Once again, Feng Qining was despised by others, looking at the contemptuous eyes of everyone, Feng Qining pointed at herself, and finally looked at them with contempt.Fiction Rankings
After taking a bath and driving for another day, Feng Qining quickly fell asleep, and seeing that she was asleep, Murong Li put her down, pointed her finger, and touched her sleeping hole.

"What happened to Ning'er?"

Yichu asked straight to the point, but he didn't miss it. How far has he never seen the bewildered look in her eyes today on her face?

How could Feng Qining be confused now?That expression really doesn't suit her. [

"I don't know. When I found her today, she was wearing only one piece of clothing and fell by the lake. After waking up, she told me that the water in the lake was snow water."

Zhang Kai's heart skipped a beat, his eyes widened, filled with disbelief.

"And the weird thing is, after waking up, no matter how much she thinks about it, her head doesn't hurt anymore, but she can't think of anything anymore"

Murong Li's words were full of worry, did Feng Qining's current appearance indicate something?What had she seen before?

"You said she was lying by the lake with only one dress on"

Yichu's voice suddenly turned cold, and there was a coldness and ruthlessness in his black eyes, who was not afraid of death, but dared to treat Feng Qining like that, he wanted to tear that person into pieces.

"I want to kill him too"

Murong Li's eyes were full of bloodthirsty, if he dared to attack his wife, he would not let anyone who had the guts of a leopard.

"Don't let mother know about this, she will definitely not be able to accept it"

Needless to say, Murong Li and Yi Chu glanced at him. Suddenly, the eyes of the three of them focused on Zhang Kai. From the beginning to the end, he didn't speak. Did he know something?

"Do you know something? Who is that man?"

Murong Li grabbed Zhang Kai's collar with eager eyes. Zhang Kai had never seen Murong Li like this before, and he was stunned for a while before he realized it.

"I'm not sure if it was him because I can't think of anyone else"

The seal in Feng Qining's mind was locked again, except for him, he couldn't think of anyone with such ability, it was him, it should be him.

No wonder Feng Qining said that he couldn't stop her, because if it was planned by him alone, then how could he let people destroy it?Whether he is willing or not, she is going to find him.

No wonder, no wonder, he probably found her early in the morning, I don't know how long he has been planning all this, I'm afraid he is bound to get it.

There was surprise in Zhang Kai's eyes. That person's obsession with Feng Qining was deeper than all of them imagined. Who could have predicted whether it would be bad or good this time?


The masked man that Feng Qining mentioned appeared in Murong Li's mind. She said that that man seemed to be by her side all the time, no matter how she tried to shake him, she couldn't shake him off. [

He seems to know everything about her, and it's better to follow her all the time, but no one knows who that person is, even Feng Qining, he never said anything about it.

"Who are you talking about?"

"Jin Yun"

Zhang Kai said a name that Murong Li didn't want to hear, and Murong Li also guessed that that person should be Jin Wang, but Zhang Kai said that he was not dead, so what happened?

"These are not things that can be explained in a few words. You really want to know. Find the legendary King Jin's tomb."

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