"Son? Is he your son?"

Someone yelled in disbelief, Feng Qining rolled her eyes, knowing that they had misunderstood again, but she never thought about explaining, there is nothing to explain these things, or maybe there is nothing to explain to them of.Fiction Rankings
"Whether he is my son or not has nothing to do with you. You just need to tell me whether you plan to stop here forever. If so, then we don't have to be polite."

Feng Qining's tone contained impatience, anyway, she would not go with them, if she wanted to do it, she would do it as soon as possible, if she didn't do it, she would have to leave.

"Amitabha, female benefactor, you should go with us" [

"you dream"

No longer talking to them, Feng Qining's ribbon fluttered, and the white ribbon flew by, like a swimming dragon, shuttling through the crowd, and soon, Feng Qining made a way out.


Turning around and speaking to those people, Feng Qi Ning flew on the horse, and when those people wanted to chase after them, they would have already gone far away.

"Let them run away"

After stomping his feet, someone said angrily.


The strong wind behind reminded Feng Qining that the group of people behind were catching up, and they looked like they were going to chase after them.

Murong Li turned her head, clasped the horse's belly with her hands, and swung her sword at them. The domineering sword energy and light made those people stop. After a while, Feng Qining and the others flew off the horse and hid in a Hidden corner.


Those people paused for a moment, and when they saw Feng Qining and the others' horses, they quickly chased after them. Seeing those people leaving, Feng Qining and the others came out of the grass.

"So many people came to chase and kill us, they are also embarrassed"

Feng Qining glanced at the backs of those people, those people, if they killed them, they would only cause trouble, and at that time, even if they didn't kill the martial arts leader, they would be chased and killed.

"For them, there is nothing embarrassing. However, our first priority now is to find out the murderer who planted on us?"

Murong Li's voice turned gloomy and cold, who the hell made them take the blame and provoked such a large group of people to chase and kill them, she must catch that person and tear his body to pieces.

"Did you hear any voices?"

Yichu's words silenced all the people, they listened intently, vaguely heard the voice, they looked at each other, and walked towards the voice.

When I came to a clearing, where were there still people?But there was a bloodstain in that place, looking at the blood, Feng Qining and the others exchanged glances, this is probably left by the murderer.

"Help, help"[

A very faint cry for help came from deep in the grass, Feng Qining suddenly turned around, the ribbon flew into the grass, and when it was dragged out, there was another person in her ribbon.

It was a woman, judging by her figure, she was still a young woman, but her body and face were covered with blood, so her appearance could not be seen clearly.

"help me"

The woman stretched out her hand to Feng Qining, Feng Qining looked at her, and then at Murong Li, who appeared here at this time, could it be some kind of conspiracy?

Murong Li squatted down and tapped the woman's body a few times with his fingers, and the blood on the woman's body was stopped by him.

"Tell me, why are you here?"

The woman opened her mouth, her body was too weak, and she couldn't say anything for a while.

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