Crazy and suicidal, the fake daughter is loved by everyone

Chapter 84 This battle is divided into 3 waves

Chapter 84 This battle is divided into three waves

She said she wanted to get rid of her and forbade her to think about Jiang Huanbai, saying that Jiang Huanbai liked her!

Shen Chiyue untied the rope on Lin You.

Before she could say anything, Lin You shrank timidly into the corner, looking at Shen Chiyue with horror in her eyes, her body shaking with fear.

Shen Chiyue: ???

[Do I look so scary? No, I know myself well, I should be a great beauty.]


Lin You was crying with tears streaming down her face and suddenly she hiccupped.

She wiped her tears and her vision became much clearer, and then she could see the person standing beside the bed.

She is indeed a great beauty.

She trembled and whispered: "Who are you?"

[Ahhh, so cute, is Jiang Huanbai a Ninja Turtle? How can he bear it? Even a woman like me is going to fall for such a sweet girl.]

Lin You sniffed and her eyes widened.

This. Did she just speak?

I didn't see her mouth move at all, so this was what she was thinking?!
When Shen Chiyue heard footsteps coming from the door, his heart suddenly tightened.

"My name is Shen Chiyue, I'm here to save the beautiful woman, hurry up and come down, if those people come back later, we won't be able to leave."

Lin You also heard the noise outside and her face turned pale. She could only temporarily put aside the strange thing of being able to hear Shen Chiyue's thoughts. She got up in a panic and followed Shen Chiyue out.

Arrived at the door.

Shen Chiyue opened the door a crack, peeking out with one eye, and then slipped out with Lin You when he saw no one was coming.

As soon as they walked out the door, before they had time to breathe a sigh of relief, they heard footsteps behind them.

"The woman in the house ran away!"

A bodyguard was patrolling and happened to see Shen Chiyue and Lin You coming out of the house. He immediately shouted and called other bodyguards nearby to come over.

The items in this room are all carefully selected.

When those nobles come and fail to deliver the "goods", all of them will suffer!

Shen Chiyue pulled Lin You and ran, and when they reached the turning point, he pushed Lin You into the stairwell.

"Go to the dance floor and find Jiang Huanbai. I'll lead them away."

[Hehehe, since you are so cute, I have prepared a surprise for you, go and reveal it. ]

There was nothing for her to do next, and she was too lazy to go back.

Lin You held her hand tightly and shook her head in disagreement, "No, let's go together."

Shen Chiyue risked her life to save her, she couldn't be so unkind as to leave her alone.

She wanted to bring up some surprise, but she didn't want it at this critical moment!
Shen Chiyue smiled and said, "I'll be fine."

After saying that, she broke free from her grabbed arm and ran in the other direction.

Lin You was prone to tear incontinence to begin with, and now she was crying again out of anxiety.

Watching the bodyguards outside chasing after Shen Chiyue, she walked down the stairs with weak legs, holding on to the railing, thinking about finding Jiang Huanbai as soon as possible and asking him to help save Shen Chiyue.

Shen Chiyue talked to Tutu while running:

"Remember to delete all the surveillance data that should be deleted. Don't let them see Lin You and my faces."

"If things get out of hand later, and they block the bar to look for people, that will be troublesome."

Bunny: [Bunny is very skilled, don't worry! There is a passage ahead that can lead you out of the bar, run quickly.]
Shen Chiyue responded and found a secret door in the hidden wall.

She easily shook off the bodyguard and came out from the back door.

There was a dark alley at the door with no street lights. One could only see the road clearly with the light from the bar.

There were also some garbage cans piled up nearby, emitting a bad smell.

In the past, Shen Chiyue would definitely be timid and afraid to leave. But now that she has Tutu, a reliable leader, she is not afraid at all.

Lin You has been rescued and the mission is accomplished.

She planned to find a place to have a good meal and then go home to have a good sleep.

But after happily walking a few steps into the alley, she suddenly froze in place.

A cool breeze blew past, and her back felt cold.

She looked back mechanically, only to see a silver iron rod pressed against her neck.

She screamed in fright and fell to the ground with a bang.

With the faint light, Shen Chiyue looked up.

There were several middle-aged men standing in front of her, each holding an iron rod in their hands, staring at her ferociously.

"What's your name? Why are you here?"

The one who spoke was the bald man in the lead.

As he spoke, he touched Shen Chiyue's cheek with the iron rod in a warning manner, as if she would taste the pain of the iron rod if her answer was not satisfactory.

Shen Chiyue shivered from the cold iron rod that felt like an ice cube. She blinked and tears came.

"My name is Ni Die. I am just passing by. Please don't hurt me. I want to go home."

When it comes to playing dumb, she is a professional!
No one knows what these people are doing hiding here. They must have been frightened by Shen Chiyue's sudden intrusion.

When the bald man in the lead heard Shen Chiyue's crying and trembling voice, he put away the iron rod that was pointing at her.

"Get out of here."

Shen Chiyue wiped her tears and immediately responded timidly, then walked out with trembling legs, holding on to the wall, pretending to cry as she walked.

"Wow, it's so scary and dark. Mom, I want to go home."


The middle-aged men looked at each other with contempt and ridicule on their faces.

It seems that the weak woman who has not been weaned is wasting her life just for this.

Shen Chiyue walked along the alley, and when she was about to reach the main road, she heard the sound of fighting behind her.

She turned around curiously to look.

I saw the bodyguards who had just chased her and the people in the alley started fighting, and the scene was very chaotic for a while.

Shen Chiyue: ???

[These bodyguards thought I was in the same group with this group of people, and they were covering my escape.]

[No, this fight is for me? Not sure, let's wait and see.]

Shen Chiyue lowered her head and looked around, and saw a stone block. She was about to sit down and watch the show, but someone grabbed her arm and pulled her away.

The force of the pull was so great that she felt dizzy for a moment before she could stand steadily.

Looking up, I saw an unappetizing person—Gu Yanzhi.

He stood in front of her and started fighting with a bodyguard. It seemed like the fight was fierce, but in fact he was stepped on. He jumped around holding his instep and screaming in pain.

Shen Chiyue: “.”

[This battle is divided into three waves. One wave wants to mess with me, one wave is squatting in this alley doing something unknown, and the other wave... is here to make fun of me?]

She and Lin You were discovered by the bar manager when they were escaping, and now bodyguards were surrounding them on the main road.

Unable to move forward or backward, she simply sat on a stone pier and lied down.

[It's so cold, I really want to hug Lu Cen Nian. If I had known, I wouldn't have deliberately gotten angry with him. Although he was the one who lied to me and took advantage of me on purpose, I actually acquiesced to it.]

[If I don't want him to take advantage of me, I can destroy his descendants with my bare hands. ]

Shen Chiyue was daydreaming for a while, and when she came back to her senses, she saw several bodyguards rushing towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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