"Hehe, don't bother me. Madam, please sit down. I wonder what ingredients Madam needs?" Mu Wuhen walked to the desk and asked while grinding ink. www>

Su Xiaoxiao took out the paper that she had written in charcoal in advance, unfolded it and began to read. When Mu Wuhen raised his hand to pick up the pen, he accidentally saw the list in Su Xiaoxiao's hand, and was suddenly a little surprised and a little puzzled .

"I don't know Mrs. Mistress, can you show Mu your list?"

Mu Wuhen looked at the list in her hand with a complicated expression.

"Okay, I just don't know if you can understand it." Su Xiaoxiao smiled sheepishly, and handed him the list while reaching out. [

At any rate, she is also an intellectual who graduated from a graduate school in the 21st century. Who knows that she will become half illiterate in this time and space, ashamed, ashamed.

Mu Wuhen stared at the list in his hand, his fingertips began to tremble slightly, his face couldn't tell whether it was surprise or shock.

"What's wrong with you?" Su Xiaoxiao asked.

Mu Wuhen raised his eyes, he was so excited that he couldn't calm down, he suddenly walked around the desk, stepped forward, and looked at Su Xiaoxiao incredulously, even his eyes were trembling.

"Is there something wrong with the ingredients? Or... I wrote too much?" Su Xiaoxiao raised her hand and scratched the back of her head, embarrassed.

"Please forgive Mu for asking this question. If the leader's wife doesn't understand, then let it go. If you understand, please tell Mu the truth." Mu Wuhen stared at her closely, as if he was someone else. The exhibits are average and uncomfortable.

"You, what do you want to ask? First of all, let me make it clear. If you want to ask Shenyue Sect's martial arts secrets, I don't know anything about it."

Su Xiaoxiao waved his hands again and again.

Mu Wuhen suddenly took a step closer, looked at her fixedly, and asked in a deep voice: "Mrs. Teacher, you are not from this time and space, right?"

Hearing this, Su Xiaoxiao was stunned, not knowing how to answer, she is not from this time and space, how could Mu Wuhen know, and she did not come through time travel by herself, but soul wear, could it be...he too?

"Mrs. Master?" Mu Wuhen raised his voice slightly, as if trying to bring back Su Xiaoxiao's sanity.

Su Xiaoxiao swallowed his saliva and nodded slowly.

A flash of surprise flashed in Mu Wuhen's eyes, and he took another step closer: "So, from which year did you travel through time?"

"On Valentine's Day in 2013, I played truth or dare with a few single friends... Later, when I went out, I fell into an uncovered manhole... After waking up, I was in this time and space, already here Lived there for about a year."

Su Xiaoxiao now feels unable to lift her head when talking about that silly game, and what makes her even more unable to lift her head is that she saw that she fell into the inspection well when she saw the handsome guy.

"2013?" Mu Wuhen opened his eyes wide, and then sighed, "Before I knew it, it's been 10 years since I traveled here."

"You... time travel? Are you also a time traveler?"

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly had the feeling of finding a relative.

"Yeah, I traveled here in 2003. At that time, I was just about to go to high school. On the day I went to report to school, I was about to be hit by a car. I managed to step aside and fell into an uncovered inspection well. ..."[

Mu Wuhen said regretfully that his beautiful days had just begun, but he was transported to a completely strange world and started again.

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