He forgot that she knew many other men, and there were many around him. www>

Feng Qining, who was drunk, stepped on an uneven spot, almost lost her balance and was about to fall into it, Murong Li quickly grabbed her.

"Feng, where are you going? I'm right here."

Murong Li patted her face, trying to make her sober. He had never seen Feng Qining get drunk. He remembered that she drank a lot when they got married, but she wasn't drunk either. She wasn't drunk at the royal banquet either. Drink less, but still not drunk.

What is the water here?Why is it so powerful?It actually made Feng Qi, who had never been drunk, drunk. [

"Li Meiren, you are my Li Meiren"

Feng Qining finally recognized Murong Li, and Murong Li was finally comforted, if she still couldn't recognize him after he shouted for so long, then he would knock her out and wait until she woke up tomorrow. Teach her a good lesson.

"Limei, you didn't come to save me when something happened to me, you know? At that time, I really wanted to ignore you, I don't want you anymore, I want to find someone better than you"

Murong Li looked at her sadly, it turned out that that incident also left scars in her heart.

"It's not that I didn't go to rescue you. Those people led me away. When I came back, your house was already on fire."

Murong Li's words also contained regret. At that time, those people pulled her back, and he knocked out a person. When he broke free completely, only ashes were left in her room. He kept complaining to himself, why did he Go out, why do you want to go out, if you don't go out, maybe you won't encounter these things.

"Do you know? How much I hated myself at that time, I hated that I couldn't save you, I hated that I was useless, and my medical skills couldn't save you"

Murong Li said sadly, Feng Qining, who was drunk, tilted her head slightly to look at Murong Li, wondering if she understood the grief in Murong Li's eyes, she stretched out her hand, and then stroked Murong Li's face.


Feng Qining slapped Murongli, Murongli's face turned slightly to one side, his face was a little red from Feng Qining's slap.

"There are mosquitoes, damn mosquitoes, dare to bite my Li beauty, Li beauty, don't be afraid, I will drive the mosquito away for you"

Not long after Feng Qining was back to normal, she became drunk again. Looking at her, Murongli had a headache. If it was normal, he must have felt that Feng Qining was playing tricks on him, but now that she is drunk, what is she doing? What she was doing, I'm afraid she didn't even know.

"Li Meiren, if you weren't capable, I would definitely say that you are a badass, but even if you are capable, you still can't hide the essence of your good skin."

Feng Qi Ning pulled Murong Li's face, Murong Li felt that her face was in pain, this man is really merciless.

"You say you're a big man, it's fine if you have a troublesome face, but your skin is so good, how do you let us women live?"

Feng Qining continued to spoil Murongli's face. Murongli had some understanding of Lancer's feelings at this time, no wonder he always looked miserable, and was always being tossed like this. It's hard to say.

"No matter how good-looking I am, I'm not as good-looking as Feng."

Murong Li grabbed Feng Qining's face, and if she continued to toss like that, I'm afraid he would turn into a fool.

"There Are Cockroaches" [

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