At that moment, her mind went blank, and she couldn't say anything. For a moment, she thought about telling him the truth, but how could she speak about such a cruel fact?

Looking at Tang Xuan's sad expression, Feng Qining felt quite uncomfortable. The family that was originally happy, the dead woman arranged the plants and trees here by herself, probably because she wanted her family to live comfortably and happily. Bar. www>

But now there are only the two of them left in this family. The white-haired master of Tangbao gave away the black-haired man. Such a blow is huge.

If it was in the past, Feng Qining would definitely not have thought of these things, but after she saw her mother, she understood the kind of heart-warming grief.

Feng Qining will never forget the scene when she saw her mother for the first time. She felt that she was cold-blooded, but people have feelings, and Ling Siyan awakened her deeply hidden feelings at that time. [

Let her believe that there are still true feelings in the world, that there are still people who will treat her well, and treat herself unconditionally.

"Find a chance and tell him again, or you will never hide it from him, just say that you didn't see it, and don't know where my sister went."

In this way, he also has a hope, he will look forward to the day when she might come back suddenly, if she dies, then there is no hope, it is good that he can accept this cruel fact, if he can't think about it , to do something stupid, then she can only live alone in the world.

"Well, I know, I also want to hide it from him, so that he may feel better."

Tang Xuan bit her lip and said this sentence pretending to be strong. Looking at her appearance, Feng Qining sighed.

"Don't think that you are the most unlucky. There are many unlucky people in the world. What you need to do is to stay by your father's side, be filial to him, and stop worrying him, you know?"

Tang Xuan nodded, "I know, I know, I know everything. I used to be too self-willed, and I will definitely not do it in the future."

Tears appeared on her face, the son wanted to be filial but the relative was not there, that kind of regret, if you have never experienced it, you will never know it.

Feng Qining sighed, hugged her gently, turned her head and said to the big men beside her: "Didn't you see that the current scene doesn't suit you?"

Murong Li coughed, and left voluntarily, and by the way, dragged Yichu away: "Go, let's play two games of chess."

"Let's go, let's watch people play chess, it's better than here"

When the four of them left, Tang Xuan burst into tears. During this period of time, she had hidden a lot of sadness in her heart. At this moment, she finally released it. During the period of avenging her sister, she had no extra time to think about it. , Now that I am free, all those emotions have come out.

"Okay, don't cry, if you cry again, I will be flooded"

Feng Qining's words made Tang Xuan laugh.

"Where is that exaggeration? If you are really submerged, I will definitely drag you out"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to drag it out, don't forget, I will take care of you along the way"

Tang Xuan sniffed, and looked at Feng Qining resentfully, "I want to take care of you, but you don't want me to take care of you."

"Look at your current appearance, it's so ugly, you'd better clean up yourself, don't let you look like this, others will think I bullied you"

Tang Xuan wiped away the remaining tears on her face. Feng Qining felt that the clothes were very tight and a little uncomfortable. Looking down, it turned out that Tang Xuan's tears had wet her clothes just now. [

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