Chapter 367 New Game Test

"Yes, I'm going to see your great-grandmother!"

Ji Yan and Su Yi were free recently, so they discussed it and decided to go and accompany the elderly.

"Mom, did you discuss the company's business with grandma? I want to borrow the interns from your entertainment company. I want them to show up for the promotion. I'll pay them, but it's not too high!"

Ji Yan's studio has become a company. Most of the artists in the company are paid on a salary basis. They can get full attendance bonuses by completing daily tasks, which is no different from working outside.

Some people who love art but feel that their talents are not recognized are also willing to live and create in this environment.

The most profitable part of Ji Yan's company is the new media department. Netizens love to find their favorite girls under the company's new media account and cheer for them.

"What to do?"

Ever since Su Yu shared the income of her game studio, the fans of her account have been very active.

Everyone is paying close attention to Su Yu, the very high-profile "crown daughter". They are curious about her final results and question whether she can take over such a large group as the Su Corporation.

The artists in Ji Yan's company need to be exposed. Ji Yan will not let go of such an opportunity. She also has to choose the right person in her mind according to Su Yu's requirements.

"I added various facial expression data, animal and plant modeling, jewelry modeling, daily utensil modeling, etc. to the APP. The newly created characters have vivid expressions and can interpret various human emotions. The environment can also achieve a one-to-one replica of the real scene. I want the director or screenwriter to participate and shoot in the game.

This is a bit of a large workload and may require the collaboration of multiple people.”

"Okay, what about the contract?"

The screenwriters in the company have been producing scripts for a long time, and the directors are also busy filming. But there are many employees in the internship group. If Su Yu's game APP is really effective, Ji Yan will use public funds to send people in the company for training later.

Su Yu took out the contract from his briefcase.

Ji Yan finished reading it and said, "Send me the electronic version. With these conditions, we can only recruit interns."

"Yeah, I know!"

People who play games are basically not professionals. Su Yu considered hiring professionals to create a strong atmosphere and make a bunch of very professional and beautiful videos.

But after visiting the review sections of other games with beautifully drawn styles, she gave up the idea.

If she sets the cap too high and initially presents something too good to players, they will blame the game officials when they fail to achieve the advertised effect.

If players complain too much, they will want to quit the game. Su Yu's game is still young, so let's invite some ordinary people to play.

"Someone picked up the phone, please ask them to contact you!"

After saying that, Ji Yan touched Su Yu's head and said, "The price you set is a bit low."

“I didn’t intend to do it well!”

Su Yu expressed her thoughts. For this test, she planned to invite players and Ji Yan's more professional people to evaluate it.

"Okay, I'll tell them straight. Anything else, babe?"

"No, I will miss you, mom!"

Su Yu hugged Ji Yan, feeling reluctant to let her go.

"Well, Mom will miss you too!"

Ji Yan and Su Yi left, leaving a bunch of overtime crazy people at home. Every time Su Yu came home and saw them like this, she also started to work hard.

Time soon arrived and it was the day of Su Yu's public test.

Ji Yan explained it clearly, so the two girls from her company really wanted to play this game and didn't care about the salary.

The recruited players also arrived at the game studio.

Everything was ready. Su Yu asked people to turn on all the cameras, connect them to her account, and start live streaming how three veteran players, an intern director, and an intern screenwriter created short films in the game.

Su Yu asked the Propaganda Department to keep a close eye on public opinion, set up five people's exclusive live broadcast rooms below, and give out some gifts to attract traffic to their live broadcast rooms.

[This update seems useless?]
[The technology is good, how about considering the face-pinching game?]
[Too few free images!]
[Is this a show of superiority? Players who pay for games eat really well!]
[It’s a good thing the model doesn’t look like a human.]
[Wow, I suddenly thought, can I pinch a person I like to accompany me forever?]
[With just five people, how can we detect a DER? We can’t even detect bugs, right?]

Su Yu would take notes carefully when she saw useful opinions or suggestions. For example, when she saw the suggestion of "making a sculpture of a person you like to accompany you", Su Yu quickly thought of issues such as "emotional sustenance" and "personal image privacy disputes".

In this live broadcast, the players who participated in the test were very happy!
The three of them are the top three people who spend the most money on this feature. They already like to create characters by pinching faces, so they are very interested in this new feature!
Especially you can build a small house!
In reality, houses near popular scenic spots are extremely expensive! In the game, their characters can live in large villas and choose the site to enjoy the view!

"Boss Su, please implement this function as soon as possible!"

"I'm looking forward to it. Please be quick, Mr. Su, and don't be merciful to my wallet!!!"


After the live broadcast, Su Yu summarized everyone's experience, revised the data, and set up a privacy button for players, allowing them to set it themselves to make a created character public or private.

If anyone is found to be using other people's images for profit or using other people's images without permission, causing trouble to others, the account will be blocked after verification and the official investigation will be assisted.

Added the privilege of skipping ads. VIP customers who pay money will be issued a fixed number of skip cards based on their level and sign in online every week. Using one skip card, you can skip one ad.

Added secondary password verification. Players must verify their secondary password again when redeeming peripherals. If verification fails three times, the account will be locked, temporarily blocked, and a message will be sent to all contacts of the account.


Su Yu changed too many parts. She was afraid that the system would have bugs, so she conducted a full game test. The game system issued experience coupons based on the player's activity and krypton gold level.

One experience voucher can only be used to create one character. The experience voucher is a one-time item and is valid for seven days.

As soon as the event was launched, the whole server celebrated and it was as lively as the Chinese New Year!

In particular, Su Yu promised that if players find a bug, rewards will be given to the three players who respond first. The optional items include skip cards, experience coupons and peripherals.

Su Yu's game was so lively that it seemed like Chinese New Year. Everyone in the game studio was also keeping a close eye on the data.

They all hope that the game data will get better and better! This little boss is really generous! When she makes money, she will give out red envelopes, and big red envelopes!
"Knock knock! Boss, someone is looking for Ms. Ji Yan. She said she has something important to tell you!"


It's very important, why didn't she call her mother, but came to Su's? Oolong tea shook, [It's Jiang Yuzhen! ]

Su Yu instantly lost interest in going out, "Tell her my mother is not here!"


The front desk clerk immediately went out to answer the call.

【Oolong tea, what is she doing here? 】

[She has no money left because of the popularity! 】

Jiang Yuzhen's jewelry was taken away by Jiang's brothers to pay off debts.

The Jiang family lost the Shui family, a high-ranking backer, and was caught up in family infighting, which discouraged investors. In just one month, the Jiang family declared bankruptcy and lost everything, including the ancestral property of the Jiang family!
Jiang Yuzhen's brothers got all the money, but Jiang Yuzhen didn't get any. She sold all her jewelry, but she didn't get any money!
The boys of the Jiang family raised enough money from the company and their families, and left Kyoto one by one to develop their careers elsewhere.

Jiang Qiuyu was thrown into the community nursing home in his hometown and left to fend for himself!
Jiang Yuzhen was the only one left, and she also wanted to move back to the high-end residential area where she once lived, but she had no money!
After much thought, Jiang Yuzhen thought about her character as a poor daughter, her popularity and her relationship with Ji Yan, and she decided to create some hype!
She had looked at the data of those internet celebrities, each one was more horrifying than the other, which made Jiang Yuzhen, who wanted to make money, feel itchy!
"Mom doesn't want to see me!"

"I didn't want to change it back then!"

"I'm a victim too!"

"These years, my mother didn't want to see me because of her other daughter!"

Jiang Yuzhen cried bitterly. The title of her live broadcast room was #The poor girl wants to see her mother before leaving Kyoto#.

It’s a very long title, but it makes some people very excited!

Those who like to flatter the powerful and bully the weak saw Jiang Yuzhen's title and came in to attack her. They like to trample on those who were once high and mighty, and seeing them sad and upset because of various remarks, they seem to be able to draw energy from it.

Those people became Jiang Yuzhen's traffic boosters in disguise, making her live broadcast room more popular.

The number of fans and online viewers kept increasing, and Jiang Yuzhen almost couldn't maintain her own personality! She thought that her money was taken away by her brothers, and soon she felt sad, angry, and other emotions, which suppressed her smile!

"I'm going to wait here. I have to see my mom! That might be the last time we see each other!"

Jiang Yuzhen cried bitterly, and some "emotional" people began to turn against her.

[Isn’t it just a meeting? What’s so difficult about that? Can’t you come out and take a look?]
[I really don’t understand the world of love-brained people!]
[Leaving Kyoto alone and without a family? Be careful not to be picked up and taken away, and then you won’t be able to come back!]
[She is also a poor child. She doesn’t want to change her identity!]

More and more people were speaking up for Jiang Yuzhen in the comments, and the public relations department even received the news.

"Boss Su, do you need to intervene?"

The size of the Su family's public relations department is not comparable to that of Jiang Yuzhen, who just logged in and became famous by touching Ji Yan and Su Yu. As long as Su Yu wants, they can block Jiang Yuzhen's live broadcast room now.

"No need, I'll call mom!"

Su Yu returned to her office and made a video call to Ji Yan.

"Good afternoon, honey. Have you had lunch?"


"Baby, you look so haggard. You need to combine work with rest!"

Ji Yan was shocked when she saw Su Yu's face. Su Yu looked ten years older without makeup! Was she working overtime these days?

Ji Yan was a little worried that after she returned, her beloved daughter would get used to this pattern and force Su Yi to join in!

"Jiang Yuzhen is here to see you, and she's showing off her intelligence in the lobby!"

Su Yu's words were full of jealousy! Didn't her mother say she would ignore her?

She can control public opinion, but she is still unhappy when she is approached! Jiang Yuzhen is so shameless. She clearly knows what the Jiang and Shui families have done, but she still looks innocent, riding on their family's popularity to gain everyone's sympathy!
Ji Yan quickly proved her innocence, "Baby, I didn't talk to her after that!"

After asking her daughter and knowing her attitude, Ji Yan stopped talking to Jiang Yuzhen. And Jiang Yuzhen was too purposeful.

She went back to the Jiang family that year, but she didn't look for her. Now that she's having a hard time, she comes to look for her. Jiang Yuzhen thinks that Ji Yan is such a cheap person.
"Yeah, I'm going to skin her!"

After Su Yu finished speaking, she hung up the phone and asked Meng Xianle to bring their army of internet trolls to Jiang Yuzhen's live broadcast room to flood the screen.

[Your account has been registered for such a long time, why is there no news about Ji Yan?]
[If you look at Ji Yan's IP, she would never do such a thing! ]
[Isn't it too ugly to ride on the popularity?]
[The Jiang family is really dirty from the same lineage!]
[When nothing happened, she didn't have a job, and she didn't spend much money to raise me. When something happened, I wanted to see my mother for the last time. Are you cursing? Or are you cursing?]

Meng Xianle's army of trolls was already skilled, and soon filled the entire live broadcast screen. Jiang Yuzhen took a glance, but dared not look again, and pretended to cry!
She regrets it too!

Who would have known that the Shui family, which seemed so powerful, would one day fall from grace?
Thinking of this, Jiang Yuzhen hated her cousin Shui Shouhong even more!

At that time, he impulsively beat up a colleague who came to visit him. His face was the best escape-from-death gold medal, and the leader would most likely forgive him.

But when everyone was most tolerant, Shui Shouhong made mistakes frequently!

He is not clear-headed enough in conveying orders, etc. Secondly, when he completes the task, there will be some small loopholes, which are not fatal, but are a big risk to his teammates.

He was "retired" after he nearly leaked classified documents.

The other members of the Shui family are not as smart anymore, they have no resources and no status. In addition, Shui Shouhong's grandparents, father and mother are partial to him, their precious child, and are not very nice to other members of the family.

After Shui Shouhong's family fell from power, no member of the Shui family came to help them.

They had no choice but to leave Kyoto in disgrace and move back to the Shui family's old house to live!
"Wow, my relatives don't want me anymore. I can't even see them when I want to!"

The Jiang family brothers don’t want to see her or give her money!

The Shui family moved away from Kyoto and could only live an ordinary life. They had no money to support her as a burden. She was left alone with a bad reputation. What was wrong with her trying to make money?
Why do they have to do this?
Jiang Yuzhen cried with all her heart!

Su Yu showed no mercy!

"We projected all of her embarrassing moments that have been made public over the years into the lobby, using our newly developed 3D projection technology to let her experience what it feels like to be socially dead on the spot!"

The 3D projection technology newly developed by Su's company, in which Su Yu participated, allows virtual images, including but not limited to game characters, anime characters, real people, etc., to be projected to a fixed location and perform some interactive actions.

Thank you for your votes, darlings~
Good night, babies.

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