"Well, am I looking for it? What do you think I need?"

Lin Sheng approached Feng Qining, and Murong Li blocked his face with his hands.Fiction Rankings
"Pay attention to the distance. Also, don't ask her. She doesn't know you. She doesn't know what you need."

Did this person make a mistake? He didn't even know what he needed, but now he came to ask Feng Qining, did he think Feng Qining was a fairy?know everything?

"Give me some advice, in your opinion, what kind of person am I?" [

Lin Sheng can't find what he really wants now, so he needs others to give him some advice. He is now in a period of confusion.

"What we think may not be what you want most, but if you are tired of the current life, it is a good idea to try a new life. From the new life, maybe you can find what you need."

Feng Qining sincerely gave him an idea. She also had this kind of confusion. When she was very young, when she was a beggar, she was always thinking about how she would live in this life. Food and clothing couldn't solve it. , will she leave like that one day and no one knows?

She tried that feeling of not seeing a future, and she didn't know why she thought about that kind of question at such a young age. She couldn't read at all at that time, but children always yearn for beautiful things.

At that time, she yearned for those girls who were like little princesses. They were princesses held by their families, and they could have whatever they wanted. Later, she became a killer, and she could have whatever she wanted.

So she will set her own goals every step of the way. She is afraid that one day she will be confused again. Fortunately, with so many people around her now, she will always find something to do.

"Yeah, so I follow you, you may give me different thinking"

Did he think they were philosophers?Follow them to get different thinking.

"I still say the same thing, if you continue to follow us, then you are ready to lose your life."

Lan Se poured cold water on the side, Feng Qining glanced at him, when did this person know how to throw cold water on others?But that's a big truth, if you don't prepare for your life, you may die at any time.

"I have a lot of life, so I'm usually not afraid. You see, my martial arts are not the best in the martial arts world, but am I okay?"

Feng Qining didn't want to remind him, but she felt that there was something she had to say: "Actually, I want to tell you that a large part of the reason why you are fine is that you are good at lightness kung fu, and you can escape if you can't fight. Your ability is very good. It is necessary for life-saving."

Lancer smiled lowly, mother's words were really perfect.

"Are you praising or belittling?"

Why, in his ears, is there more derogation?Feng Qi Ningpu opened her eyes and looked at him innocently: "Of course it's a compliment. Many people want to learn your skill, but they can't learn it. If you learn it, you should just laugh."

Is it a boast?Why can't he feel it at all?

"You're feeling dull, Ning'er is definitely complimenting you, so don't worry."

Seeing that Lin Sheng was still suspicious, Yi Chu also helped, Lin Sheng looked at the others, and the others nodded.

So many people said yes, and Lin Sheng couldn't refute it. Three people become tigers, and everyone is like this. When many people get along, he doesn't doubt it. [

"But then I already have it, so I don't need to pursue it. What exactly do I need?"

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