"You're boring, we don't want to come out, of course we don't want to see you"

The man turned his head, and Feng Qining was already leaning against the tree, with that leisurely posture, as if she had been there all along, the man could not imagine how fast her lightness kung fu was.look
The few of them are completely the opponents of those people, why should they hide?If she is really heinous, all those people should be killed. Does she have some special conspiracy?

In such an instant, so many thoughts flew through the man's brain. He was curious about this group of people who appeared suddenly. He had never heard of them before, and now they seem to have appeared out of thin air. .

"How did you steal that wordless gold medal, that thing is terrible"[

The man didn't mind at all and said that they must have heard what he said just now, pretending not to know, it seemed even more hypocritical.

"I really appreciate Mr. Lin's concern. We still have something to do, so let's go first."

As soon as Feng Qining turned around, the man stopped her.

"What? Do you want to stop us? I'm afraid you don't have the ability"

Murong Li took a step forward and stood in front of Feng Qining. They didn't speak, but it didn't mean he could ignore them.

"Of course I didn't mean that. It's just that I saved you. Do you need to repay this kindness?"

Anyway, he helped them a bit, they can't be too hard on him, can't they?

"Oh, then we really miss your rescue, but I didn't ask you to do that"

The implication is, who told you to be sentimental, to meddle in other people's business, to get in when you're full, what does it matter to them?

Feng Qining covered her mouth and snickered, Yichu has become more and more mean recently, this person wants their thanks, isn't this a dream?

"But I helped you anyway, didn't I?"

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he still helped him. This can't be changed, can it?

"Well, so I thank you?"

Is it okay to thank you already?Was his help so cheap?The man's face twitched.

"It's good enough that we don't dislike you for being nosy, don't you want us to thank you?"

He was really looking for trouble. The man took a look at them. He had seen cold people before, but he had never seen such cold people like them. He saved their lives and sent them away with a thank you.

"As a thank you, can you tell me your names?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Feng Qining's sharp eyes swept over him.

Asking their names, usually those who ask their names are uneasy and kind, and soon, Feng Qining's eyes regained their calmness, and the calm look made the man suspect that the fierceness he saw just now was an illusion. [

"Don't you know that usually those who ask our names have no good end?"

Lancer opened the fan that he carried with him, and he looked handsome. He even fanned a fan, and he looked like a beast in clothes. Wrong, it should be said that he looks like a human.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I have done a lot of evil things, and I am not afraid of retribution"

Feng Qining sneered, it's really funny to do too many evil things.

"I'm afraid the evil thing you did was to betray your friends, what? Are you going to tell them our whereabouts?"

No matter if he said yes or no, Feng Qining didn't believe him, and she wasn't a prostitute, she would talk to the person she met for the first time, so she might not know how many times she died.

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