He didn't know why he was so unlucky, anyway, it was a stall, what can be done about it?

Murong Li tugged at his arm vigorously, unexpectedly, Lin Sheng's arm was dislocated without being torn off from the tree. Everyone froze when they heard a crisp sound.Passionate picture feast
"Ah, my arm"

Lin Sheng yelled in pain, if he didn't have any regrets before, then after this incident, Lin Sheng really regretted it a bit, he lived a good life, but he had to follow these people to find what he wanted most.

Just look for it, others have said that this is not a bad thing, but he chose this group of unlucky people instead of choosing anyone, so if he is unlucky, he will be unlucky, as long as he is not unlucky. [

But things are just the opposite, all the unlucky things fall on me, what is this?

"Hahaha, it's so funny, I said what you touched is stronger than superglue"

Feng Qining felt funny when she saw Lin Sheng's limply hanging arm, who would believe such a thing?

"You are still laughing over there, it hurts me to death"

He didn't dare to scold Murongli with his mouth, but Lin Sheng scolded Murongli countless times in his heart, and even said that he was a miracle doctor. How can he be a miracle doctor with this appearance?Quack is more or less the same.

Asking him to help him get his hand out, he was fine, but his hand didn't get out, but something happened to his arm. He doubted whether he did it on purpose.

"Okay, it doesn't matter, Li Meiren will fix it for you, don't worry."

He was not at all relieved, he began to doubt that person's medical skills, whether he was as good as they said.

"If you don't believe me, you can do it yourself."

Murong Li folded his arms, with an expression of no longer caring about him, seeing Murong Li's appearance, Lin Sheng was in a hurry.

"No, how can I not believe you, you just made me like this, you don't want to leave me alone, do you?"

It's not the one who cheated people, didn't he want his life?

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm not a good person"

Murong Liyun said calmly, from his tone, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing to hurt someone, just depends on his mood, if he is in a good mood, naturally he won't do anything to you, if he is in a bad mood, then Don't blame him for being rude.

"Limei people generally don't get angry, it's not human to be angry, you'd better not make him angry"

Who can bear the wrath of the emperor?Lin Sheng touched the dragon's beard without knowing Murongli's temper. It's strange that Murongli didn't kick him aside.

Sure enough, these people are not good people, why did he forget?Lin Sheng had a bitter face. He really didn't know how to judge people. He didn't look for anyone, but he found this group of people.

"Unless your arm leaves this tree, I can't help you connect it"

What do you mean being unable to pick him up?He obviously could, but he just didn't want to. [

Lin Sheng really wanted to curse, but after seeing Murong Li's indifferent expression, he chose to shut up.

If they were angry and they threw him here, it would not be a question of crying but a question of dying.

"What now?"

Are you going to cut off his hand?If he didn't have a hand, he wouldn't have to ask him.

"I think we'd better wait for dawn, we can't make it now."

Yichu looked at the creek under his feet, the water soaked his feet icy cold.

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