"Then when are we going?"

Yichu looked at the sky, it seems that ghosts only come out at night, so it seems better to go at night.Passionate picture feast
"Since you feel like going, why not go now?"

Lancer suggested, and when he spoke, he rubbed his palms, as if he wanted to do it right away.

"You stay here obediently, you are not allowed to go anywhere" [

Feng Qining patted Lan Se's chest, Lan Se frowned in pain, but did not cry out.

"Your injury is still not healed, you should stay here obediently, you can't go anywhere"

Murong Li also said this, and Lan Se knew that when Murong Li said this, things could hardly be changed.

Feng Qining and Murong Li discussed it, and felt that it would be better to hit the sun than choose a date, so they went tonight and left immediately.

Although Tangjiabao is a little far away from the Phantom Forest, but relying on their lightness skills, it is estimated that they will arrive soon, so this is not a problem.

"Go, go."

After the discussion, Feng Qining stood up, she stretched out her hand, and Lan Se immediately grabbed her hand, the familiar temperature made Feng Qining turn her head.

"Mother, can you let me go? I can use qinggong and that person loves you so much, she won't hurt you"

Feng Qining looked at Lan Se's pleading eyes, her heart was a little soft, the most important thing was that the familiar movements reminded her of the days when she and him were inseparable, and she and him at that time were also like now.

"No, you still stay here. No one can guarantee that no accident will happen. Even if the probability is very small, I can't let it happen. Do you understand?"

Feng Qining looked at Lan Se very seriously, the premise of her taking him was that he could protect herself, she couldn't guarantee that she would not let him get hurt a little bit, she didn't want to experience the fear last time again.

"But you didn't take me with you last time, so that happened."

Lan Se grabbed Feng Qining, he didn't want to stay here alone, Feng Qining looked at Lan Se's persistence, and then at Murong Li.

"Forget it, let him follow, but let me tell you, you must keep up and not drag us down"

Lan Se was dissatisfied with what Murong Li said, what does it mean to drag them down? When did he become a drag?But now that he can go, he still needs to nod, so he wisely didn't refute.

A group of people walked out of Tangjiabao, looking at the night sky full of stars, Feng Qining tightly grasped Murongli's hand.


Yichu yelled, dropped the sword in his hand, and the long sword flew towards the flower garden at the door, Feng Qining turned her head, only to see a person standing out from the flowers.

"it's me"[

The familiar voice surprised Feng Qining, looking at Yichu's long sword, and then at Lin Sheng standing there, Feng Qining stretched out her hand, the ribbon flew out of her sleeve, rolled up Yichu's long sword, The long sword brushed past Lin Sheng's shoulder and nailed to the tree behind him.

"Come on, come on, why are you sneaking around, you deserve it because you almost died"

Taking back the ribbon, Feng Qining said this angrily.

"Didn't I not see clearly that it was you just now? Where are you going?"

"catch ghosts"

Murong Li said two words very calmly.

"Where are you going to catch ghosts? Why don't you take me with you?"

Lin Sheng asked with raised eyebrows, Yichu drew back his sword, and said with contempt: "You? You can't even compare to me. I think you are waiting to be caught by ghosts."

Don't you look down on him so much?It's not that he didn't react just now, he thought they hadn't found him.

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