I'm afraid we won't get any news until tomorrow.

Today, I went out, not only in the city, but also outside the city, and visited many villages. Almost all of them fully supported the king's westward expedition and supported the king to eliminate the usurper Li Er who killed his brother and imprisoned his father. Moreover, the people were eager to join the army. The Ministry of War was very busy today. Countless people asked the king if he needed more people. In addition to the Ministry of War, there were also countless people who wanted to contribute to the Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of Finance, and handed in grain and money. Almost everyone went.

I'm afraid they have not been able to rest day or night during this period. I was going to send people to maintain order, but it turned out that there was no need. They did this in an orderly manner."

Cen Wenben really didn't expect this scene to happen. When he first saw it, he was completely shocked. He was completely stunned. Before he came to Lingnan, he had never seen such a grand event. Even in history books, he had never seen such a scene in any text.

Only when you actually see them, will you realize how magical, incredible and shocking they are.

It’s not that Cen Wenben has never experienced big scenes, nor that he has no experience, but when an unrealistic scene, a scene that he dare not imagine in his mind, actually happens, he can realize how crazy this scene is.

After seeing all this today, Cen Wenben didn’t know how to admire Li Yuanji. Throughout history, no one has ever done it before, but Li Yuanji did it.

As for whether anyone will be able to do it in the future, Cen Wenben dares to say that even if Li Yuanji has started it now, it will probably be difficult for future generations to do it.

Cen Wenben knew very well how difficult it was to achieve this step, and he knew even more how great a test this was to human nature. He also knew that there were very few people as godlike as Li Yuanji.

Now he could better understand why Li Yuanji wanted to develop at all costs. It was not only to provide food for the people so that they would not go hungry, but also to make everyone stronger together. The prosperous times today made him deeply understand how rare Li Yuanji's persistence was.

In this era, before Li Yuanji, has anyone valued these ordinary people so much? No, no one has ever cared. Only Li Yuanji not only cared, but also did it.

Li Yuanji looked at Cen Wenben who was looking at him fanatically and immediately laughed. He could guess how big of an impact everything that happened today had on Cen Wenben. It was a complete cognitive shock.

Not to mention Cen Wenben, he was also shocked. Originally, he had only two goals in development: to prevent Li Er or Li Jiancheng from killing him, and to obtain immortality brought by the system.

His goals were simply these two, and now he has achieved both, and has gained unexpected rewards.

In the past, he knew that he was deeply loved by the people, but that was only in normal times. Now, although he knew that he was no longer afraid of Li Er, and even that Li Er was no longer his opponent, the people did not know this, and these people still firmly supported him.

Don’t all these show that everything he did was at least worthwhile and right.

After chatting with Cen Wenben, Li Yuanji completely relaxed. He invited Cen Wenben to have dinner together before letting Cen Wenben go back.

Until the next day, Li Yuanji got up early and waited for news from all over the outside world.

He knew very well that in one day, the news that could be sent back were almost all from various counties in Leizhou and places surrounding Leizhou. Li Yuanji was still looking forward to it.

Until the morning, Yang Jianhe handed him the memorials filled with records one after another, and Li Yuanji read them with great interest.

After a quick look, the situation is almost the same as what happened to Hikvision.

In the following period, news came in from various prefectures, states, and counties. The opinions of the five prefectures in Lingnan were highly consistent, and there were almost no surprises.

As the news gradually spread, some different voices gradually emerged, but they were very few. Only then did Li Yuanji really feel relieved.

As for that small number of people, Li Yuanji did not feel angry. Except for the five prefectures in Lingnan, only Yuezhou Prefecture invested heavily, while other prefectures gradually reduced their investment. This situation was very normal.

More than twenty days later, Li Yuanji called Yang Jianhe.

"How many have been found during this period?"

"Your Majesty, during this period, another 232 people were arrested, more than half of whom were new."

Li Yuanji was also happy after hearing this. This Li Er really was constantly giving him heads.

Li Yuanji had no intention of persuading these people from the Hundred Cavalry Division to surrender. These people were absolutely loyal to Li Er, which was the most basic requirement for joining the Hundred Cavalry Division.

Just like his Jinyiwei, the most basic condition to be able to join the Jinyiwei is absolute loyalty to him.

"Okay, keep paying attention. These people won't stop. Try to catch as many of them as possible."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

After understanding everything clearly, Li Yuanji immediately set the time for the Western Expedition, and the army set out three days later.

During this period, the army once again equipped itself with 3,000 rifles and 20 cannons of various types.

Three days later, Li Yuanji arrived at the camp outside the city.

There are now 50,000 troops in the camp outside Haikang City. This time Li Yuanji will take 20,000 away, and the remaining 30,000 will guard Haikang and deal with other emergencies.

This time, Li Yuanji will lead a total of 80,000 troops. The rest of the army has already set out, and a lot of supplies have already been stockpiled at the front line. These were all done during the advance preparations.

On the high platform, Li Yuanji, dressed in military uniform, looked at the 20,000 soldiers standing tall and straight below, without any movement, in silence.

"The army is moving out of camp!"

Li Yuanji had no extra words, such as saying that he would not return until the Harsha Dynasty was destroyed. In Li Yuanji's eyes, the Harsha Dynasty was just a dynasty, and there was no need for him to shout such slogans.

Now, with his equipment, he had 13,000 rifles, 132 new cannons of various types, and 50 Shenwei cannons, which were heavy-caliber cannons.

This does not even include the flintlock rifles and cannons owned by Xie Shufang and Wei Yunqi.

With this configuration, what can the Harsha Dynasty use to fight him?

Although he has these firearms, it does not mean that his advancement will be easy. After all, history has shown that even with an absolute advantage in firearms, talent is the most fundamental.

When the army set out, many people came specially to see Li Yuanji off, and quite a few people gathered on both sides of the road.

The army continued to move forward towards the Harsha Empire. All of them had to take a boat to land in the Bay of Bengal and then march over.

After Li Yuanji went to war, Li Er sent the Hundred Cavalry Division to Lingnan and immediately began to take action. (End of this chapter)

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