Chapter 275 The Su Family
[It was a man. I checked the man's information and found that his face was fake. The place where he disappeared last was also a village in the city without surveillance, so it was impossible to find the person behind him.]

[To be so good at hiding, the mastermind must know how to track people down. ]

Only by investigating people can all clues be erased.

【Anything else?】

[Nothing special, just some gossip. When your uncle found out about this, he openly skipped the party and went home to rest.]

Oolong Tea thinks that there is nothing to say about the love-brain of human beings. It thinks that this kind of melon is not fragrant and can easily lead children astray.

Since Oolong Tea said there was nothing else, Su Yu went downstairs to eat.

"Good morning, uncle!"

[Uncle actually got up so early, could it be that he skipped the party yesterday and had a good rest? ]

Su Yu was very happy. She followed Su Xi and knew how busy Su Xi was. Therefore, she hoped that her uncle would get married and give birth to a real heir. She didn't want to be as busy as her uncle!
"Good morning!"

Su Xi ate breakfast leisurely, while Su Yu ate noisily. When she finished, Su Xi just finished the last sip of milk.

"Uncle, are you busy today?"

"Not busy, at home, what's wrong?"

"Then let's go racing!"

"Don't worry, come with me to look at the accounts of the Su family first."


[Check the accounts? Uncle, are you sure? I'm only three years old, why would I check the accounts? ]

Su Yu thought it was outrageous, but Su Xi didn't. He took Su Yu through the accounts and asked her what she found.

"The numbers are different! They don't match!"

Su Yu didn't let Wulongcha give her any cheats, she could only see that the accounts didn't match.

"Yes, someone in the Su family embezzled the money for supporting children. What will happen to this money in the end? As a capitalist, I want fame but don't want to spend money, so I falsified the accounts. Even if the children who left the Su family fund have no complaints against me, they will not be grateful to me."

Su Yu gave up thinking and copied the answer directly, "Uncle, what should we do then?"

[Oolong tea, why does uncle say it so seriously? ]

Wulongcha went through the information and scanned the files with Su Yu, and soon found the person behind the scenes through the Internet.

[It's serious, of course it's serious, the clan leader is leading the way. All managers from top to bottom own factories and drive luxury cars, where did their capital accumulation come from? ]

What Oolong Tea didn't say was that only children who were related to the clan leader's family could use the money. Did they remember the Su family? They only remembered that they got the money because of their blood relationship with the clan leader and that the Su family was too stingy. They earned so much every year, but in the end they were only willing to give them this little.

[No wonder they want to cooperate with the people behind the scenes to take over the position of the heir. This is because human nature is insatiable and they want to make more money. ]

His appetite was enlarged by the fund invested by the Su family, and his eyes were blinded by the prosperity of the world, so he naturally wanted to grab more!
[Su Xi left quickly, and they also brought something with them, hoping to drug Su Xi and get a consent form for fund donation.]

[Did the person behind the scenes say this? ]

【It's their own idea. Those guys are very smart. It's unclear what the people behind the scenes are thinking, but they know that the heir of the Su family is smart and it's not good for them. Especially for someone like Su Xi who focuses on interests, he will never learn from his father to do favors and give money to keep them in place. As long as Su Xi dies, they will push out a sucker, and the rest can take advantage of Su Yi's unstable power to sneak away or find another way out.】

Wulongcha was able to learn all this because the victim secretly recorded the conversation, intending to leave a way out for his wife and children. If Su Xi hadn't shown Su Yu the financial report, Wulongcha would not have checked it at all!

The things those bastards embezzled were enough to cover the initial deposit of 10 million! It and Su Yu worked so hard and saved up only a few million, but these bastards actually swallowed so much!
It hated that it couldn't pass the information to the host. Otherwise, it could disguise itself as a hacker, or directly make the host a genius hacker, and it could easily kill those guys.

Wait...genius hacker, maybe it's possible!

Su Yu didn't know what Wulongcha was thinking. She cursed in her heart, "Fuck, the people behind the scenes didn't find out which poisonous snake it was, but these dogs are really poisonous! They dare to kill people! Are they looking at Su Yi as someone who is easy to fool?"

Su Yi, who had just finished his meal, felt that he came at the wrong time. Su Yu's murderous look made him feel wronged. Who on earth had provoked this little girl again? Why didn't he scold the culprit instead of scolding him?
Su Yu, who was full of murderous intent, was really hateful! Those people relied on the money earned by Su Xi to get to this point! Those bastards actually wanted to kill people! If she hadn't asked Wulongcha to go with her, would the family have to hold a funeral?

"Uncle, once unfaithful, never again! It's useless to give such people a chance to reform! Those who have had their scholarships deducted by them, dropped out of school, or have been tortured by life must be suffering and helpless when they see them living well!"

Su Yu slapped the table as he spoke!

She is angry!
How dare someone hurt her family!
She wants to complain to her grandmother!
Su Yu wanted to run out, but was stopped by Su Xi. "Okay, don't be angry. I will contact your uncle's father-in-law today to discuss a suitable plan."


[Oolong tea, you keep an eye on it. If you need to use the card, don't be polite, just spend it. If the money is gone, we can make more! ]

【Um! 】

Wulongcha was also on high alert. Su Xi was the only one in the family who could make money. If Su Yi, a good-for-nothing who only knew how to give money away, was replaced, Wulongcha was worried that it would be given away by Su Yi before its project with Su Yu started to make money!

Su Xi had no choice but to cover up his lie and sent a message to Shi Xu, asking his father-in-law for help.

Wulongcha stared at Su Xi, and Su Yu was not idle either. She went to Xu Mingyue to complain.

Su Yu spoke a lot, mainly emphasizing that those people were so hateful and she wanted to find someone to help.

"I don't know if Uncle Shi Xu's father-in-law can help. If there are uncles or aunts in the Xu family who can help, can we pay them to help?"

Xu Mingyue touched Su Yu's head and said everything in her heart. She could understand her anger. The feeling of being separated from her loved ones was too painful!

"Trust your uncle. He needs help. Grandma will contact someone else. Things like this should be done quietly."


【Grandma has a lot of experience, listen to her! 】

Su Yu complained to Xu Mingyue and went to find Ji Yan.

"Mom, you must not trust the Su family! Balabala..."

Ji Yan was confused at first, but later she understood what Su Yu was thinking.

"Mom will!"

"Mom, don't trust anyone!"

Ji Yan was very curious, "Baby, why do you think I will trust the Su family in the future?"

Thank you for your votes, darlings~
A brief version of the Xu family's relationships: Xu Weiran of the Xu family has an eldest daughter, an eldest son, and a youngest daughter (Xu Mingyue). The eldest son of the Xu family gave birth to two sons. The eldest grandson of the Xu family gave birth to Xu Mobai (unmarried) and Xu Mo'an (Xu Mo'an is the older brother, who gave birth to two sons, Xu Ruyi and Xu Rushan).

The second grandson of the Xu family gave birth to Xu Mosheng (Xu Mosheng gave birth to two sons Xu Ruchu and Xu Ruyun) and Xu Moyan (unmarried).

The eldest daughter is dead. She married Qin Zhenzhong, Qin Yuanjun's father.

I have also revised the previous chapters and written this chapter. If there are any errors or questions, please tell me~

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