Soon, they were full, drank more than half of the egg soup, but didn't eat the eggs, and only ate half of the tofu, very consistent, Feng Qining and the others put down their chopsticks. www>

"Cui Cui, we've finished eating, you haven't eaten yet, these are left for you"

Cuicui looked at the dishes on the table, they didn't seem to have eaten yet, but when she wanted to say something, Feng Qining and the others had already walked out.

Looking at their backs and the dishes on the table, Cui Cui knew that they were leaving the dishes to her, and she couldn't refuse even if she wanted to.

After walking far, Lancer looked back, and he was relieved when he didn't see the figure. [

"Mom, I'm not full yet"

It was the first time in his life that he ate with restraint like today, and he couldn't eat too much if he wanted to. For a foodie like him, this was torture.

"Go find something to eat by yourself. If you are so big, you will miss a meal. Will you eat it?"

Feng Qining patted her paw, Lan Se looked at her aggrieved, what did she mean by this sentence?He is so big, he can't starve to death if he misses a meal, that is to say, if he is younger, he won't have to be hungry like this, right?

Lancer suddenly hated himself for growing up, why did he grow up?For a foodie like him, it's best not to grow up.

Complaining and sad, he took out a piece of pie from behind, and Lan Se gnawed on the pie. Seeing him like that, Feng Qining turned around helplessly. His look made her feel that she had abused him.

"Feng, I'm not full yet, let's find something to eat?"

Murong Li suddenly said such a sentence to Feng Qining, and after his words fell, everyone looked at him expectantly, especially Lan Se.

Their longing eyes convey the message that they are not yet full.

Now, Feng Qining not only felt that she had abused Lan Ser, but by the way, she had abused them all, did she commit such crimes?

"Isn't Feng going to teach that rich man Zhang a lesson? I think his family should not lack this food."

"Yes, Murong, you are too smart."

Lan Se patted Murong Li's shoulder, and casually threw the pie in his hand.

Murong Li looked at her shoulder, then at Lan Se's greasy hand, feeling Murong Li's menacing gaze, Lan Se took her hand back resentfully.

"Oh, I, I didn't mean to"

"It wasn't on purpose, I know, you did it on purpose"

Murong Li's words made everyone laugh, Yi Chu and Zhang Kai looked at Feng Qining, Feng Qining looked back innocently, what does this have to do with her?She didn't teach him, he taught himself.

"I really didn't mean it, and I didn't do it on purpose, you forgive me"

Murong Li's pursuit made Lan Se feel terrified. He knew that Murong Li had a cleanliness habit. If he caught him, he would not kill him. [

"Forgive you is God's business, all I have to do is send you to see God"

"cough cough"

Feng Qining swallowed a mouthful of saliva and almost choked, who taught him this sentence?When did she say that?

"What is this God?"

Zhang Kai looked at Yichu, and Yichu looked at Feng Qining. Feng Qining was about to explain when a scream came from beside her.

Looking back, it turned out that Murong Li hit Lan Se and stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth, blocking Lan Se's remaining screams.

Feng Qining looked at the two of them like this, and shook her head helplessly, how old are they, and they are still fighting.

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