Chapter 150 Finale
In December, Emperor Jingyuan issued an edict to promote Su Ming, the defender of Dingbei City, to the position of border defender, and the rest of the troops returned to the court.

Xihe carried Zhao Wanyu's ashes and the jade pendant all the way to Yuanyang Palace.

"Uncle Sanping, long time no see."

After ten years, Sanping's originally black hair has now had a few strands of white hair.

"Your Highness, you have been tired all the way. Please come in. His Majesty is waiting for you."

"it is good."

Sanping opened the palace door for Xihe, and Xihe held the ashes tightly in her hands and walked in slowly.

"Daddy." As soon as Xihe opened her mouth, tears started falling.

She was only away for half a year, and when she came back, Emperor Jingyuan's hair had already turned gray.

Emperor Jingyuan smiled softly and held his little daughter in his arms like he did when she was little, "Don't be afraid, Daddy is here."

Xihe's eyes were sore and she burst into tears, "Daddy, Auntie... is gone."

Emperor Jingyuan heaved a deep sigh of relief. He took the urn with an indifferent expression and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, a tear fell.

"I met her at the beginning of the year. She said she was going to get married and hoped... that I could bless her."

At the end of this year, Princess Zhao Wanyu returned to Beijing to report on her work. She met with Emperor Jingyuan once, just to get an imperial decree granting her marriage.

Emperor Jingyuan still clearly remembered the happy smile on Zhao Wanyu's face, but he only felt it was too dazzling.

"Did Daddy give it to you?" Xihe asked.

Emperor Jingyuan shook his head, "Dad has written many imperial edicts, but this is the only one...I can't write it."

Xihe looked at the jade pendant placed in the palm of his hand, and a guess came to his mind. He looked at Emperor Jingyuan with a little disbelief, "Dad, you..."

Emperor Jingyuan smiled. He knew his clever little daughter had guessed his thoughts. "Do you feel disgusted? Do you think your father deserves death?"

As a king, he had ulterior motives towards his own sister.

Xihe shook her head. "Xihe doesn't think there is right or wrong in feelings. If we really have to talk about right or wrong, I am the one who deserves death for falling in love with the prince of an enemy country."

Emperor Jingyuan gently stroked his daughter's hair. "Love is what it is. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. I just regret it sometimes. I regret not keeping her in the capital. But when she was trapped in the capital, I couldn't bear to see her broken wings, so I sent her to the border. I didn't know that this time she would be separated from me by the Yin and Yang."

Back then, he went against all odds and gave her the title of "Yuan Yang". He carefully hid his thoughts so that the empress dowager would not know and the ministers would not discover it.

Their status as brother and sister determined their fate.

He never asked for anything, he just hoped that she could be happy.

"Daddy, you still have Xihe. Xihe will always be with you." Xihe had never seen Emperor Jingyuan look so lonely. It seemed like he was compromising with the fickleness of fate.

Emperor Jingyuan nodded and said, "From tomorrow on, Xihe will go to court with father to attend government affairs."

"What?" Xihe was shocked. "Daddy, this is inappropriate! I..."

Emperor Jingyuan raised his hand to stop Xihe from continuing and said, "Xihe, your elder brother is no longer qualified to be the emperor. Jinyuan's accident was a huge blow to him."

Emperor Jingyuan privately asked the imperial physician that Zhao Jinyuan's injuries were too serious. Even if he survived, he might never wake up again.

The plan went wrong and Zhao Chengning was to blame, but he was stuck in it and couldn't get out, and he began to deeply doubt his own decision.

An indecisive crown prince cannot become emperor, and Emperor Jingyuan is even less likely to hand over Tianshuo's future to such a person.

He has six children in total, and after looking around, Xihe is the only one who is the most suitable.

"Xihe, Dad will not move Cheng Ning's position as the crown prince for the time being, but we must make sure everything is in place."

If Zhao Jinyuan never wakes up, Zhao Chengning will always live in regret. Who will take care of Tianshuo's future?

"But Daddy, I am a woman." Xihe frowned.

Emperor Jingyuan patted her on the back and said, "Why can't a woman be an emperor? Your aunt is also a woman, but she is no less capable than men on the battlefield. Daddy's Xihe dared to mobilize all four directions to conquer the Northern Desert. How is she inferior to your brothers?"

Emperor Jingyuan was open-minded and allowed women to take the imperial examinations, filling the court of Tianshuo with talented people. He was already an unprecedented wise ruler. Xihe wanted to say something else, but was interrupted by Emperor Jingyuan.

"It's settled. Let's start the court session tomorrow."

Emperor Jingyuan seemed very tired, so Xihe withdrew. Before leaving, she glanced inside and saw Emperor Jingyuan's gloomy face and white hair, and her eyes couldn't help but turn red.

She grew up and her father grew old.

She is no longer the willful little girl she was when she was little.

Xihe sent the butterfly flower hairpin to Concubine Xian, who cried bitterly and thought Zhao Jinyuan was cruel.

The next day, Xihe followed Emperor Jingyuan to court, starting her twenty-one-year political career.

The Later Records of the History of Heaven states:
In the 20th year of Jingyuan, Princess Zhaoyuan took over the government as the crown prince.

In the 28th year of Jingyuan, the second prince Zhao Jinyuan woke up but was unconscious.

In August, the former Crown Prince Zhao Chengning resigned from the position of heir to the throne and took his brother to seek medical treatment.

In the 32nd year of Jingyuan, Emperor Jing died and was buried in the Ming Mausoleum.

In the first year of Jianning, Princess Zhaoyuan Zhao Xihe ascended the throne and became Emperor Wen. He changed the laws and issued a general amnesty.

In the third year of Jianning, he set out to attack Nanli. When he reached the side of Fushui, he encountered a swamp and witchcraft blocking the way, and he could not take it down for a long time.

In September, Emperor Wu of Beili sent troops, and the two countries worked together to drive the enemy back to the hinterland and directly capture the imperial city.

In December, the two countries divided Nanli in Dingbei City and divided the territory along the Ningqu Canal.

For the next hundred years, there was a trend of confrontation between the North and the South.


In the ninth year of Jianning, Emperor Wen died without a coffin or an inscription.

The following year, Emperor Wu of Beili died.


In the first year of Jiahe, they were buried in the same coffin.

【The Dawn of the End】

It's winter again, but this year it seems to be a warm winter without severe cold.

Xiao Mingxuan climbed up the tall building, boiled a pot of hot tea, leaned over the railing and looked out, silent.

"Mr. Nangong, please advise His Majesty. If you stay any longer, you will catch a cold again."

The sword did not take Xiao Mingxuan's life that year. The bead and jade pendant hidden in his chest saved his life. Instead, he took advantage of his serious injuries to return to Beili safely. He did not encounter any assassination along the way, which was quite strange.

Afterwards, he asked the imperial physician, even if there was no object blocking it, the sword would have avoided the vital parts.

Over the years, Nangong Yan always wondered whether Zhao Xihe really wanted to kill someone with that sword, or... had other intentions.

"You go down first."

Nangong Yan climbed onto the high platform, looked at the prematurely aged emperor in front of him, and asked, "Missing the little princess again?"

Xiao Mingxuan smiled and said, "When did I not miss her?"

Nangong Yan has been with Xiao Mingxuan for more than ten years. He has seen him rise and fall. Now he even feels a little more pity for her. "If you want to see her, go see her. At least it's a thought."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Mingxuan shook his head and said, "I won't go. I just want to know that she is doing well."

Nangong Yan finished a cup of tea and was about to turn around and leave when his eyes suddenly caught sight of a figure outside the city and he was stunned.

"what happened?"

Seeing Nangong Yan in a daze, Xiao Mingxuan followed the other's line of sight, and when he saw a beautiful figure not far away, he froze in place, not even noticing when the tea bowl in his hand broke.

"She is coming?"
Complete text————

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