Several people approached those trees in a circle, and when they were about to approach, those trees really separated, moved with them, and followed their steps. Feng Qining looked at this scene and sighed, these trees actually Like people, they know how to express themselves through dance.
Nature is indeed amazing!

"I feel like I'm going to fall before I get to it"

Lin Sheng shook his head and said that he felt that he was about to lose his footing. He had never done things like this before.

"You can also turn slower, of course, if you are not afraid of death, you can also go there" [

Lin Sheng glared at Feng Qining from behind. For this person, she always let outsiders go astray, and only her own people would not make crooked ideas.

Feng Qining turned around very easily, and when she walked in front of the tree, she put her hands on the tree, then twisted her body into an S shape, twisted her body like a water snake, and then successfully walked over .

Standing behind the tree, Feng Qining looked at them arrogantly.

"I'm here, the rest is up to you"

Feng Qining's appearance is very flat, but Murongli likes her arrogant appearance, just like when he first met her, but he remembered that when he first met her, she was so lawless and rebellious!

Murong Li didn't dare to imitate Feng Qining's appearance, her appearance just now was too charming, and he realized that she still had such a charming side.

When Murong Li turned to the tree, it happened to be his back, so he stiffly planned to touch it with his back, but unexpectedly, the tree hit his back with a branch first, and Murong Li raised his buttocks in pain , I touched the tree with my butt, and the tree let it pass.

"Hahaha, Li Meiren, it seems that it likes you very much"

Feng Qi Ning held her belly and laughed, and when she bent down, Murong Li came to her side.

"Feng thinks it's ridiculous?"

The dangerous voice immediately made Feng Qining stand up straight.

"No, I'm serious"

Murong Li shook her head helplessly, and looked up at the rest of the people. He made a fool of himself, and he couldn't believe that the people behind him were better than him.

Yichu witnessed Murongli's embarrassment, he began to think in his heart how he was going to get over it, he couldn't imitate Murongli.

Yichu calculated that when he turned to the tree, he was facing him head-on, but he didn't calculate the accident correctly. When he turned to the tree, his foot twisted unexpectedly, so he turned towards the tree. fall.

The tree actually hugged him, and pressed his head into his arms. Finally, Yichu's lips touched the tree trunk, and the tree finally let him go.

"Nice tree"

Feng Qining came to a conclusion in surprise, Yi Chu came to Feng Qining's side in a daze, seeing how he was standing unsteadily, Murong Li supported him.

"are you OK?"[

"Hey, try the feeling of being shaken constantly"

Yichu felt that the world was spinning, and after a while, he felt better.

"Brother Yi, don't worry, and my son you, he must be the most miserable."

Why is Lancer the most bitter?In Feng Qining's words, it is because he is the second.

Listening to Feng Qining's words, Lan Se decided in his heart that he must surprise her, so he began to take this matter very seriously.

Compared to Lancer's nervousness, Zhang Kai seemed very relaxed. He first turned around and then took a step. Soon, he was walking in front of Lancer.

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