Feng Qining waved her hand at Zong Zhenghao with sleepy eyes, and Zong Zhenghao's heart was burning up, he was popular everywhere he went, but here, nothing seemed to work.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
She doesn't seem to pay attention to power, status, everything, and she has never been afraid of him. In front of her, he felt frustrated for the first time. That feeling, from childhood to adulthood, He never had.

The figure, like a ghost, suddenly appeared beside Feng Qining's bed, and Zong Zhenghao picked Feng Qining up from the bed like a chicken.

"A man is taller than an ox and a horse, and it really is beneficial. From the perspective of momentum, he can overwhelm the opponent."

Looking at Zong Zhenghao who was a head taller than herself, Feng Qining muttered, and for the first time began to feel annoyed about her figure. Thinking about it, she was actually not short, but compared with Zong Zhenghao, This height is not enough. [

Sure enough, he was beaten, Zong Zhenghao looked at Feng Qining's red right cheek, and a clear slap was printed on it.

"Being beaten willingly, this doesn't seem to be your style"

Zong Zhenghao breathed into Feng Qining's ear, that ambiguous look made Feng Qining's eyes blink.

Has this person changed the policy?Hard enough to be soft?

"I can't understand what the prince is saying"

Feng Qining was going to pretend to be stupid to the end. Murong Li's arrival today must have brought some news to her, and this news must have something to do with Zong Zhenghao. If she guessed correctly, he must be planning to act soon.

Before, her behavior was too abnormal, but at that time she was beaten up, and she wanted to vent her anger. This is normal, isn't it?This is restored and will naturally change back to how it was before.

Can't understand?Zong Zhenghao sneered, the coldness in his eyes caused the temperature in the room to plummet.

Natural air-conditioning, Feng Qining sighed in her heart, just as she felt hot, now it was cooler.

"My lord, I would like to give you some advice. It is good to cool down the room, but it is too cold, and it can freeze people to death in summer."

Zong Zhenghao half understood what Feng Qining said, and half didn't understand it. However, he knew it was not a good word after a guess. Looking back, after Feng Qining woke up, he never said a good word to him. , if one day she said something nice to him, he would probably be the one who was surprised.

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