Chapter 340 Robot Pet

“We’re running low on stock.”

After the first batch is sold out, the next batch will be booked. This thing is not cheap, and after the technology is improved and the robots are updated, the old version robots that have been stockpiled will become waste and cannot even be sold at cost price.

Liang Yan was a little frustrated, "I like Fluffy so much!"

Ji Yan couldn't bring herself to give the robot here to Liang Yan. The robots at home were specially reserved by Ji Tianlin and Su Xi and given to Su Yu. That was their intention, although Su Yu didn't know it yet.

"Don't worry, the sales are so hot, we will definitely produce it in bulk! The pre-orders will definitely be made, and the money has been paid!"

【While it’s a hot topic now, sell more to make up for the loss! 】


Liang Yan stroked the fur, and his desire faded a little. "The feel of this fur is not as good as that of a real dog."

It feels fluffy and soft, but if you press it a little harder you'll feel the hard skin, which is quite different from soft creatures.

After playing with the robot, Su Yu and Liang Yan took a walk around the community.

The community is still clean and tidy, and adults and children living here are very relaxed. The staff of major stores are warm and hospitable, and it looks thriving.

“The atmosphere here is great!”

There are a lot of advertisements, but they are mainly posters, and no advertising words are played, which makes the community noisy. The posters are also arranged in a more aesthetic way. Looking through them, it doesn't feel like watching an advertisement, but more like watching a comic strip jointly performed by major brands.

Stores in the community don’t need loud speakers to call customers, as the service staff here are already too busy to handle it. Some stores have even applied to the property management for robots to help explain and sell goods.

"Why are there so many people here?"

"They are all girls, so shopping is very relaxing and comfortable."

The entire community is full of girls. Taking photos is not allowed in the restricted areas. All store cameras must be registered with the property management, and surveillance videos will be deleted regularly unless there are special circumstances.

Girls feel comfortable wandering around no matter what they wear!
Some female-dominated clothing clubs, such as the Hanfu Club, also come here regularly to hold events and take photos and have meals together.

“It can be seen that the things here are not very expensive.”

Liang Yan believes that more people buy things because they are not expensive.

“There are price requirements.”

The property management company will regularly collect the prices of products in the store and compare them with external prices. If they are higher by a certain percentage, the property management company will call the store owner for a talk.

If someone complains, the property management will handle it, and stores that seriously overcharge customers will be cleared out of Yanleyuan.

So far, no stupid shop has crossed the border. There are many people here, and the business is so good that if the shop moves out, it will not be able to come in.

Liang Yan noted down the shops he visited, "It seems that few shops have overlapping businesses, and even if there are, there are not many, and each has its own characteristics."

The restaurants they passed by all sold food, but one sold braised food, one sold Lanzhou ramen, one sold hot pot, and one sold Cantonese cuisine.

There may be some overlap, but each has its own flavor.

"When attracting investment for a property, we encourage businesses with unique characteristics to move in, and we don't want vicious competition."

It is easy for problems to arise when the same stores are opened in the same area, "and we have a limited number of stores here."

At that time, Su Yu felt that there were too many shops in the design. Even when Yanleyuan was just starting to develop, she also felt that there were too many shops.

In recent years, Yanleyuan has been full every year, and it is difficult to find a room. The shops here are a little insufficient. Some of them are opened by several people in cooperation.

“That income should be pretty good!”

"Well, let's check the accounts."

When checking accounts, Su Yu usually relies on oolong tea to help.

"Boss Su! The computer has already compiled it, please check it out!"

The affairs within the community are basically handled by Xu Mingyue and Ji Yan, and Su Yu's visit to check the accounts is just a formality.

After checking and finding no problems, Su Yu went with Liang Yan to her dog theme park to check the accounts.

The dog theme park is very popular. Most of the middle and low-income dog owners in Kyoto bring their dogs here to play and party.

When Su Yu and the others went in, there were the sounds of dogs barking and howling everywhere.

Liang Yan looked at the dogs around him with his bright eyes, wishing he could pet each and every one of them.

“They’re all so cute!”

In the dog play area in front, the dogs were having a great time. Some people were taking photos of their dogs with their phones and cameras, while others were using their Polaroid cameras and other equipment to capture beautiful memories with their dogs.

Liang Yan and Su Yu walked to the back area, and the staff quickly brought the computer to Liang Yan for inspection.

[Oolong tea, can you check if there is any problem? ]

Wulongcha did a quick check, [No problem, it's just that the consumption of resources for stray dogs is a bit high. There are too many stray dogs, especially sick ones.]

The staff also mentioned this issue. After knowing that the dogs are adopted for free, some people even want to throw their dogs in here as stray dogs, and then take them back when the dogs recover. There are also free tutorials online that teach people how to get free medical services for dogs here.

The staff here tried to set conditions, but there were many people who took advantage of loopholes. In the end, they could only set the adopter to pay for the pet's medical expenses to stop this trend of freeloading.

But as soon as this requirement came out, the number of applications for adopting sick dogs dropped sharply.

"Not all dog behaviors attract fans. Except for a few celebrity dogs, most dogs are not liked by people. They can also get depressed."

Dogs also need emotional value. The staff are too tired. They are exhausted from feeding and cleaning the cages every day. They have no time to play with them and vent their energy. Dogs also have social circles. Dogs with social phobia or being excluded will be very lonely.

"Try to train them to be companion dogs first? If they have a strong need for human emotions, you can open a dog cafe or dog retail store and let the dogs serve as waiters."

Liang Yan took Su Yu and the staff to visit the area where the stray dogs stayed. Some stayed in the public area to play, while others stayed in their cages to sleep.

"Some aggressive dogs are also troublesome and can only be kept in cages. It's not good to give them up, but continuing to keep them is also very stressful."

A mad dog is different from a mad person. A mad person has very clear external manifestations and can live in a mental hospital, but a mad dog does not. Some dogs are just crazy by nature, and humans cannot understand their behavior.

When these problems come to light, the staff members face the greatest difficulty.

"Some adopters move away and refuse to return visits, which puts the staff in charge of this area in a difficult position."

Some people don't want to be disturbed, some people don't take good care of their dogs and don't dare to accept follow-up visits. Some people just transferred their dogs and don't know anything. Anyway, there are all kinds of weird reasons, and the staff in charge of this are going bald!
After looking at the stray dogs, Su Yu and Liang Yan went upstairs to see the dogs that were being trained.

"The problem with the training grounds here is that there are too many complaints. But it's really not our trainers' fault. Some dog students have poor memories, and parents don't have time to reinforce the learning content from time to time. In the end, customers will think that we are cheating them out of their money."

Dogs also need to consolidate what they have learned. Not all dogs are smart.

Liang Yan took out a notebook and wrote down the questions here, preparing to go back and ask his teacher and parents.

After visiting the dog park, Liang Yan subconsciously wanted to go to the cat castle.

"Sister Xiaoyu, shall we go see Cancan's cat castle?"

"I do not want to go."

Tang Can entrusted the Cat Castle to Tang Tang. Currently, Tang Tang is in charge of the management. However, Tang Tang's parents were unhappy when they heard that the Cat Castle was making a lot of money, and they wanted to fight for the management rights.

The reason is that Tang Can's property should be managed by her parents, not by her aunt Tang Tang. Tang Can's parents are abroad, so it is logical that they should be in charge as grandparents. Oolong Tea has checked and found that this is a mess, and Su Yu has no right to intervene!
Liang Yan was a little frustrated, "Cancan's cat castle, what a pity!"

Su Yu didn't feel sorry. "This isn't her future direction. As long as the cats live a normal life, that's fine! Didn't she say that she would talk to her family about it later?"

Tang Tang was unwilling to let go not because of the money, but because she was worried that her parents would cut back on the food for the stray cats in order to achieve greater profits. If the people above only cared about the famous cats, the lives of the less famous cats might be even worse than when they were strays.

When Tang Can achieves success in the medical field and makes money, she can "redeem" him. Her parents feel guilty about her, so she buys him with money. Her grandparents won't be too embarrassed to see that she has become a successful person.

"Yeah, we can give her money!"

"Huo Huo, that's an investment!"


Su Yu and Liang Yan continued to bring a group of bodyguards to randomly select the Su and Liang families' businesses to study and check the accounts. When they found any problems, they would report them to their respective parents and wait for others to take over.

After a busy whole day, Su Yu returned home at nine o'clock in the evening.

"Wow! Is this for me?"

The plush bear whose eyes suddenly lit up, similar to the one in Yanleyuan Studio, did not scare Su Yu. She happily held the bear high up!
This bear is as big as her schoolbag, and it has two straps so it can be carried like a schoolbag!
"Yes, I made it especially for you. Do you like it?"

"I like it, thank you grandpa!"

Su Yu hugged the bear and touched it. Just as Liang Yan said, the fur was very soft, but the skin was a little cold and hard.

But she was very satisfied!
Ji Tianlin pressed down the bear's paw. "This is a switch. Pressing it will open the bear's belly. You can put some daily necessities in it."


Su Yu touched it and found that there was a lot of space in the bear's belly, enough for her to put books and notebooks!

"This backpack also has the functions that other robots are equipped with. It is hidden in its ears. It has a touch screen mode. You can try to operate it. In a safe area, you can turn it off."

It has two big ears, one is the operation panel, and the other is the emergency help button to prevent accidental touching. It is really thoughtful!
"I love it so much!"

Su Yu really liked it and didn't want to let go after holding it.

"Mom too?"

"Yes, you all have them. Your mother's are in her room."

How could Ji Tianlin miss out on his precious daughter!

I asked my daughter before ordering it, and it was completely based on her preferences. I wanted to give Su Yu a surprise, so I didn't ask her.

"Grandpa, you are so kind!"

Su Yu jumped up and down, holding the bag and went to Su Yi to show it off.

"Dad, did you see that?"

Su Yu waved her bear bag in front of Su Yi at a 365-degree angle.

“Super big and cute!”

"This big bear backpack is exactly what I want!"

"My uncle and grandpa gave it to me!"

“A plush bear with all kinds of functions that can be used as a doll or a backpack!”

"Oh, this is a custom-made one, and it has the owner's name on it~"

“Beautiful and practical!”

The most important thing is, "My mother and I both have it, but you don't!"

Su Yi thought that the bad relationship between father and daughter was definitely not his fault alone, and this scene was the ironclad evidence!
"I do not need!"


Su Yi: No!

"I understand. You don't have a bag. Of course you don't need one."

After showing off, Su Yu jumped and ran to find Ji Tianlin, wanting to give one to his two friends.

"Grandpa, can it be customized? I want to buy it for Huo Huo and Can Can!"

"Sure. We have a batch of goods specially reserved as gifts. What shape do you want?"

"Wait a minute, let me ask Huo Huo and Can Can!"

Su Yu used her mobile phone to record a video of her bag and sent it to Liang Yan and Tang Can, asking them what appearance they wanted.

Liang Yan called back within seconds.

"Sister Xiaoyu, I want a dog! A big dog!"


Su Yu looked up at Ji Tianlin.

Ji Tianlin nodded and asked the staff to send one over tomorrow.

Tang Can replied before Su Yu went to bed. She still loved cats deeply and wanted a bag in the shape of a cat.

Su Yu sent a message to Ji Tianlin and then went to sleep peacefully.

The next day at noon, Su Yu went home with Liang Yan and saw Liang Yan's robot bag in the shape of a big dog.

Liang Yan held it in his arms and played with it for a while, and even tried to carry it on his back. "It's a little heavy, but it's OK!"

Ji Tianlin said helplessly, "Due to current technical problems, it is impossible to reduce the weight if we want to add some functions."

"It's already very good! Thank you, Grandpa Ji!"

Liang Yan smiled happily! The style she reserved on the website was not as good-looking as this one, and she had to wait at least a month!
"nice! You love it!"

Liang Yan liked it very much and even pestered Su Yu to go to school with him in the afternoon carrying the new schoolbag.

Su Yu agreed immediately!
She had wanted to carry it a long time ago, but in the morning she had to consider Liang Yan's mood for not getting the bag, so she didn't have to in the afternoon!
The two little sisters walked into the school carrying their bags. Passersby just glanced at them for a few seconds, but when they arrived at the classroom, Abuxia came up to them and looked at them directly.

"How come you all have them?"

Abuxia wanted to show off her bag, but Su Yu and Liang Yan's bags were bigger than hers!
"My uncle and grandpa gave it to me!"

"Hehe, sister Xiaoyu gave it to me!"

Liang Yan didn't like Abu Xia. She was not nice to listen to and liked to talk to them. She was a bit annoying.
"Tsk, my teacher sent me off too!"

After Abuxia left, Liang Yan's teacher came over. Liang Yan packed up her things and prepared for class, but the teacher stopped in front of their desk and did not move.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

Thank you for your votes, darlings~
Four thousand words
Good night, babies.

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