Chapter 227 Godlike Man
Tonight, Song Yizhuo brought her out and did so many things just to comfort her.

After three days of separation, you should look at each other with admiration.

Qin Moli really wanted to rethink his attitude towards him. "Did you play these with Uncle San when you were a kid?"

"No." Song Yizhuo shook his head. "Once, I saw you playing with water in the Song family garden."

Qin Moli didn't expect this to happen.

"When Fourth Aunt just married Fourth Uncle, you had two pigtails and were playing alone by the pond in the garden. You were unhappy at first, but after skipping stones in the water, you felt much better." Song Yizhuo recalled the scene at that time.

"But I didn't see you." Qin Moli's memory of that period had become vague.

"I'm going to study abroad and came to say goodbye to my grandfather." Song Yizhuo has been smart and motivated since he was a child.

Qin Moli nodded. "Although you are not in the Song family, there are legends about you in the Song family. Every time the Song family gathers, everyone talks about you."

"Have you also admired me since you were a child?" Song Yizhuo asked her.

"Yes!" Qin Moli smiled, "You are a god-like existence among the new generation of the Song family."

With him as a role model, she will also study hard.

But no one would have expected that the two of them would be entangled in a shady way for seven years.

Then God collapsed in her heart.

He had to pursue her again.

Someone was roasting a whole lamb on the beach. Qin Moli smelled the aroma and his stomach started to growl.

"What shall we eat?" Song Yizhuo asked her.

Before Qin Moli could answer, Song Yizhuo said, "How about we go grab that roasted whole lamb."

"You're crazy!" Qin Moli was amused by him, "How can anyone be a robber like you?"

However, Song Yizhuo really ran over.

After a while, he waved to her.

Qin Moli didn't want to go over there. She felt that his style of doing things would make her socially ruined.

She had just praised him for his progress!

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, he would do something ridiculous again.

When Qin Mo couldn't leave, Song Yizhuo cut it and ate it.

The person who had just roasted the whole lamb also left happily.

Qin Moli was worried that this man might be eating a free meal, so he quickly followed him and asked, "Brother, how much is that roasted whole lamb?"

"That gentleman has already paid at our platform, I will grill it for you, he just gave me a tip!" He said happily, "Miss, go and eat it while it's hot!"

Qin Moli didn't expect it to be like this. This bastard lied to her again!

After thanking the barbecue guy, she went to Song Yizhuo.

"How can the two of us finish a whole roasted lamb?" Qin Moli picked up the knife and fork and cut some into pieces to eat.

Song Yizhuo was already hungry. He stuffed several mouthfuls of food into his mouth and said, "You handle it!"

Several children smelled the aroma and ran over, surrounding their roasted whole lamb, and refused to leave even when the adults called them.

Qin Moli took out a plate, cut it and let them eat it.

After the children happily ate and left, Qin Moli saw that there was not much food left, so he sat down and started eating.

After eating, Song Yizhuo cleaned up and took the garbage to the trash can on the beach.

When he came back, he didn't see Qin Moli.

"Momo..." When he called her, she didn't respond to him.

He looked towards the coastline. It was late at night and there was no one else around.

He saw a vague figure walking into the sea. "Qin Moli——"

Song Yizhuo ran over, and seeing that she was about to lose her head, he rushed into the sea and rescued her, "What are you doing?"

With the mottled light and shadow, he could sense that the woman he rescued was not Qin Moli, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He rescued her to the beach. Qin Mo left the roadside drinks cabinet and bought two bottles of drinks. When he came back, he saw Song Yizhuo rescuing people in the sea.

He put the girl on the beach, then looked at Qin Moli who was drinking a drink, "Why didn't you tell me where you were going?"

"Third brother, I've encountered many ups and downs in my life, but I've never thought about committing suicide. Besides, the roasted whole lamb tonight is very delicious." Qin Moli handed him the drink, "How is this girl?"

She squatted down and performed chest compressions as emergency treatment. The girl spit out water and woke up.

Song Yizhuo called the emergency number and 120 took her to the hospital for observation and treatment.

She didn't want to and wanted to follow Song Yizhuo.

Song Yizhuo had no choice but to call the police. Not only police cars but also private cars from senior provincial departments arrived at the beach.

The girl was taken to the car by her mother, and her father and Branch Chief Yang Jian, who was in charge of criminal investigation, came forward.

Yang Jian shook hands with Song Yizhuo, "Mr. Song, thank you so much. This is Mr. Qi, the father of the girl you saved."

"Director Yang, you're welcome. My seventh sister Qin Moli and I rescued this person together." Song Yizhuo has the word business engraved in his bones.

No matter what the occasion, he never forgot to pave the way for Qin Moli.

Also, his eyes are so sharp that the person who can make Yang Jian accompany him respectfully must not be an ordinary person.

"Thank you, Miss Qin." Yang Jian extended his hand to her.

"Anyone who sees this will help. Director Yang, you're too polite." Qin Moli nodded slightly.

"I'm Qi Heping. Thank you, Mr. Song and Ms. Qin, for your help." Qi Heping shook hands with the two of them. "If you need any help in the future, I will do my best."

"You're welcome, Mr. Qi." Song Yizhuo and Qin Moli said in unison.

"Mr. Song, Ms. Qin, let's talk later. Mr. Qi has gone to take care of the children first." Yang Jian said to them.

"Okay!" Song Yizhuo nodded, "It's late, we'll leave first."

"Mr. Song, what happened tonight..." Yang Jian hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry, we'll keep it a secret." Song Yizhuo waved his hand.

After he finished speaking, he and Qin Moli left in a car.

"Qi Heping is the secretary general of the provincial party committee. It turns out that being his daughter also has its troubles!" Qin Moli sighed.

Many people believe that the daughters of high-ranking officials have no worries about food and clothing, and have countless resources from the day they are born.

"The daughter of the UN Secretary-General also has troubles." Song Yizhuo drove the car and looked sideways at her.

His clothes and pants were wet and not dry yet, and when he got in the car and turned on the air conditioner, he sneezed several times in a row.

"Third brother, let me drive! Do you have any dry clothes in the car? Go and change the wet clothes." Qin Moli called him.

Song Yizhuo got out of the car and looked around but couldn't find it.

Because in the past, she was the one who prepared it for him.

Now that they were separated, he himself did not know how to prepare.

After returning home, Wang Lan cooked ginger soup for him. The next day, Song Yizhuo still had a fever.

"Ms. Qin, Mr. Song is sick." Wang Lan came to see Qin Moli early in the morning.

"Have you taken his temperature? Do you want to send him to the hospital?" Qin Moli knew that he was in good health.

Apart from the sleep problems in his early years, I have always had a lot of energy.

"I don't know Mr. Song's specific condition. He lies on the bed and doesn't let me touch him." Wang Lan was also in a difficult situation.

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