Chapter 15: Road Guide, Leave First
Liu shook her head, having made up her mind. "The carriage is still usable, we can't throw it away. Village chief, please help us get a pass."

The village chief sighed, and had no choice but to issue a pass to Liu and stamp it with the village seal.

"Okay, since you want to go by yourself, then be careful on the road and don't get caught up by the bandits." The village chief led the way to Liu. "Although it only has the village seal, it can also be used as a pass. If we are destined to meet, we will meet in Nanzhou City."

Liu said thank you and got on the carriage with the pass.

Some people also wanted to leave the team. After all, they were all alone or all men, and it was better to leave the team than to travel together.

"Village chief, please help me clear the way."

"And us, we want to go on our own too."

"We do the same. Anyway, there are not many children and elderly people here, so we can walk faster."

Village chief: “…Okay.”

What else can he do? There is no way he can disagree. If possible, he also wants to leave on his own.

"Mom, let's go on our own, shall we?" Li Tao looked at the people who were on their way one after another and also felt like not wanting to follow the large group.

"Why are you walking? Do you know how to fight?" Wang Dahua looked at Li Tao with disdain. "If you encounter bandits, can you defeat them? There is strength in numbers. It's right to follow the village chief."

Anyway, she would not leave the team. Those who left were all tall and strong. If a fight really broke out, they would have the strength to fight. Could these skinny people beat the bandits?

Li Tao: "..."

Okay, okay, I won’t leave if I don’t want to, but…

"Mom, can you be nicer to us in terms of food in the future? If we are not full, we will not have the energy to help you fight." Li Tao approached Wang Dahua and smiled slyly: "If I can eat enough, even if bandits come, I can protect you, right?"

Wang Dahua: "...What are you thinking about?"

Didn't she know what her son was thinking? He just wanted the housekeeper power in her hands!
Li Tao: "..."

I'm not easy to fool! He thought I was old and my brain was old, but who knew I was so smart.
Lan Yue had no idea what happened on the village chief's side.

They have now passed the mountain and are on a flat road. Without a map, they can only move forward based on their sense of direction.

They kept on traveling until the early morning before Lan Yue asked Gu Yan to come out and drive the car.

Lan Yue entered the carriage, leaned against the window sill and closed her eyes to rest.

She entered the space with her consciousness, set the alarm to wake up at eight o'clock, looked at the direction of the compass, and only fell asleep peacefully after making sure that they were on the right path.

Having gotten rid of the bandits, she was not afraid of encountering danger in the short period of time.

"We are safe now, let's go down and have breakfast."

In a daze, Lan Yue heard Gu Yan's voice.

She opened her eyes and found she was the only one left in the car.

The alarm clock in the space hadn't rung yet, so she took a look and saw it was half past seven. She turned off the alarm and got off the carriage.

The sun had risen outside and there were quite a few people around.

"Wash up first." Liu had already scooped some water for Lan Yue.

Lan Yue nodded, simply rinsed her mouth and washed her face.

Gu Xue handed the bowl and chopsticks to Lan Yue, "Have some porridge today, and eat at noon."

Lan Yue hummed and drank two bowls of porridge before her stomach was filled.

"There are a lot of refugees here, so we have to be careful." After Gu Yan and the others packed up their things, they came over and said to Lan Yue, "Our carriage will reach the waterway if we go a little further, so we will have to abandon the carriage then." After packing up their things, Lan Yue and the others started on their journey.

Some people saw them in a hurry and followed them. The carriage moved slowly in front, and a group of people followed behind. If you didn't know, you would think they were all a group.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Lan Yue was awakened by a scream.

Gu Xue and Liu opened their eyes dazedly, "What's wrong? Who's calling?"

Lan Yue covered her mouth and yawned, "Maybe someone stole something?"

She has read quite a few novels about escaping famine, so it would be strange if there was peace on the road.

"Don't come out from inside. There are indeed a lot of people snatching food behind. I'll speed up to avoid being stopped." Gu Yan's voice came, and Lan Yue and the others hurriedly grabbed the carriage.

There were more and more cries for help outside. Gu Xue and Liu were able to take it easy. In this situation, it was best for them not to act like saints.

"Brothers, stop them!"

"We'll have meat tonight!"

Gu Yan looked ahead and saw that there were people behind him who wanted to attack. His eyes dimmed. These people really didn’t know how to live or die!

He drove the carriage straight forward, but who knew that those people were people who knew some martial arts and had knives in their hands.

Therefore, the horses could only run two hundred meters. Even if they got rid of those difficult people, their horses could not hold on.

The horse struggled forward for a hundred meters, but eventually fell down.

He took it off humanely before he fell down, so Gu Yan and others in the car were not affected.

Gu Yan looked at the wounded horse with heartache and got off the carriage.

Occasionally there were some refugees and groups fleeing famine nearby, but they did not come this way. They just took a look and continued on their way. The robbers behind them had not caught up yet.

"The horse has done its best. From now on we have to walk on our own."

Gu Xue's eyes were slightly red. If this horse was a human, it would really be a very good friend.

Liu sighed and packed the things in the carriage.

Gu Xue and Gu Yan were sad for a while, and then helped to pack up.

Lan Yue carried her belongings on her back. They had put a lot of things in the carriage, and when they were sorted out there were several packages.

The four of them each took one. Gu Yan carried two packages that were not very heavy. Liu and Gu Xue also carried two each. Lan Yue helped carry the largest package.

"Lan Yue, why don't we throw some away? They're too heavy for you to carry."

Liu looked at Lan Yue's small body and was very worried.

"It's okay. I'm strong. I didn't have enough to eat and drink before. Now I've been eating meat these days. My body is almost healed and my physical fitness has improved a lot. This thing is not heavy for me." Lan Yue didn't want to throw away everything she bought with silver. She wanted to take everything she could take now so that the passers-by who were fleeing the famine would not get it cheaply.

Liu and the others couldn't persuade Lan Yue, so they had to let her take it. They were a little tired after walking such a long way, not to mention that they hadn't had lunch yet.

"Those who stole our things can't be caught up with us yet. Let's take this horse..." Lan Yue glanced at the horse and joked that if they didn't eat it, the horse would be given to someone else.

"We still have water in the car, so let's just kill the horse."

"This..." Liu was a little hesitant, "This horse is so big, it's not convenient to clean it."

 Is there a male lead? It is not yet certain...

(End of this chapter)

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