"Because they deserve to die"

Feng Qining's words made Lan Se a little disappointed, couldn't she say something nicer?She was either beating or killing all day, and she didn't know what was going on in her mind all day.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Son, can you take Patriarch Mu aside when you attend the banquet tonight?"

The Mu residence is heavily guarded and has many traps. It is too difficult to break in. Tonight just happened to be an opportunity, so she did not believe that the Mu family leader would not attend such an important banquet, and they could bring him back at that time.

After all, this is also their territory, so why don't they want to do something?The imperial palace is always better than the Namu Mansion. [

"He was guarding against me, as if he didn't want to have direct contact with me"

Lan Se frowned. Many times, he wanted to ask Patriarch Mu, does he really not remember him at all?I still never thought about recognizing him, but every time he approached him, before he could speak, he made excuses and left.

The number of times I searched for him was too many. Patriarch Mu ran away every time, which made some people look at him very strangely. In order to prevent some rumors from spreading, he never dared to look for him easily.

"Unless we find a way to stop him, there is no way"

Feng Qining didn't understand, even if Patriarch Mu didn't want to tell them, he could just refuse generously, why is it necessary to hide like this?

Although she would not let him go so easily and would use any means, he didn't need to be afraid of her. What was the reason that made him avoid them and not confront them?

"Tell me, did someone tell you that he can't do anything, and he can't say anything?"

Murong Li guessed that there seems to be only such a theory now.

"He forbids him to do it, but there is no way to prevent me from doing it. I can't keep him tonight. I don't mind killing him in his lair."

It's just a little bit more difficult, no matter how difficult it is, she, Feng Qining, has gone through it all, so she's afraid that he won't succeed?

The calculations of Feng Qining and the others were pretty good, but the only thing they didn't expect was that Patriarch Mu didn't come. It turned out that he didn't attend these banquets, and Mu Kui came instead.

It was said more than once that Patriarch Mu was disrespectful to the emperor, and he dared not to attend the banquet hosted by the emperor himself, which clearly showed that he did not take the emperor seriously.

Apart from him, which official in the court did not personally attend?As for him, he never attended it once, but Lan Ding was very strange, every time he said that Patriarch Mu was happy and quiet, and he didn't force him if he didn't like this kind of banquet.

Lan Ding has never been as magnanimous to anyone as he is to Mu Patriarch, but this also shows the status of Mu Patriarch in Lan Ding, so as long as Lan Ding does not abdicate for a day, Mu Patriarch's position will not be shaken.

Lan Se looked around the audience, but did not see Patriarch Mu. He and Lan Ding have both come, why hasn't he come yet?No matter how high the status is, it can't surpass Lan Ding's head.

"Father, where is Patriarch Mu?"

Lan Ding didn't seem to think that Lan Se would ask Patriarch Mu, so he couldn't help but glance at him more. Lan Ding's expression was calm and his eyes were calm, as if he was asking casually.

"If he is not coming, Young Master Mu is here. If the emperor wants to win over his feelings, then Young Master Mu may be more suitable."

Lan Se followed Lan Ding's gaze, and sure enough, he saw Mu Kui sitting in the corner drinking. He was dressed in a black robe, completely blending into the night, and no one was approaching him. see him. [

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