Feng Qining agreed, and now it seems that this is the only explanation, but where did Ye Ru go?Why hasn't it appeared yet?

The next day, a group of people came to the inn early in the morning. They were uniformly dressed in black with red collars. When they saw the group of people, the shopkeeper rushed to meet them.Passionate picture feast
Feng Qining and the others who were drinking tea in the corner collected their minds. These people don't know what kind of sect they are.

Feng Qining suddenly remembered the wordless gold medal on her body. She changed her appearance, and those people probably wouldn't recognize her anymore, so these geniuses didn't have anyone to chase and kill her.

Tang Xuan lowered her head and ate from the bowl. She didn't pay attention to who came in. [

Not long after that group of people came in, another group of people came in from the door, Feng Qining looked at those familiar faces, and her heart skipped a beat. Naturally, she was no stranger to these people, because they were none other than the gang that chased and killed her. .

Those people stood at the door and watched for a while, and when they saw the group of uniformed people, they walked over.

"Young Master Ye, it's such a coincidence that I ran into you here"

The name "beautiful young woman" made Tang Xuan raise her head. When she saw that familiar handsome face, her eyes suddenly widened. She stretched out her hand and was about to scream. Lan Se quickly covered her mouth with his hand.

"You are crazy, you are screaming at this time, isn't it to remind others that you are here?"

Feng Qining and Murong Li moved a little closer, and the two of them completely blocked Tang Xuan's face.

"Don't bark, eat your meal"

Feng Qining gave her a wink. Tang Xuan's agitated heart calmed down with her slightly cold eyes. Seeing that she was no longer agitated, Lan Se let go of her mouth and pressed her head down with too much force. Xuan's entire face was buried in the bowl.

"cough cough"

Feng Qining coughed, her face blushed as she strongly held back her smile, Murong Li picked up a piece of meat and put it in her bowl, looking carefully, she could still see his slightly trembling hands.

Without looking back, Feng Qining ate her meal calmly, but her ears perked up.

"Seniors, I never expected to meet you here."

Ye Ru stood up, he had a resolute face, he wore a green robe, he had a clean smile, and he was very refined. No matter how you looked at him, he didn't think he was a bad person. Tang Yi's murderer.

Feng Qining finally understood why some people would believe him when he said that Tang Yi had captured the leader and killed him. If she didn't know who he was, she probably wouldn't have doubted it.

With such an appearance, it is very suitable to be a hypocrite, at least when he is pretending, no one will suspect that he is pretending.

"Master Ye, we have also heard about the lord's affairs, please mourn."

Sorry, Feng Qining snorted coldly, I'm afraid he was laughing in his heart, the development of the matter was smoother than he imagined.

"Oh, I didn't know that such a thing would happen. My dad just left like that. I didn't even see him for the last time."

Ye Ru's voice was full of tears, his false appearance made Tang Xuan raise her head, Lan Se pressed her head down again, Tang Xuan glared at him angrily, Lan Se looked at Feng Qining, saw Feng Qining Tang Xuan hurriedly lowered her head from Qi Ning's terrifying look. [

"My condolences to Mr. Ye, I don't know what Mr. Ye plans to do next?"

Speaking of the important point, the ears of Feng Qining and the others all pricked up.

"I want to bury my father first, and then arrest Tang Yi"

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