"you see"

Yichu pointed at the moth injured by his sword. After the ball of black blood came out, the body of the moth gradually turned black, and finally turned into a thin layer of black skin.Fiction Rankings
Feng Qining and Murong Li exchanged glances, could it be that the moth would die if it came like this?If they want to kill like this, how can they kill them without getting hurt?

"If there is armor, it will be easy to handle"

When Zhang Kai said this thoughtfully, a light flashed in Feng Qining's head. [

"Brother, if you really don't talk, it's fine, it's definitely useful if you talk."

Feng Qining's words flattered Zhang Kai, but offended Murongli and the others. Did she mean that what Zhang Kai said was not nonsense, but what they said was more nonsense?

"Oh, don't be so stern, I mean that my brother seldom talks, there is absolutely no other meaning."

Feng Qining pulled Murong Li's face, and then told them the method she thought of. In fact, the method she thought of was very simple, that is to wrap her head with their clothes, leaving only her eyes exposed, so that she would not be afraid of those poisons.

"But those poisons can still pass through clothes."

Lan Se frowned, although this method is good, but there are loopholes, the poison can still be transmitted through the clothes.

"We have to figure it out quickly, if we can't kill them before they recover, it will be harder to kill them"

Murong Li's tone of voice was also a bit abnormal, if these things were not killed, they would not be able to get through, did they just let them get stuck here?

"Do we have umbrellas with us?"

Feng Qining came up with another idea, this time, this idea seems to be possible, because except for Feng Qining, all of them have umbrellas on their bodies. Why only one umbrella.

Feng Qining didn't expect that everyone had umbrellas, oil-paper umbrellas were relatively big, and when put together, they were just big enough to cover their bodies.

Feng Qining looked at her full armor and blinked.

"I feel like a robot, boxy"

Feng Qining looked at herself and finally came to a conclusion.

"No matter how a robot is human, it is better than not being human"

Lancer interface, although he doesn't know what a robot is, but there is a person, it should be a person.

"Okay, let's go, there is no time if you don't go"

Murong Li urged, tapped her toes lightly, Murong Li's long sword slashed across the bodies of those moths, black blood splashed, Murong Li raised her head, looked at the sky, and passed smoothly.

Everyone imitated his example, when Feng Qining arrived, a little accident happened, she accidentally bumped into a branch next to her, and her footsteps were stopped for a while, unexpectedly, the branch touched the moth, and the moth's body immediately changed Flattened. [

Feng Qining was surprised, all animals have nemesis, why didn't she think of it?The things she encountered should be the nemesis of these moths.

Deviated from the direction, Feng Qining got a branch like that with her hand, then took off her umbrella, and threw herself on those moths. In the eyes of everyone, Feng Qining walked over leisurely.

"Mother, you are so smart"

That was natural, Feng Qining raised her head proudly, looking at the ground that had turned black, a coldness flashed in Feng Qining's eyes.

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