"Let's look further ahead"

A monk said that Feng Qining despised him, and a monk also participated in these things, but it was also true that when these so-called decent people killed them, they aimed to eliminate the demon sect and eradicate the evil spirits for the people. Harmful banner.
Why is she a demon, and they are not necessarily more noble than her.

Opening her eyes wide, Feng Qining watched them move forward.

Go, go, Feng Qining shouted in her heart, she only needs to walk a few more steps, and she will reach that trap, but with so many people, one trap is not enough. [

Feng Qining regretted not getting more.

"I think they must have received the news and left"

The person who was in charge of the monk said that Feng Qining really wanted to kill him, and at critical moments, it was always his fault.

"I also think that we have all come here, and we haven't seen anyone yet. They probably hid early in the morning."

You just hid, we are all here, it’s just that you didn’t notice it, it’s you who are talking blindly.

"Well, we'll still have a long-term plan."

The group of people actually turned around and left, looking at their backs, Feng Qining didn't know whether to be thankful or sad, thankful that they didn't find her, sad because the trap she worked hard for was useless.

Feng Qining was about to go down, but saw a man pretending to be gentle, who appeared below at some point, and his feet had already been lifted up. In Feng Qining's unbelievable eyes, those vines were about to fall. He was entangled, his hands and feet were tied, and a few sharp bamboos flew out from directly opposite him.

The man's foot kicked his fan, and the fan flew across obliquely like the wind, blocking all the bamboos. Of course, the fan was also scrapped.

"Who is so wicked to set up a trap here?"

Feng Qining originally planned to put him down right away, after all, she caught the wrong person, but his words made her change her mind.

"Who made you blind and ran into my trap, didn't you deserve it?"

The light voice came from the depths of the bamboo forest. It sounded like it came from a very far away place. The man looked around, but he couldn't see anyone.

"Don't look, am I here?"

A ribbon flew down from the sky, a pair of pure white shoes, along the shoes, the man saw a snow-white skirt, the sleeves were flying, and the black hair was flying, the man couldn't see Feng Qi Ning's face clearly.

Feng Qining stood firmly on the ground, her wide sleeves fluttered, and when everything was still, the man finally saw Feng Qining's face clearly.

With picturesque eyebrows, the woman smiled sweetly, her smile dyed the sky with color, in the green bamboo forest, such a picturesque and fairy-like woman appeared, making the man feel that everything was in a dream .

"Come down, do you want to watch a show up there?"

Feng Qining raised her head and looked up, this group of people were obviously up and didn't want to move, when did they become so lazy? [

"Didn't I think Feng still wanted to play? Why? Don't you?"

Accompanied by the voice, Murong Li appeared beside Feng Qining, and behind him were naturally Yi Chu and Lan Se, and Zhang Kai was a little far away, so he was a little slower.

"Although I want to play, I don't even want you to watch a play"

Does she act for them?What they thought was very good, but for her, it was not very good.

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