"Do we look scary? Make him scare?"

Lancer blinked his somewhat gray eyes, because there was not enough potion, so Lancer's eyes turned into such a strange color, looking at his neither black nor blue eyes, Feng Qining was still not used to it . www>

"It's not that we are scary, it's that we surprised him too much, so he can't accept it."

Zhang Kai glanced at the shopkeeper and found that he was cleaning the tables carefully.

Feng Qining's eyes looked at the opposite side, the opposite side was the inn they went to yesterday, it turned out that Feng Qining and the others deliberately chose the inn opposite to him in order to save time and get rid of the shopkeeper. the inn. [

The person sitting opposite him should be his deadly enemy. Feng Qining thought that this place was crowded with people just like the other side, but she didn't expect that there was no one there. Judging from the situation, there were only a few of their guests here.

Feng Qining was very satisfied with such a discount, but she was still very curious about the bleakness here.

"Shopkeeper, why don't you have any business here?"

Before Feng Qining could finish her question, Murong Li kept touching her hand. This woman really didn't know how to be reserved. If she asked such a straightforward question, the shopkeeper would definitely feel uncomfortable.

what?Feng Qi stared at him, she is a customer now, she is God, not to mention they don't have much time, if they have anything to ask, just ask directly, isn't it good to be direct?It's better than beating around the bush, not to mention the shopkeeper who is beating around the bush may not be able to understand.

Sadness appeared on the shopkeeper's face, "It's a long story, my inn was good, I can't say that the business is very good, but it is still possible to support a family, but since there is an inn opposite, my business has stopped. no more"

The shopkeeper didn't know why, the accommodation environment and food prices over there were only higher than those over here, not cheap, why those people didn't come to his place, only went over there?

"That's it"

Feng Qining looked out the door, propped her chin on her hands, and looked at the opposite side, inadvertently, she caught the scene in her eyes.

The guest who had just stopped his horse in the middle looked at the inns on both sides. While hesitating, the waiter over there went up to meet him. Over there, according to the herd mentality, this is generally not wrong.

The food in the hotel will not be much better than that in ordinary restaurants, but so many people choose hotels, especially those with status and status. Why?The first is a status symbol, to put it bluntly, it is nothing but vanity, and the second is conformity, not wanting to be compared by others.

On the opposite side of the inn, the mistress is dressed better than ordinary mistresses, the hall is cleaned very clean, the door plaques are polished shiny, and the lobby is full of people. On the opposite side, there is no one, no one will choose .

"Shopkeeper, first, you have to copy the method of soliciting customers from the other side, because you have to attract customers to your side first, and second, the dishes you make are better and cheaper than his. In this way, you can Don’t worry about no guests”

The melancholy on the shopkeeper's face did not decrease because of Feng Qining's words, on the contrary, it increased a little bit. He also thought about doing it like that over there, but it didn't work. Besides, he couldn't find anyone now.


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