"It's okay, Feng, don't worry."

Murong Li wanted to stand up, but her body couldn't use the strength for a moment, Feng Qi Ning supported him with her body, her petite body could barely support Murong Li's tall body, Feng Qi Ning clenched her teeth.look
Yichu had an accident, skiing was of course useless, so Feng Qining and the others had no choice but to go down step by step.

Going down with a deep foot and a shallow foot, supporting each other, Feng Qining looked at the whiteness, and recalled the scene a few months ago.

"Rimi, do you still remember that when we first came here, it seemed to be the same scene. To be honest, I was worried that we would not be able to get out at that time" [

At that time, I was really afraid that I would die in the snow, but I never thought that I would come over in the end. Every time, when she thought she couldn't escape, she was still able to escape in the end.

"Well, we were able to go out that time, so we will definitely be able to go out this time."

Murong Li said firmly, without moving her eyebrows, her voice was slow and orderly, and it was really pleasant to the ear. In such a pleasant voice, the little worry in Feng Qining's heart dissipated.

The road was a bit difficult, and there were a little less clothes. Therefore, the steps of the few people slowly began to slow down. Every time they lifted their feet, they seemed to be a little heavier than before.

Feng Qining was shivering from the cold, her body was tightly leaning against Murong Li, but that didn't make her feel any warmer.

"Feng, hold on"

Sensing Feng Qining's weakness, Murong Li wrapped her arms around her to prevent her from falling down.

"I'm fine, don't worry"

Feng Qining put a pale smile on the corner of her mouth, her hands were as cold as ice, but there was a strength in her eyes that could not be blown away by wind and snow, in the cold wind, she was like a blooming winter plum.

"Look, I can see the grass"

Zhang Kai looked ahead in surprise, Feng Qining looked up, and sure enough, there was a lush green not far away, such a vibrant color made Feng Qining and her group full of vitality again.

There is hope, the group of people gained motivation, they quickened their pace, and started to walk forward. When they finally walked out of the snow, Feng Qining couldn't stand still for a while, and followed Yichu's footsteps. She staggered and was about to fell into the snow.


Murong Li hurriedly grabbed her, Feng Qi Ning fell straight into the snow, and pulled Murong Li down, the coldness spread into her body through her clothes.

Feng Qi Ning shivered violently, Murong Li pulled her up from the snow, and the snow fell on Feng Qi Ning's body. Now she is like a snowman.

Feng Qining mechanically looked down at her body, and then at Murong Li, feeling a little unfair.

"Rimi, why don't you stick to snow at all?"

Could it be that those snows prefer her?no?It's fine that those crows prefer her, but now these snows are treated differently?

"Uh, didn't Feng say a word called technical content? I think mine is called technical content" [

The implication is that she has no technical content?Feng Qining stared at him, turned a corner and scolded her, this person has grown courageous.

"Okay, don't dawdle, let's go out quickly"

Feng Qining nodded, she was about to go out, how could she stop here?

After taking the last step and walking out of the snow-capped mountain, Feng Qining breathed a sigh of relief, feeling safe and surviving a catastrophe, this is probably how she feels now.

"I feel like I've walked through the gates of hell"

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