"Bold demon girl, she dares to be arrogant, hurry up and kill her!"

The guard wanted to fly up, Tang Xuan smiled, her smile was as cool as moonlight, which made people feel cold for no reason.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"I'm a witch, hahaha, go and ask your young master what he has done, tell him, even if he is a ghost, my sister will not let him go"

That terrifying laughter, like a cuckoo weeping blood, sounded supernatural and terrifying, and those who were about to rush up were all frightened in their tracks.

Seeing their dumbfounded appearance, Tang Xuan kicked her, following Feng Qining's example, and flung tiles at them. [

The kicking method was chaotic, but there was still some strength. The tiles, some hit the eyes of those people, and some hit the foreheads of those people, which immediately made the blood flow from them, and the screams came quickly. Qining snorted coldly.

"People like you who only know how to scream but can't beat are still trying to catch us. Isn't this a dream? I advise you, get out of here quickly, otherwise, don't say you're blind, I'm afraid you'll die."

The tiles came out from under their feet, accurately crossed those people's throats, flew from one person's throat to another person's throat, floated over a person's throat like a float, and finally inserted into a person's throat throat.

It's just a kick, but it has such power. Those people looked at the fallen corpse on the ground, and looked at Feng Qining with horror in their eyes. Where did this pervert come from?

"Why? I'm afraid, if you are afraid, then go away"

Feng Qining said this as if this place is her territory, but in fact, this place is someone else's place, and she broke in here.

"It's you who are going to get lost, right? Where did you come from, and you dare to act wildly in the lord's mansion? Are you tired of work?"

A somewhat thick voice came from behind the tree. Feng Qining raised her head and saw a very rough-looking man with a square face and a burly figure, dressed in black and looking like a bear.

"Where did the bear come from? It looks a bit like a human, but it's only four parts, and seven parts are more like a bear."


Tang Xuan couldn't help laughing, and looked at Feng Qining with her thumbs up, strong, too strong, in this case, only she could say it, bear, she didn't think it was like it before, but after she said it, she I also feel very similar.

"Where did the rogue come from, come here to play wild, come, someone, catch him for me"

rogue?Feng Qining looked at him blankly for a while, and soon, she burst into a warm smile.

"Hooligans? I'm just telling a fact. Is this becoming a hooligan? I haven't told you that it's not your fault to grow up like this, but if you come out and hang around, it's not right. Alas, tell me, Make everyone stare at your face, you can't even eat."

Ye Sen looked at the man who came out of nowhere, seeing how righteous he was, why were his words so embarrassing?

The person riding the white horse may not necessarily be a prince, but may very well be Tang Seng. The upright person may not necessarily be a hero, but may also be a hero.

"I said, you'd better get out, otherwise, I'm afraid I can't help but attack your face."

"Bold, have you forgotten that you are the one who should get out, come and arrest him?"

Ye Sen shouted to the people behind him, Feng Qining glanced over, all those people were frozen, no one dared to step forward. [

"Sorry, they seem to be afraid of me, what should I do?"

Very narcissistic and unworthy of beating, Feng Qining looked at Ye Sen with a smile all over her face.

(here today)

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