She led this group of people here, and this side happened to be the door of Ye Sen's room. Ye Sen happened to have an accident at this time. How could it be such a coincidence?

No one believes that these are coincidences, everyone will think they did it!

"Here, they killed my brother"

The first one was Ye Ru's voice. Feng Qining looked at his poking behavior, and really wanted to kill him with one knife, but she couldn't, she had to bear it, because she didn't want to help others take the blame, so she still helped such a poking person.Fiction Rankings
"Say I killed your brother, do you have evidence?"[

Feng Qining spit out these words coldly.

"What more evidence do you need? Aren't you the best evidence here? If you really want evidence, isn't the blood on your knife the best evidence?"

"You mean it?"

Feng Qining swung his sword across, and those people immediately took a step back, looking at their small appearance, Feng Qining smiled relaxedly.

"Don't worry, without my order, it won't hurt people at will. A knife is much better than people, at least it won't spray people with blood."

There is something in Feng Qining's words in this sentence, although those people are stupid, they are not stupid in this respect.

"What do you mean by that? You mean we wronged you? What evidence do you have to prove your innocence?"

A monk stood up, and Feng Qining looked at his upright appearance, thinking it was funny.

Putting on clothes, they look quite human, but no matter how human they are, it can't hide their animal nature inside.

"What evidence do you have to say that I killed him? Could it be that we are the murderers who killed the person you mentioned by standing here? Except we are standing here, it seems that you are standing here too, why don't you doubt yourself Woolen cloth?"

Those people peeked at each other, and they seemed to have no idea that Feng Qining was so sharp-tongued, but with so many people on their side, it's impossible to lose to her, right?

"We were invited to come here, how about you? If you didn't plan to do something wrong, how could you come here?"

Feng Qining sneered, her cold smile made the surrounding temperature drop, and her terrifying appearance shocked all the people around her.

"We came here with someone, and we saw him kill his brother, and then blamed us, oh, I forgot to tell you, he also killed his own father, the leader of the martial arts, hahaha , you are still with such a person, tell me, should I say that you are the authentic villains?"

Feng Qining's words made everyone's eyes focus on Ye Ru. They will be here today, but Ye Ru called him, and he said that he wanted to discuss with them how to capture Tang Yi.

Unexpectedly, such a thing happened when they came here. When they received the news and rushed over, they saw Feng Qining and the others. Now that I think about it, is it all too coincidental?

"Don't believe her, she is bloody, just think about it, those are my own brothers, how could I kill them?"

Soon, the arrow came to Feng Qining's side again, and the smile on the corner of Feng Qining's mouth became even bigger. She hated that there was no recording pen here, otherwise she would have recorded the whole process to see how he would deny it.

"Really? You can't kill them? Do you dare to swear? Tell the sky, if you kill them, then the sky will be struck by lightning, five thunders will strike the top, and you will be flogged when you die" [

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