"This woman is really ungrateful"

Lin Sheng looked at Feng Qining, this woman is really merciless in rejecting others, why doesn't she leave a way out for herself?

"Turn your eyes back, or you wouldn't be here"

Murong Li hugged Feng Qining in her arms and blocked her, preventing Lin Sheng from looking at her. Lin Sheng looked at the way the two of them behaved with a strange expression in his eyes.
Although the atmosphere here is open, the two of them are too open. It is too rare to see people hugging each other in front of so many people. Looking at the few people next to them, they don't speak, which seems to be no surprise. [

"Young Master Lin, sit here."

Tang Xuan greeted Lin Sheng. Lin Sheng looked at the silent people and sat next to Tang Xuan.

"Miss Tang, why are you here? Are you planning to go back to Tangjiabao?"

What Lin Sheng wanted to ask more was whether these people would also go back to Tangjiabao with her. When the words came to his lips, he felt that it was not very good for him to ask like that. Maybe these people didn't want to ask others like that. make them nasty.

"Yeah, I've been out for a long time, I'm homesick, and I feel like I'm going back to see my dad"

Tang Xuan was a little embarrassed and said that she had been out for so long and had never thought about going back. Now that Feng Qining took this road, she passed through Tangjiapu, so she just wanted to go back.

"Guys, I don't have any malice towards you, so don't be so indifferent to me, don't ordinary people say that they rely on friends when they go out? It won't do you any harm to make more friends like me, right?"

Lin Sheng told Feng Qining and the others sincerely that he made Zhang Kai turn around like this.

"Brother, why do you want to be friends with us? Don't friends have to be easy to talk to? But we think we can't talk to you"

Zhang Kai's straightforward question made Lin Sheng laugh: "I've always done things as I like, because I like you and want to make friends, I don't know if this reason is good enough, you should give me a chance if you don't want to, maybe you also think I'm a nice person"

Lancer looked at these people. He was wearing a somewhat gray robe. It was hard to see how many times it had been washed, but it was very clean. His hair was loose and tied loosely with a ribbon, giving people a kind of With an uninhibited feeling and a pair of torn cloth shoes on his feet, Lancer has a good impression of such a person.

"Didn't we let you come up? If you come up, you have a chance"

Lancer rested his head on Hubao's body again, and Hubao took a look at him, and lay down automatically.

Lancer gently stroked the tiger and leopard's skin with his hand to comfort it. He was so kind to him. After a while, it shouldn't throw him up without saying hello, right?

Lancer's body blocked the tiger and leopard just now, Lin Sheng didn't see it, but now it is exposed, seeing it, Lin Sheng shouted in surprise: "Tiger and leopard?"

Hubao didn't expect someone to recognize it, looked at Lin Sheng, and finally nodded to him.

"It, it can understand me?"

The tiger and leopard nodded to him. Of course it could understand what he said, but he couldn't understand what it said.

"You, why are you here?" [

"Because it's my pet"

Feng Qining answered for Hubao. Hubao rubbed its head against her feet. It looked like a lazy cat. Looking at it, Lin Sheng reached out his hand curiously, as if to pet it. , but afraid again.

"I, can I touch you?"

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