Tang Xuan's expression turned pale. She couldn't beat Ye Ru, that's for sure. If they knew each other, Ye Ru helped her drive away all those hooligans.
"But aren't you still there? You will help me, right?"

Tang Xuan grabbed Feng Qining's hand, feeling too cold, she let her go immediately.

"You, why are your hands so cold?"

Such a cold temperature doesn't seem to belong to anyone. Tang Xuan let go of Feng Qining's hand and looked at her in horror. [

"Is it cold? Why don't I feel it?"

Feng Qining was surprised, it was a hot day, she felt very hot, how could she be cold?Unbelievable, Feng Qining put her hands on her face, but she still didn't feel the coldness.

"Where is it cold? Why can't I feel it?"

Feng Qining touched her face with her hand, but still nothing, she didn't feel any change, her eyes looked at Murong Li, he knew whether her temperature had changed or not.

"Your hands are a little colder than normal people, but I'm used to it, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it."

Murong Li didn't know that Feng Qining didn't know. Ever since she came back, her body temperature was lower than before. Holding her was like holding a popsicle. He remembered Feng Qining said that five years ago , for a period of time, she soaked in the ice spring every day.

Because of the wrong medicine, her whole body was on fire, and she had to soak in the ice spring to make her feel better. Murong Li estimated that it was during that time that the temperature on her body dropped.

"Oh, maybe, you heard it too. That's the way it is. The topic is far away. Turn it back. Girl, we seem to have just met. Why do you think I will help you?"

If you want her to help, you should also give her benefits. For a person like her, it is impossible to ask her to help for nothing. Don't forget, what she did in the previous life was a killer, helping people kill people, and then getting money.

There are many kinds of killers. Some are trained by others to help their master kill enemies. But her kind is a freelance killer who does it by herself.

"You, didn't you say that you would avenge my sister? Besides, you didn't help me for nothing, didn't those people misunderstand that you killed the leader of the martial arts? If you don't expose him, don't you plan to be scapegoated all the time?"

Not bad, Feng Qining looked at her, at this moment, she understood how to think, isn't she stupid.

"I can check it out and then publish the evidence. I don't have to do it. Sooner or later someone will do it."

Anyway, those people didn't kill her, and she didn't need to do anything to them. She had done a lot of killing with knives, and she didn't miss such a while.

Tang Xuan pointed at Feng Qining with trembling fingers. She never expected that she would say that. Just now she said she would help her, so why did she change her mind now.

"Forget it, Feng, don't tease her, we will deal with this matter, but it's not for you, it's us helping ourselves"

Murong Li's words made Tang Xuan feel a little depressed, but since they were willing to help her, she should have snickered.

"Then should we bury her now?"

Lancer pointed to the corpse on the ground, they are very weird now, they are talking about these things to the corpse, will she die with regret?She is dead now, let's talk about these things, will she jump out of the ground at night? [

"Wait a little longer, maybe this is still useful?"

(here today)

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