"I ask you, do you know something?"

The man shook his head in horror: "I'm just a small guard, I don't know what, but I know Miss Tang is very nice."

The guards told Murongli and the others that Tang Yi was kind and kind, unlike the other ladies who came to the leader's mansion, who were hot-tempered and coquettish, she didn't seem to have a temper, she did everything by herself and didn't need anyone to wait on her.look
But these were all told to him by the maid beside her. He really didn't know if that was the case, until one day, his wife was ill, and he had to guard during the day, and only had time at night, but where could he see the doctor at night?

One day, his wife went to see the doctor by herself, and she fainted on the way. Fortunately, she met Tang Yi. Tang Yi took her to see the doctor, helped her get the medicine, and finally sent her back to take care of her herself. [

When he came back, he saw Tang Yi taking care of his wife. He will never forget the scene at that time.

"Ms. Tang, sister is really a good person. At that time, she brought me some vegetables from time to time, and gave me some money."

Tang Yi really took good care of him. Madam's health has been bad, and he has no money. She has been taking care of him. She is not doing well in the lord's mansion. She often has to be looked down upon by others, but she still often comes to take care of him. If he, his wife hadn't taken care of her a lot, he didn't know if he could survive until now.

"So, do you not believe that Tang Yi would do something like kill the leader?"

Feng Qining really felt that Tang Yi was as good as the owner of her previous body, and they were both good people, but usually such good people don't live long.

Tang Yi learned martial arts all over her body. With her temperament, she wasted her martial arts. Even if she had martial arts, she would not do anything to others. People are good at being bullied, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others, just like Feng Qining. Pay, what do you get in the end?Got nothing.

"I was also shocked to hear such news. I don't believe it was Tang Xiaojie who killed the leader, but two days ago, the leader and Tang Xiaojie disappeared. At the beginning, everyone in the martial arts rumored that it was Tang. Younger sister hid the leader of the alliance, and later, the leader of the martial arts alliance was killed, Miss Tang still disappeared, and those people said that the leader of the martial arts alliance was killed by Miss Tang."

People in the martial arts?Feng Qining and Murong Li exchanged glances, Feng Qining sneered, "Did it come from people in the martial arts world, or did your young master say it?"

The guard looked at Feng Qining in surprise, he didn't expect her to tell the truth in a single word.

"I'm not wrong, am I? Your young master said it? But I'm curious, how did he know that the leader of the martial arts alliance was in trouble? Does he have clairvoyance?"

The arrogance and arrogance of self-importance made the guard look sideways, and after only one glance, he lowered his head and never dared to look directly again.

"Let's just say it, what else did your young master say?"

The guard also said that on the second day after the martial arts lord disappeared, Ye Ru said that something unexpected happened to him, and Tang Yi might have killed him. The rumor spread more and more outrageous, and finally became The leader of the martial arts alliance was killed by Tang Yi.

What Ye Ru wanted was such a result. Everything was developing in the direction he wanted. If they hadn't seen all of this, it is very likely that he would be satisfied.

(Youyou wrote the wrong title, and wrote 4 instead of 5, please ignore it)

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