Chapter 81 Moon-style brainwashing
At night, the sky was dotted with stars and the moon hid in the clouds. The originally lively atmosphere of Wolf Eagle Mountain slowly returned to calm.



"Money... lots and lots of silver..."

Xiaoyu:! ?

what happened?
What did she see?
A large number of people in the village fainted, and some were still talking nonsense! Even if they drank, they couldn't get so drunk, right? Besides, she remembered that the boss here couldn't get drunk...

Lan Yue noticed Xiao Yu's reaction and said, "Let's go and save them first. These people won't wake up."

Just living in a dream.

Xiaoyu made a few "oh" sounds and led the way in a daze.

"Master, someone has added you as a friend! Do you want to accept it?"

In the system space, Xiao Qi looked at the request to add a friend on the digital panel.

He is a friend from the realm of immortal cultivation!
Lan Yue was a little surprised: "Since someone can add me as a friend? How does the other party know my ID?"

"Master, sometimes friend requests are matched randomly. It may be that the other party accidentally clicked on the master's user number." Xiao Qi explained, "Or, people with high levels can see other people's numbers, but the system usually recommends similar and helpful users to each other."

After hearing this, Lan Yue understood a little bit, but to her, it didn't matter whether to add friends or not. As long as she could retire and lie down in this world, she could be free and easy even if she never completed any missions in her life.

"Then accept it and see what the other party needs."

"Master, accepted, but the other party seems to be offline."

Lan Yue hummed, "Tell me when the other party is online."

"Sir, we're here." Xiaoyu looked at the tightly closed door in front of her, with a key on it. She said with some embarrassment, "Sir, we don't have the key, so we can't open the door."

"No problem, just stand back."

Xiaoyu tactfully stepped back half a meter.

Lan Yue kicked the door directly, and then, with the sound of an object falling to the ground, the people who were resting in the room in the courtyard were immediately awakened.

Xiaoyu:! ?

What kind of divine power is this!!

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

"Did someone come to rob us?"

"Is there anyone who comes to rescue me?"

Various voices came.

Xiaoyu came to her senses and swallowed her saliva. This Young Master Yue is really amazing!
The two entered the compound together.

Lan Yue saw girls who were about eighteen or nineteen years old. Some of them looked to be in their twenties, and the oldest was probably only around twenty-seven or twenty-eight.

Some of them were accompanied by one, two or three girls.

As for the boys… sorry, she didn’t see it.


The girls looked at the young man in front of them and their hearts skipped a beat.

Then, they saw the newly kidnapped bride, Xiaoyu. "You..."

They guessed that the person in front of them might be Xiaoyu's sweetheart.

"We are here to save you. Are you willing to leave here?" Lan Yue directly stated the purpose of this trip. "We were traveling and passed by Taoyuan Town. I learned some things. As a chivalrous man, I couldn't bear to see these beautiful girls being bullied, so I came here to kill these beasts!"

Lan Yue's expression and tone were so sincere and passionate, and every word she spoke was full of ups and downs. Everyone present was so moved by her words that they wanted to follow her away right away.

But fortunately, they still have their sanity.

"Xiaoyu, is what he said true?"

Xiaoyu nodded, "What Master Yue said is true. Didn't you notice that despite the big commotion just now, no one came to check on the situation? Those people have been dealt with by Master Yue. If you want to leave tonight, pack up now and leave here with us!"

Others were a little excited, yet a little hesitant.

What makes them excited is that they have waited for so long and can finally leave here. But what makes them hesitant is where can they go after leaving here?

What's more, they are no longer innocent.

Lan Yue saw their hesitation and decided to help them to the end.

"You can leave here and take the money to live somewhere else. No one will know your past and you can hide your identity. Even if you don't get married, you have money! You can have as many gigolos as you want." Lan Yue said in a relaxed tone, with fantasies about the future. "If I were you, I would choose to leave. After all, this place is about to be destroyed and those people will be punished."

Lan Yue observed their expressions while speaking, and seeing that they were somewhat moved, she continued, "Not being innocent is actually not a big deal. If someone loves you, they won't care whether you are innocent or not. It's not your fault that you are not innocent. You can't feel desperate because of this. Women can also live the life they want, as long as you are willing."

"Mr. Yue, you say it lightly, but who can easily forget the despair of the past?"

"Yeah, when I think about the things I was forced to do in the past, I want to kill myself, but..."

"Yes, Master Yue, there are some things that we cannot get over..."

Of course Lan Yue could understand their thoughts, but she couldn't make this trip in vain.

"You really don't want to live a good life in the second half of your life?" Lan Yue asked again, "This village has a lot of money. You can give it half to each of you. I don't know how good your life will be in the future. Also, some of you have children, so you can live a good life. Even without a man, you can still live a wonderful life!"

Everyone: "..."

I have to say, what Mr. Yue said is really heart-warming.

"You guys think about it first. I'll go take a look at the village and the gold, silver and jewelry." Lan Yue said, and glanced at Xiaoyu.

Xiaoyu immediately noticed Lan Yue's gaze and seemed to understand.

Young Master Yue wanted her to help persuade these people.

As a fellow wanderer in the world, she advises!

Lan Yue left the yard and immediately asked Xiao Qi to find out where the treasures in the village were hidden.

After a few minutes, Lan Yue had collected all the gold, silver and jewelry in the entire village, not even leaving any small pieces of silver.

All the food was stored in the space, and not a single grain of rice was left behind wherever it passed.

Chairs and other items were also put into the space, recycled and resold, which all brought money!

"Master, do you want to buy something?"

Xiao Qi had just received some rare treasures and was selling them in the system mall. Seeing his master's increasing amount of Blue Star Coins, but the consumption value had not changed much, he felt anxious and sad.

The owners of other Tongzi like to go shopping and buy treasures, but his owner has no interest in these treasures. He sees that those Tongzi have already been upgraded to several levels, but he is still a beginner in the system.

Every time he chatted with those leaders, he felt inferior and sad.

(End of this chapter)

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