"Hey, there are so many people here to accompany you to eat, one more than me, and one less than a lot, I will go to make money and support you"

Lancer's face twitched fiercely, "raise him, does he want her to raise him now?"

"Mother, I don't need you to take care of me anymore, I can take care of you"

Even if he can support her, she still needs to make money?Who would think that money is too much?

"Does Feng like that little money and doesn't want to sit here and eat with us?" [

Murong Li also joined the talking queue. At this moment, Feng Qining still couldn't figure out what they were doing, so she was an idiot.look
They were afraid that she would be tired, or that she might become addicted and delay the journey here again.

"Don't worry, I'll go for a while and I'll be back soon, shopkeeper, if I can improve your business, then I will share half of your money."

The shopkeeper nodded quickly: "That's natural, if the girl can make my business better, I can definitely share half of the money with you."

"Have you heard that? I thought of a way. It's a good way. If you feel bored, you can follow. If you feel tired, stay here."

After Feng Qining said this, Murong Li had no choice but to make up her mind, no matter how much she tried to stop her, she couldn't stop her.

Following the shopkeeper to the kitchen, Feng Qining ordered them to make a cake just like last time, but this time it was much smaller than the last time, not much bigger than an egg, golden and yellow, it looked impressive There is an urge to take a bite.

Of course, to make such an effect, the price to pay is also very high. The shopkeeper looked at the egg shells on one side and frowned.

With so many eggs, his money and silver taels, if he can't get it back, wouldn't he be at a loss?

"Girl, are you sure you can earn the money back?"

The shopkeeper's eyes looked at those egg shells. There was a whole basket full of ten taels of silver. For him now, it would be great if he could earn ten taels of silver a day, but even ten taels of silver a day might not be enough.

"Yes, don't feel bad about those little money, I promise you can earn it back"

Feng Qining took another bite of the small cake, and walked out the door with a few in her hand, watching her stuff the cake into her mouth, the shopkeeper's heart ached.

"What is so fragrant?"

Lan Se, a foodie, has the sharpest nose. As soon as Feng Qining appeared at the door, he smelled the fragrance.

Turning around, seeing the thing in Feng Qining's hand, Lan Se rushed towards it.


Feng Qining's hand turned slightly, avoiding Lan Se's hand, hmph, if there is something to eat, she knew she was coming, so why did he go there before?

"Mother" [

Lan Se looked at Feng Qining sadly, and refused to give him anything to eat. Isn't this trying to abuse him?

"Forget it, here you are, I have to work after eating."

Feng Qining gave them each a piece of cake, and Lan Se stuffed it into her mouth in one gulp, before she tasted it, she couldn't feel the taste of it.

Looking at Feng Qining expectantly, there should be more, such a small piece, not even enough to plug his teeth?

"Hey, if you still want it, then you can sell your appearance to me obediently. If you make money, I will naturally reward you."

Still working?Lan Se frowned, and he directly ignored the last half of Feng Qining's sentence.

"Mother, what kind of work are you talking about?"

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