Yichu's fingers trembled, and he pointed at the white dress in Lancer's hand with a broken expression: "You said this is the shopkeeper's apron?"

"Yeah, is there a problem? My mother said, even if there is a problem, it must be fine, because you have no choice"

It's this time, everything is ready, only Dongfeng owes him, how can he refuse?

The corner of Yichu's mouth twitched as he looked at the white dress, and soon he noticed something was wrong: "You said, half of this is the apron that the shopkeeper didn't want? Where is the other half?"

Lan Se turned the clothes around, there was a big hole in the back, Yi Chu wanted to faint, who made this clothes?Thanks to Feng Qining's talent, she can think of such a way.
"You accept your fate, you have no choice"

Lancer patted him on the shoulder, and stuffed the clothes into Yichu's arms.

"Your face is not white enough, you need to apply some more powder"

Murongli frowned, took the powder from Yichu's hand, and painted it on his face herself, maybe because she helped others change their appearance a lot. Chu Jiang painted his face very white.

Looking at himself in the mirror, even if he couldn't see clearly, Yichu knew that his current self was scary, and that face was not something ordinary people have.

"Looking at it this way, will it be easy to see that this is a fan?"

Lancer stretched out his hand to touch Yichu's face, a layer of powder soon appeared on his hand, Lancer shook his hand, so much powder, covered his face, I don't know how heavy it is.

"Don't be afraid, Feng has already figured out a way, as long as he pushes his hair forward, who will know that it is a fan?"

It's enough to vaguely see where the face is, who can control so much?

Zhang Kai went out just now, and came back quickly, holding a water basin in his hand.

"Look at the way you look now, so you should see clearly"

Zhang Kai put the water basin in front of Yichu, Yichu made preparations for a long time, and finally got up the courage to look into the water basin.

White face, black hair, even the eyebrows are white, and the lips on the white face are red, a bit like a bloody mouth.

"so ugly"

Yichu glanced at it, and couldn't bear to look at it anymore. He couldn't bear to look at the appearance inside. He had never been so ugly before. Is he really the same as he is now?

"Do you also know that you look ugly now?"

Zhang Kai was gloating next to him, covering his mouth and snickering, Yichu's appearance was better than both Zhang Kai and Lanse, those two had disliked him for a long time, now someone helped them avenge, they don't know how much happy.

He didn't know it before, but now that he knows it, they don't need to remind him, okay?

"You should change your clothes"[

Murongli asked Yichu to change clothes, looked at Lan Se and Zhang Kai, the backs of those two people began to feel cold, Murongli and Feng Qining were the same kind, whenever they looked at others like this, usually Nothing good happened.

"White impermanence is here, who of you will be black impermanence?"

In unison, Lancer and Zhang Kai pointed at each other.

"May I ask, what is the rest of you doing?"

Zhang Kai asked a little timidly, it's better to have a choice than to have no choice, isn't it?

"The remaining one will be a ghost, and float behind people from time to time. I think Lancer is more suitable for this task, because his lightness skill is better."

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