"These are beautiful, how nice it would be if I lived here"

Looking at the fairyland-like beauty beside her, Su Xue couldn't help but exclaimed, looking at him through the peach blossoms, she also felt that he was pink.Just look at the entertainment embarrassment picture
"Yes, I will plant a peach blossom forest for you in the future"

Ye Fu whispered something in Su Xue's ear, the meaning behind the words made Su Xue's face turn red.

What did he mean by that?Is it what she thinks?probably?Su Xue guessed in her heart, but she didn't say she was sure. [

For the past half month, although they went to play every day, Ye Fu never hinted at anything, nor did he act out of line. He acted like a gentleman in every move, which made her feel that she was not attractive to him at all. of.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly said such a sentence now, which really surprised her.

"You, what do you mean by this sentence?"

Su Xue felt that she had to ask clearly. He couldn't disturb her heart like this and then leave as if nothing had happened. He could be chic, but she couldn't.

"What does Xue think it means, that's what it means"

Ye Fu grabbed Su Xue's hand under Su Xue's suspicious eyes: "My heart, don't you understand at all?"

Being together, it was so logical, and after being together, she knew that he was the leader of the martial arts alliance, and she did not look for anyone, but actually found a martial arts leader.

Before her, her parents should not allow it, but she is not afraid, as long as he wants to marry her, she will follow him.

When he went to propose marriage, he was indeed blocked by her parents, but he still walked forward without fear. Su Xue's parents used a broom to drive him away, but he still walked forward persistently.

"Kill you, kill you"

The broom hit Ye Fu's body, but he still gritted his teeth and knelt down without making a sound. Su Xue, who received the news, ran out regardless of the guard's obstruction.

"Stop hitting"

She threw herself on his back, begging her parents.

"Xue'er, don't marry him, he can't give you happiness"

Dad said sadly, but how could she listen to his advice at that time?She has recognized him, not to mention he is treating her like this now, can she not recognize him?

"No, I just want to marry him. If my parents don't agree, let me die with him."

That day, she knelt outside the door with him for a day and a night. After she couldn't bear it and fainted, her parents finally agreed, but they asked him to pick her up with eight sedan chairs.

Ye Fu agreed without even thinking about it: "Of course, it is necessary to carry her across the door in eight sedan chairs."

When I got here, I thought everything would go well, I thought that she and him would love each other and grow old together, but I didn't expect that there would be even bigger changes waiting for them. [

On the third day after her parents agreed, a woman came to her door.

It was a woman in a purple dress, she looked like an elf, her petal-like lips gave people the urge to take a bite, Su Xue had never seen such a dreamy woman, the first time she saw her, she thought it was a fairy descending to earth .

The woman didn't talk nonsense with her. After saying her name, she said something like this: "Brother Ye and I have been engaged since we were young. My family and his family are family friends."

In a word, Su Xue's body was shaken, the world was spinning, and she almost couldn't stand still.

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