"Don't you think I'm a ghost?"

Feng Qining stood in front of the old woman with a curious expression, her head slightly turned to one side, like an innocent little girl.
"Even if the girl is a ghost, she is much better than those people"

The old woman's words won Feng Qining's liking, ghost, in fact, it is far less scary than people coming.

"Grandma, get up quickly" [

Feng Qining helped the old woman to get up, the old woman was kicked by those people, and now she couldn't even stand up, so Murong Li hurried over.

"It's okay, it's just a heel injury, but you have to rest well"

Murong Li helped the old woman apply the medicine, and said with a gentle expression.

"Grandma, do you hear me? You'll be fine"

The terrified girl finally said a word at this time.

Sending the Buddha to the west, Feng Qining sent the old woman home, Lan Se was carrying her on his back, Feng Qining thought, if she knew that the person carrying her was the current prince, how would she feel.

Along the way, Feng Qining also understood what had happened. It turned out that the rich man who came to snatch the girl was a landlord, because the old woman could not hand over the grain and had no money, so the rich man wanted to arrest her granddaughter Cuicui. Foreclosed.

"I'm old, I don't know how many days I can live"

The old woman sighed. This granddaughter was the most worrying thing for her, but no one came to entrust her to her.

"Girl, I think you are a good person. Can I entrust my granddaughter to you?"

The old woman suddenly grabbed Feng Qining's hand, Feng Qining didn't expect the old woman to say such a thing, she was stunned for a while before she realized it.

"Grandma, it's not that we don't want to take her with us, but we have something to do now and we can't take her with us"

Feng Qining looked at her in embarrassment, she didn't know what she would encounter in the road ahead, and she still didn't understand martial arts at all, wasn't this a typical drag?

"Girl, I know you are in a difficult situation, but I really can't help it"

The old woman held Feng Qining's hand tightly and looked at her with pleading eyes. Feng Qining actually wanted to reject her as if she was rejecting someone else, but this was not someone else's request, but an old man's entrustment.

"Grandma, it's really not a good choice for your granddaughter to follow me. I'm from the martial arts world and I'm running away from others. If you can still let your granddaughter follow me, then I'll let her follow."

Feng Qining became ruthless, probably no one would want her granddaughter to live a life of running for her life.

"Sister, I'm not afraid, your martial arts are so powerful, you can definitely protect me"

Cui Cui likes Feng Qining very much, she is not afraid to grab Feng Qining's sleeve at all, and looks at Feng Qining with pleading eyes. [

"Cui Cui, protection can only be protected once or twice, I can't take care of you every time, do you know?"

This girl is really naive, there is no one who has protected someone for a lifetime, not to mention she has never seen a murder before, she doesn't want to bring the oil bottle again.

"But if I stay here, I will be caught by that rich man sooner or later. I will end up dead anyway. I might as well follow my sister. I want to learn martial arts from my sister."

Cui Cui shook Feng Qining's hand, Feng Qining felt embarrassed.

"I need to think about it. You see, I'm not alone. It's not up to me to take you with me."

Feng Qining winked at the people next to her, hurry up and talk, these people, why are they all dumb, they don't say anything.

(here today)

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