Chapter 60: Day of Kids Show (Part )
The third family that appeared next was an ordinary family. The husband, Pan Zhongmin, was a wealthy family in Beijing. His wife, Meng Yanlin, was a popular internet celebrity doctor who had the title of the most beautiful doctor. Their daughter, Pan Xia, just turned four this year.

[Dr. Meng is really kind and nice. She has sponsored many people who cannot afford medical treatment online and also provided free medical consultations.]

【Dr. Meng went to the countryside to support rural medical care not long ago. He is truly a kind person.】

[It is said that Dr. Meng married into a wealthy family. Does anyone know that her husband is from a wealthy family? ]

[However, the Pan family can still be ranked among the top families in Beijing, but it is not as good as the Chu family, Gu family, and He family. ]

[It is a blessing that Pan Zhongmin has accumulated over several lifetimes to marry our Doctor Meng. Our Doctor Meng is more than qualified to be with Chu Jingyan.]

【Online @Chu Yingdi, you can steal his girlfriend. 】

[Is what the above person said sensible? It is immoral to destroy other people's families. ]

I can only say that there are so many different kinds of people on the Internet, and they say all kinds of things.

The fourth group to appear was the intern family. Meng Qingyi was waiting backstage. When she saw the people walking on the red carpet, she couldn't help but frown. It was really a narrow road for enemies to meet.

[Where are my entertainment industry connections? Susu reports the profiles of the handsome men and beautiful women on the red carpet.]

[Ahh. Ahh., it’s them!!!]

【who is it? 】

[They are the most suitable couple in Beijing. The man is Gu Huainian, the young master of Weilan Technology. Do you know Weilan Technology? The Weilan Technology that monopolizes almost all ports in Beijing. The woman is Jiang Zhilan, the eldest daughter of Jiang's family. Jiang's family can only be regarded as an ordinary wealthy family in Beijing, but Jiang Zhilan herself is excellent. She graduated with honors from Beijing University with a major in business administration at a young age. After joining her own company, she once turned losses into profits and saved the precarious Jiang family. ]

[Now the two are about to get engaged, what a strong combination. 】

[Hey, you are so rich now, why do you still participate in variety shows! ]

Four groups of families have appeared, and only the last group is left.

"Are you nervous?" Chu Jingyan and Meng Qingyi were separated by Chu Yan, so he had to turn his head to look at her.

Meng Qingyi held Chu Yan's little hand tightly, tightened her face, and nodded.

"Mom, don't be afraid, I will protect you." Chu Yan's little hand slid across her palm and he stared at her confidently.

Before Meng Qingyi could speak, Chu Jingyan walked to her left and held her hand tightly, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Meng Qingyi raised her eyes to look at him, with a gleam in her eyes. Their eyes met, as if there was no one else around. She nodded in response unconsciously.

"Dad, you"

Chu Yan was about to interrupt the two of them when a staff member stepped forward and said, "Teacher Chu, are you ready? It's your turn."

"Okay." Chu Jingyan said.

Because the guest seats were some distance away from the entrance, people sitting in the waiting area could not see the three people who were about to appear on stage.

"Do you know who the last family is?" Bai Haoran asked.

Lan Qi replied: "I don't know. The director kept it a secret. I didn't know that Mr. Bai was also participating until I arrived at the scene."

Bai Haoran quietly rolled his eyes where the camera couldn't see, passed Lan Qi and looked at Gu Huainian, "Boss Gu, is there any inside information?"

"Emperor Bai is joking. I don't know either."

"Won't we know this right away?" Gu Huainian said.


"It's really Mr. Chu, he really got married."

"Mom, I'm dead." "His wife is so beautiful, and his son is so handsome, too, even cuter than the cute baby just now."

Screams were heard one after another, and the guests could no longer hold back. They stood up and looked towards the source.

Chu Jingyan was seen holding the hands of Meng Qingyi, and Chu Yan was walking in front of them in high spirits, waving his little hands towards the camera.

In an instant, the expressions of several families were different, only Jiang Zhilan and Gu Huainian looked gloomy and extremely ugly.

"How could it be him?" Bai Haoran exclaimed in surprise.

"Lanlan, do you know why she is here?" Gu Huainian asked Jiang Zhilan in a low voice.

Jiang Zhilan clenched his fingers, his face tense, and shook his head.

Not to mention the guests were surprised, even most of the staff only found out about the three of them after they stepped onto the red carpet, not to mention the netizens in the live broadcast room.

[Fuck. It's really Chu Jingyan. When did he get married? His child is already this big?]

[I have to say that the actor's beauty is well-deserved, I am back to Jiang Chuyan in my dream!!!]

【My CP dream is shattered. 】

[The paparazzi this time are not good enough. They haven't revealed that Mr. Chu has such a big son for such a long time. Who is his wife? ]

[Wuwuwuwuwuwu, my house collapsed. ]

[If nothing else, given his wife's beauty, she would be able to beat a lot of pretty girls in seconds if she entered the entertainment industry. I love you.]

[His son should not be underestimated. How can he be so handsome at such a young age? He is clearly a smaller version of the movie emperor. From today on, I don’t like Chu Jingyan anymore. I want to be his daughter-in-law.]

[Don’t let the previous CP dream be shattered yet. It is rumored that the host is Bai Fangyu. Maybe the best actor came for her? ]

[What bullshit are you talking about? My brother is already married, and you are still fantasizing about him. I declare that our fans have acknowledged this sister-in-law, so Yuyan CP fans, don’t get involved. ]

In a short period of time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room soared from hundreds of thousands at the beginning to one million, and countless viewers poured in.

On the hot search, "Who is Chu Jingyan's wife?" This term has already exploded, and what followed was that Actor Chu took his wife, son to participate in a variety show. Chu Jingyan is beautiful, Chu Jingyan has a son, it can be said that all the hot searches are related to Chu Jingyan.

Director Wei Pei looked at the live broadcast room, which was about to be overcrowded, and his mouth was about to curl up to the sky. When Mr. Gu said he wanted to squeeze someone in, he was still worried that it might be some unknown little person? Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Chu Jingyan. He was lucky.

"Director, at this rate, the live studio is about to collapse."

He picked up the intercom and told the staff, "The live broadcast can be closed. We will start the formal recording tomorrow."

When netizens saw the screen showing that the live broadcast room had been closed due to being too crowded, they cried out in despair online.

[This director is really good, is he forcing me to become a member? ]

[I am willing to pay and broadcast live from morning to night! ! ! ]

[My curiosity has been aroused. Who is the wife of the best actor? Director, come out and let’s talk.]

In a short time, the second season of "A Treasure in the Family" became popular all over the Internet.

Not long after, the program group’s official Weibo posted a Weibo:

Today's live broadcast has ended due to technical reasons. Tomorrow's live broadcast will start on time at 8 am. Today's recorded content will be broadcast as a pilot tonight, so stay tuned!

There was a lot of uproar on the Internet, but the recording site was calm and peaceful.

 Finally I have come to the point, thank you all for your support!!!

(End of this chapter)

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