Chapter 278 Which company to go to

Su Yu looked at the photo and said, "Yes!"

She went over and looked through the photo albums on the bookshelf, looking for photos that she thought were not so ugly.

"Hey! Why is she walking like this? She doesn't look like a human being!"

"But she is a human being, and her face is not ugly!"

There are even uglier ones, and Su Yu was worried that Tang Can would be scared.

“Why did they become like this?”

Tang Can had seen many people, but she had never seen one like this. The ugliest people she had ever seen were better looking than the one in front of her!

"People in that place ate things they shouldn't have, and they got addicted and couldn't stop, and that's what happened!"

Tang Can tilted his head, "Are the people in that place like this?"

“Part of the place is!”

"Why would anyone want to go to a place like that?"

Tang Can didn't like the fact that a relative's family put all their gold in a prominent place at home, so she tried her best not to go to that relative's house every time.

"Other places are good. If you change the map, it will be different!"

Su Yu selected several foreign scenic spots and showed them to the audience in front of the camera, then switched back to China, skillfully selected an area with a fish pond, and started fishing!

The fishing rod on the screen moved. Su Yu controlled the little man, lifted the fishing rod, and was happy to see the grass carp on it.

"There are very few grass carps in this place. It means you are lucky to catch one!"

Su Yu clicked it, and the screen was filled with large amounts of popular science text, which stunned the netizens in front of the screen.

So, there are quite a lot of words? It's also quite clear! But the fish is quite big, and it can be squeezed out from the words, showing its presence strongly. I guess it can't be stewed in one pot.

After Su Yu fished a few times and failed to catch any grass carp, she drove her dog Nini to the bakery to bake bread.

"The bread baked here is not edible and is of no use, but it looks good!"

There is an ingredient list next to the toast. I added the ingredients according to the actual amounts used and then started making bread.

Su Yu pressed the acceleration button and a strawberry-shaped bread popped up on the screen.

"That's it, there's a lot more fun to do!"

Netizens were amazed at first, and then doubted. They wondered if their phones could support this configuration? If their salaries could cover the cost, they wondered.

There are so many projects in this APP, it’s scary!

After Su Yu introduced the functions of the game one by one, he began to introduce the pricing of the game.

"These clothes are free, these are one dollar, and these are ten dollars. You can wait for your physical strength to recover automatically, or you can buy them with real money, it only costs ten cents!"

Su Yu introduced all the krypton gold projects, the lowest price is ten cents and the highest is ten dollars. If you are willing to watch ads, you can get it for free. The price is so cheap that some netizens suspect whether it is a scam?
For games on the market, 1 yuan is a drop in the bucket, 6 yuan is a benefit, 30 yuan is a monthly card, 58 yuan is a gift pack, 128 yuan is an activity booth, 328 yuan is a small spender per game, and 648 yuan is the standard configuration...and for this game she introduced, if I’m not mistaken, 648 yuan can buy 648 sets of clothes?
Seeing the clothes Liang Yan projected on the screen, some dress-up enthusiasts were tempted. If this effect really works, they would spend a lot of money on it for one yuan a set! After introducing the game, Su Yu remembered the desktop APP, which is priced about the same. However, the lowest price of the desktop APP is one yuan, and the highest is ten yuan, and the main cost is to change the skin. Other functions are also very cheap.

Su Yu finished her introduction and ran over to turn off the live broadcast. "This is the end of my sharing today. Thank you for your support. Bye!"

Su Yu turned off the live broadcast and continued fishing.

Tang Can was reading about the local customs and practices. If she didn't understand something, she could click on the voice broadcast and let the doll-like figure explain it to her.

Liang Yan was addicted to changing clothes and having a lot of fun!
When I got home in the evening, each of my three children had a mobile phone with the beta test app installed.

Su Yu's live broadcast was also very successful. After watching the live broadcast, netizens downloaded and tried the desktop APP. No matter what the problem was, it was fixed in less than two hours after feedback.

This reaction speed is still very explosive in the gaming world!

You know, there are some game manufacturers who can pretend not to see the players' complaints on their official blogs every day. The projects that require krypton gold are carefully maintained, while the projects without money are perfunctory.

Some players were satisfied with the company's attitude and started spending money to play games.

Internet celebrities on major platforms discovered this hot topic and spontaneously live-streamed the process of playing games and finding bugs.

Internet celebrities will first find a bug, and then check the next day to see if the bug has been fixed!
On all major platforms, as long as the problem is reported within the specified time, it can be resolved the next day.

The gamers' experience is very good! The users are constantly recommending the game, and the download volume of both the game and the desktop app and the number of players who pay for the game are continuously increasing!
The first game made by Ji Tianlin was a hit!
The number of registered users on the first day exceeded one million, and the number of users who spent money exceeded 100,000. The number of users increased subsequently, and the daily active users continued to increase. Advertising companies actively came to us to seek cooperation!
This achievement and result are already very good for a company like theirs that does not advertise on major platforms!
After that day, Su Yu was forced to study at home by Su Xi. Liang Yan and Tang Can came to study with her, so Su Yu did not make a fuss about going to the company to play games.

"Huo Huo, I support you. There are too many classes every day!"

Su Yu, Liang Yan and Tang Can can be said to be studying from morning to night, and they no longer have the same sense of comfort as before!
Su Yu wanted to give up, but her mother was watching her, so she didn't dare to do anything!
"Yes, yes, there are too many classes. I am so tired every day that I go to bed as soon as I am tired. I am also hungry easily!"

Tang Can shook his head, "There's nothing we can do. It's because we have such a heavy burden. It's better to study now than later!"

Tang Can was so sure about what he said that Su Yu was very curious, "Cancan, how do you know that studying now is better than studying later?"

Under the gaze of Su Yu and Liang Yan, Tang Can said proudly, "I heard Ren Tiandu acting like a spoiled child with my aunt! He said he really didn't want to learn anymore, but our whole family supports him to learn, and he kept saying he didn't understand!"

Tang Can understood that he must not have studied well, so he couldn't understand.

Liang Yan's voice trembled, "Then I will study hard now! When I grow up, I will definitely have things to learn!"

Su Yu felt that what Liang Yan and Tang Can said made sense, but she still didn't want to go to class.

This kind of life continued until Liang Yan and Tang Can went to school, and she returned to work.

However, Su Xi and Ji Tianlin have different opinions about her going to work.

Su Xi wanted to take Su Yu back to Su's, but Ji Tianlin thought that it would be too boring for Su Yu to go to Su's. It would be better for her to go to Ji's, where everyone in the company could play with her!

Su Yi, who was still working at Su's, was inclined to let Su Yu go to Su's, but he didn't dare to speak up for fear that his father-in-law would be unhappy!

Xu Mingyue squatted down and picked up Su Yu, "Baby, which company do you want to go to?"

I will revise the article tomorrow. Good night, my dears.

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