"Forget it, don't talk so much, I think the most important thing for us is to go up."

Yichu looked at the high stone wall, Feng Qining also looked up, and she wanted to go up, but the problem is, how to go up now, it's so smooth, it's impossible to find a place to stay.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"See that tree over there? I'll go up first, and then I'll throw you up"

Murong Li pointed to the tree next to her, Feng Qi Ning looked up, the tree was only in the middle, the distance between the two ends was still a bit far, is this okay?

"Now there is only this way, try it"[

Murong Li jumped and stood on the tree, Feng Qi Ning stretched out her hand, and jumped vigorously, Murong Li grabbed her firmly, flung her vigorously, Feng Qi Ning stood firmly on it.

"Rimi, wait a minute, let me see if there is anything I can put down"

Feng Qining looked around, her eyes fixed on a tree vine next to her. Those vines were lush and lush, Feng Qining's eyes were shining brightly, what she lacks most now is this.

The big knife flew over, and the vines fell. Those vines were as thick as Feng Qining's fingers. Feng Qining wanted to tangle these vines together and make a whip.

"Feng, don't do it anymore, I can do it"

I haven't seen Feng Qining speak for a long time, and Murong Li was a little worried. Feng Qining stretched out her head and waved the things in Murong Li's hand: "Li beauty, just wait a little longer, it will be fine soon."

Murong Li was not happy, instead she frowned and looked at the too big vine in Feng Qi Ning's hand.

"Murong, I want to go up"

Murongli nodded, and threw Yichu up, Feng Qining was working hard on it, it was the first time she came into contact with these, she couldn't find a way, the too big vines made her palms bleed.

"It's not like that"

Feng Qining raised her head, Yichu didn't give her time to react, so she took the tree vine from her hand, Feng Qining watched Yichu's fingers shuttle back and forth, a rope, and it was done.

"Brother Yi, you are so smart"

Feng Qining's praise didn't make Yichu happy, and he said lightly: "It's not that I'm smart, it's that you don't understand Ning'er."

Uh, are you going to be so blunt?Feng Qining was depressed, she didn't understand, but shouldn't she be so blunt?Did he feel happy hitting her?

"Brother Yi, can you stop being so straightforward?"

Is he straightforward?He has always been straightforward, Yichu put down the vine, Murongli came up first, Zhou Qing looked at the vine, then at the smooth stone wall, lacking the courage to reach out.

"Stop dawdling, come up quickly"

Seeing her appearance, Feng Qining was impatient, she was afraid at all, so what else could she do?

"I'll take you up" [

Jing Sheng hugged Zhou Qing's waist, and jumped up. Zhou Qing closed his eyes in fear, and Jing Sheng held her in his arms. Their behavior made Feng Qining's brows twitch. Zhou Qing became more and more concerned.

Along the way, he protected her. This is not a good omen. Feng Qining doesn't want to meddle in other people's business. If things like this are not done well, they will only turn against each other, but reason tells her that as a friend, Is it not kind to let it go like this?

"Okay, that's fine"

After coming up, Jing Sheng whispered softly in Zhou Qing's ear, Zhou Qing opened his eyes, and it was Jing Sheng's caring eyes that jumped into his eyes, his heart skipped a beat, and then he pushed him away.

"Thank you"

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