"How do you know this?"

Such explosive news, the bombarded Su Xueli was so tender that she couldn't accept it at all. The last time I saw her, she didn't look like she was pregnant at all. Who would think of going to this level?

"accidentally know"

It turned out that Ye Fu also knew that Zhuang Yudie was dissatisfied with this marriage, and she didn't like him, and he didn't feel anything about her either, she thought he was too arrogant, but he thought she was too mad.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

He was thinking about when to dissolve the marriage, but when he was about to act, Zhuang Yudie actually approached Su Xue and said that he would not let go. [

He suddenly felt strange. He didn't expect that when he came out, he saw Zhuang Yudie looking for the doctor furtively. He instinctively had something to do, so he quietly followed her. He didn't expect to hear "Congratulations" before entering the door. , you are happy", he was also frightened at that time.

He knew that Zhuang Yudie was bold, but he never expected that she would be so bold. She has a child before she is married, how will she gain a foothold?

After returning home, he told her that as long as she told her parents about the divorce and agreed to divorce, he would help her find a way, and he could help her get rid of the child without anyone noticing. Unexpectedly, she didn't want to kill the child, but chose to commit suicide, wanting him to wear that cuckold.

Has he no children of his own?Need to pick up someone else's cheap kid?

"Isn't she doing this because she wants others to point the finger at me and ask me to marry her?"

Would he do something like this?I want him to marry her, in the next life.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Su Xue felt that this matter was very difficult, it was beyond what she could handle, and even a bit beyond what she could bear in her heart. Having a child before getting married was completely unacceptable to her.

She was still very conservative in her heart. If she did that, her parents might beat her to death.

"She is unkind and I am unrighteous. Since she has acted so unfeelingly, don't blame me."

Ye Fu didn't tell Su Xue exactly what he was going to do, but the next day, Su Xue heard the rumors that Zhuang Yudie's life was rough and he even gave the martial arts leader a green hat.

Immediately, the power of public opinion was on Ye Fu's side. Zhuang Yudie's reputation plummeted, and she became a slut that everyone scolded. Later, she was said to be crazy and disappeared. Anyway, since then, she has never been seen again. People have seen her.

Of course, this is something to say later. After that incident, the obstacles on the road between the two of them were temporarily cleared away. Ye Fu's parents were not very satisfied with her at first, but after this incident, their attitudes changed. changed.

Anyway, things that were not going well at first became very smooth all of a sudden. She married him smoothly like this. She originally thought that it would be bitter before sweet, and they would face smooth sailing in the future. Even if there were troubles, they would be very small Small troubles, small fights, there will be no big ups and downs.

But she always thought too well, the reality was far more cruel than she thought, after marrying him for a year, he had no children, his parents' complexions were not very good, and he often asked Ye Fu to marry a concubine.

But Ye Fu refused to say anything. At that time, she also hated herself for not living up to her expectations. It was also from then on that she began to think of various ways to beg for a child.

She felt that as long as she had a child, everything would be fine, and her parents would treat her as well as before.

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