"All right"

The heartless cook didn't notice their nervousness at all, and easily lifted the lid of the pot.
The golden egg, covered in flour, is round in shape and exudes a faint fragrance. Smelling that fragrance, the appetites of several people present were whetted.

"Master, it's ready"

The cook took out the cake, Feng Qining was about to take it, but Murong Li was a step ahead of her. [

Just took it, it was still a little hot, Murongli went out holding it, Feng Qining's footsteps paused for a second or two, she came to her senses, and followed closely.

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful?"

Looking at the golden color, Feng Qining was proud, she did it by herself.

"It's really pretty. It would be even better if Ning'er made it herself."

Yichu unceremoniously demolished Feng Qining's platform, Feng Qining glared at him angrily, this man really didn't give her any face.

"It doesn't matter, some people can't do it, and they can't teach others to do it"

That is, Murong Li's words made Feng Qining proud again, no matter how you say it, it is half of her credit.

"Mother, how do I look at this, why do you think it looks like an egg?"

After watching for a while, Lan Se came to such a conclusion. Feng Qining patted him with her paw: "You heard clearly, this is called a cake, so why is it not like an egg? If it is not like an egg, why is it called a cake?"

Lancer nodded, that's right, he is really too old, as expected, mother is very smart.

"It's done, but you still have to try the taste. If the taste is not good, it's not considered a success."

"Brother Yi, if you say a few words, you won't die."

Feng Qining dug a large piece and stuffed it into Yichu's mouth, it was very fragrant, sweet but not greasy, very delicious, Yichu quickly finished the piece.


Yichu, who hadn't said anything good for a long time, gave Feng Qining a compliment at this time, Feng Qining smiled, look, she is indeed a genius.

"Let me try"

Hearing that Yichu said it was delicious, Lancer couldn't wait, picked up the chopsticks, and wanted to have a bite.

Being preempted by Yichu, Murong Li was already very unhappy, but now seeing that Lancer wanted to snatch him, of course she was even more unhappy. When Lancer raised his chopsticks, Murongli took the first step.

"Don't grab it" [

Seeing their childish behavior, Feng Qining was helpless, persuading from the side, how could they still listen to what she said at this time?Seeing that the cake was about to be divided into more than half by them, Feng Qining couldn't bear it anymore and joined the battle.

The seemingly small cake has a lot of weight, Feng Qining and the others collapsed on the chairs.

"So full"

After saying this sentence in her original voice, Feng Qining covered her mouth and calmed down after seeing that there was no one around.

Calm down, calm down, no one noticed me at this time.

A dart flew from nowhere and hit Feng Qining straight. Sensing danger, Feng Qining raised her eyes and saw the dart flying towards her, subconsciously jumped up, turned sideways, and the dart passed by her face .

Murong Li threw out the sword in his hand, a black shadow flashed across his eyes, Yi Chu and Lan Se exchanged glances, and chased after him.

"You're here and want to leave?"

Yi Chu blocked the door, Lan Se blocked the window, Murong Li and Feng Qining looked at him intently.

"Since you're here, why hide it?"

"Miss Feng, you are so smart, how do you know I'm up?"

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