"Why do you act like that? If you can't find someone, you have to act like that. Now that you have found someone, you should be happy"

I'm so happy, I saw someone, but she can't do anything, as she said, if she goes to him like this, I'm afraid she won't be able to touch the hem of his clothes, so what's there to be happy about? ?

"Don't worry, aren't we here to help you? Tonight, let's teach him a lesson first."

A devilish smile bloomed at the corner of Feng Qining's mouth. It just so happened that there were so many people around her, so it would be useless if she didn't make good use of them.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
Early in the morning, Feng Qining washed off the face-changing powder and restored her troubled face. In order to achieve the best effect, Feng Qining even put on light makeup. [

Tang Xuan watched from the side, her mouth wide open in surprise.

Her white skin was as seductive as pearls, her eyes were like the moon, her lips were like cherry blossoms, her eyebrows were like willows, and her black hair was like a waterfall. She was wearing a green tube top dress, The outside is covered with a layer of transparent tulle, and the snow-white skin is looming.

Such Feng Qi Ning is undoubtedly mesmerizing, her long black hair is loosely rolled up, so that's fine.

Turning around, Feng Qining saw Tang Xuan with her mouth wide open, and reached out her hand to close her mouth.

"Drool is coming out"

Tang Xuan's face turned red, she couldn't recover from staring at a woman.

Feng Qining stood up, with a very gentle smile on the corner of her mouth, this kind of Feng Qining was very different from the previous sturdy appearance, her gestures and gestures were full of grandeur.

"Wow, Miss Feng, what are you planning to do?"

Tang Xuan circled around her, Feng Qining winked at her, and looked at her very seductively: "What are you going to do? Of course it's to seduce a man."

With her appearance, she is not a good woman at first glance. If she doesn't seduce men, what else can she do?Feng Qining gave Tang Xuan a disdainful look, and pulled her over.

"Okay, I've done it, come on, I'll dress you up, tonight, we must scare Ye Ru to death"

Even if you can't scare him to death, let him have only half life left.

Tang Xuan and Tang Yi look a bit alike, as long as Tang Xuan's face is rounded a bit, it will look like a dick, Feng Qining looked at it for a while, and finally nodded: "It's ok, anyway, it's night, I guess He can't see clearly either."

"Let's not talk about seeing him clearly. I'm afraid that if he sees me, he might be scared to death."

Tang Xuan covered her mouth and snickered. She was really looking forward to Ye Ru's expression when he saw her tonight.

"Your clothes, no way"

Feng Qining took a piece of cloth from the side, a white cloth.

"Take off your clothes"

Even in front of women, Tang Xuan felt embarrassed, not to mention there were people outside, what would they do if they barged in? [

Feng Qining didn't talk so much with her, and while Tang Xuan was hesitating, she untied her belt.

"I take it off myself"

Seeing Feng Qining's domineering appearance, Tang Xuan couldn't escape her fate of taking off her clothes, so she had to submit obediently, but what did she wear when she took off her clothes?

"Where did the cloth in your hand come from?"

Tang Xuan had a bad feeling because she didn't seem to notice that Feng Qining went out to buy clothes, so where did the cloth in her hand come from?

"I don't know, anyway, I saw that it was hanging outside, and I thought it would be useful, so I took it with me."

Just take it with you?Tang Xuan's brows were tied into a knot, what did she think she was?Can you make clothes for her with any cloth you take at hand?

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