Feng Qining followed behind the young woman, and the few people followed leisurely, not in a hurry, if they followed closely, they might be discovered, but in this state, they definitely won't be discovered.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"You said, where did she take Ye Ru?"

After a few detours in the alley, Tang Xuan couldn't help complaining, what was that man trying to do?Why go to these places specifically?

"In my opinion, there should be some unknown secret in it, and they should be discussing something."

Lan Se replied to Tang Xuan, and Feng Qining patted it without hesitation: "You bastard, when can't we discuss things, why should you choose this time? Besides, do you think Ye Ru still has energy and energy at this time?" Are you in the mood to discuss things?" [

She felt that there was adultery in it, and it was still a big one. She didn't miss the astonishment in the young woman's eyes. Even if she covered her eyes, she would secretly look at Ye Ru. That woman looked like a watery woman.

Feng Qining doesn't despise women who are easygoing and flamboyant, as long as she doesn't harm the men around her, she won't do anything, and the harm doesn't matter, except Li Mei, as long as she harms one of them, she will be devoted to them from now on It's okay, but after she got into trouble, she just walked away, so don't blame her for being rude.

Forget it, throwing all this away, the first thing she should care about now is, even if that woman is going to have sex with Ye Ru, has she forgotten one thing?Where did Ye Ru just encounter an accident.

Didn't she see a white goose that big just now?Isn't she worried that his functions are not complete?

Thinking of this, Feng Qining instantly felt that there was a good show to watch.

"Feng, what did you think of?"

Seeing the evil smile on Feng Qining's mouth, Murongli felt that nothing good happened. This woman usually only showed such a smile when she was thinking of something bad or watching a play.

"Nothing, I have a hunch that there will be a good show to come"

Premonition, she also has a premonition?Murong Li twitched the corners of her mouth, a woman's sixth sense, there are so many things to feel, not only to feel bad things, but now even to feel whether there is a good show to watch.

"Ning'er, aren't you tired of living like this?"

Yi Chu said what Murong Li wanted to say, and Murong Li glared at him, why did he take his lines every time?That sentence was obviously what he wanted to ask.

Feng Qining blinked her eyes wide, not understanding what Yichu's words meant, her divergent thinking spread too far, and she couldn't take it back for a while.

"Look, your sixth sense not only has to predict good things or bad things, but also predicts whether something good will happen. Isn't it tiring?"

Feng Qining let it go with one kick: "Brother Yi, you really deserve a beating."

"Shh, what are you doing? Don't forget, you are still following people now"

Tang Xuan looked at these people, did they get carried away with complacency?Simply forget what they are doing.

"Shh, don't talk"

Feng Qi stared at them, Murongli and the others felt very wronged, super wronged, but forget it, they were also involved in this matter, so it doesn't matter if they are wronged or not.

After such a short conversation, the young woman and Ye Ru disappeared. [

Feng Qining looked at Tang Xuan. Tang Xuan and her stared at each other, completely confused about the situation.

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