Chapter 37 Conspiracy
Inside Shi'an City, Guizhou, in the governor's mansion, three people were sitting together discussing something. These three people were none other than Ning Kailu, the governor of Rongzhou, Ning Changhe, the governor of Xiangzhou, and Ning Mingchang, the governor of Liuzhou.

"As long as we can capture Li Yuanji this time, our voice here will increase. Then Tan Dian, Feng Ang and others must give us a few states."

Ning Mingchang's voice came out, Ning Kailu and Ning Changhe both agreed, and then Ning Changhe continued: "I heard that Li Yuanji brought a lot of baggage this time, especially his princess, who is very beautiful. When the time comes, I will only think of Tangzhou and Yanzhou.

The rest of the country belongs to you, but you can’t compete with me for Li Yuanji’s princess, and I want half of the baggage.”

Ning Kailu and Ning Mingchang cursed this idiot in their hearts, and Ning Kailu immediately spoke.

"You can't touch Li Yuanji's princess. If Li Yuanji chooses to perish together with his enemies, it will not benefit us at all and may even attract the Tang army.

The maidservants he brought with him can be yours, but Li Yuanji and his women must be kept. As long as Li Yuanji is willing to cooperate, Li Yuan will definitely not be able to discover what is happening here.

If Li Jiancheng came to power later, he would send Li Yuanji back. In order to maintain stability, Li Jiancheng would certainly not send troops.

If Li Shimin comes to power, we will send Li Yuanji over. Li Shimin will certainly be grateful to us for solving his biggest problem, and we can also benefit from it.

But the prerequisite is that Li Yuanji must not be allowed to get into trouble. Once Li Yuanji dies in Lingnan, whether it is Li Yuan, or Li Jiancheng or Li Shimin who will take the throne in the future, they will definitely send troops for the sake of the face of the Tang Dynasty.

You have all seen how powerful the Tang army is. If hundreds of thousands of Tang troops arrive, who among us can stop them?"

Ning Changhe's face darkened and he said impatiently, "Okay, I get it."

After saying that, he immediately continued, "I don't know what's wrong with Li Yuanji. Lingnan was originally under our control. We offered tribute to Li Yuan but he refused to accept it. Now he wants to send troops. We must teach them a lesson this time.

Tan Dian also agreed to send troops, but now several of them have gone to fight Ning Chun, and there is still no winner. I really don’t know what’s wrong with him.”

At this point, Ning Kailu and Ning Mingchang's faces darkened. Originally, everything was proceeding as planned, but something went wrong in Tan Dian's discussion.

"Ning Chun really doesn't know what's good for him, willing to be a dog of the Tang Dynasty. And Feng Ang, for the sake of a few counties, he couldn't help but refrain from taking action. He is really short-sighted.

You thought you surrendered to the Tang Dynasty with 21 states and got the title of Duke of Geng, so you were complacent. Now that others have come here, you are still fussing over such a small place. "

These were the words of Ning Mingchang, and then Ning Kailu also laughed.

"Do you really think that Feng Ang is so loyal to the Tang Dynasty? He also said that he is Feng Hong

Descendants of (the monarch of Northern Yan), do you believe it?

This man is a very scheming person and is currently the most powerful person here. Although he surrendered to the Tang Dynasty in the past, he still calls the shots here. Now that Li Yuanji is here, can he still have such great power?

Just wait and see. This guy will definitely not let Li Yuanji gain a foothold here so easily. Now that we are the ones taking action, he will of course wait and see what happens.

If we succeed, he won't say anything to others, but if we fail, he will definitely take action.

Now it's a good deal for him. He doesn't have to do anything and he's already got such a big advantage. If he doesn't give more benefits later, this matter won't be so easy to get over."

Ning Mingchang and Ning Changhe both smiled. The three of them were obviously very confident in Li Yuanji's ability.

"Now it depends on whether Liu Xianhong can succeed. As long as Li Yuanji enters the city, he can't leave!"

Several people nodded, and Ning Changhe immediately said: "Then Ning Changrong can be killed. I never thought that this man is so loyal to the Tang Dynasty."

Ning Mingchang said immediately: "Don't worry, wait a while, wait until we completely control Li Yuanji, then we can find a reason to kill him."

When the few people were discussing, a man walked in and whispered in front of Ning Kailu. Ning Kailu's face suddenly became serious.

Ning Changhe and Ning Mingchang looked at Ning Kailu with puzzled expressions. "What is it that you need to hide from us? Now we are all on the same boat. If something goes wrong, no one can escape. Don't forget it."

Ning Kailu waved his hand to signal the man to go down, and said slowly: "Then Li Yuanji sent someone. The person sent was none other than Wang Xuance, the senior officer who had volunteered to go to Li Yuanji before."

Ning Changhe and Ning Mingchang were shocked and stood up immediately, looking at Ning Kailu with hostility.

"How dare you send someone to tip off Li Yuanji? If you don't give us an explanation today, don't blame us for being ruthless!"

Ning Kailu suddenly got a headache when he saw this.

"I am here now, how could I go to inform Li Yuanji? If I really informed Li Yuanji, why would I let that person come here at this time, and I would not tell you about this!"

Ning Changhe and Ning Mingchang thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case. Although they relaxed a lot, they were still wary of Ning Kailu.

Ning Kailu didn't look at the two of them, and immediately spoke again.

"This man must be following Li Yuanji now. He is coming to see Ning Changrong in the name of Li Yuanji. We must be well prepared. Otherwise, when he arrives, we will be exposed. Even if we capture Wang Xuance, Li Yuanji will definitely become suspicious!"

After hearing this, both of them looked solemn. After a moment, Ning Kailu's voice was heard again.

"Well, I'll have someone bring Wang Xuance over later. You guys go to the back and don't make any noise. I'll talk to him. This way you can also hear what's being said here. Can you rest assured?"

Ning Changhe and Ning Mingchang agreed immediately, but remained vigilant.

"Okay, but the people outside need to be replaced by our people. If you are conspiring with Li Yuanji, you must die!"

Ning Kailu had no choice but to agree. After making all the arrangements, Ning Kailu had Wang Xuance brought over.

When Wang Xuance saw Ning Kailu, his heart was heavy, but his face showed great surprise.

"Shangguan? Why are you here? Aren't you in Rongzhou? Where are Governor Ning and his men?"

Ning Kailu was very calm and said with a smile: "Haha, when you went to the king, I came here to welcome the king.

As for Chang Rong, he has been busy these days and has not had a good rest. He is going to rest now. If you have anything to say, just tell me. It's okay."

Wang Xuance hesitated for a while, then looked at Ning Kailu with a determined face.

"Shangguan, I was invited by the king and now I am following him."

Ning Kailu was slightly startled when he saw this, and then came to Wang Xuance with a smile on his face.

"Good, that's a good thing. It's a good thing for Xuan Ce to follow the king. You should work hard by his side in the future. If you become successful, don't forget our friendship in Rongzhou.

When I return to Rongzhou, I will send you some gifts to congratulate Xuan Ce on his promotion."

Wang Xuance also had a smile on his face.

"Xuan Ce is able to achieve what he has today thanks to Shangguan. I will never forget Shangguan's kindness.

By the way, Shangguan, after I went to the king, he was ambushed by thousands of bandits. The king’s army suffered heavy losses. Then Liu Sibing led his troops to the scene, but unfortunately he arrived too late.

"Does Shangguan know who those thieves are?"

(End of this chapter)

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