Feng Qining looked up at the sky, her eyes were a little confused, she hasn't walked out of here for so many days, are they going to be locked up here?

"Don't worry, we will always go out, maybe we can go out today"

Murong Li is very optimistic, walking in this kind of place, if you don't have a strong heart, you can't get out.Grain-grain-net-first-post www>

"Yeah, we've been walking for so long, no matter how big this forest is, it's probably coming to an end"

Feng Qining's eyes are slightly bent, she will always feel at ease with them by her side, because no matter what the road ahead, they will bear with her together. [

"It doesn't matter if we can't go out. The big deal is that we live and work here in peace and contentment. We cut down all these trees. I see if we can go out."

Feng Qining said leisurely, if she was pushed into a hurry, she would destroy this place, maybe that person appeared again.

When she sees him again, she must question him seriously and tell her to walk through the woods. Why didn't he tell her how to get out?How to get through the woods.

Feng Qining seriously suspected that the man was teasing her.

After walking for a long time, at noon, Feng Qining suggested to take a rest, because Murong Li's feet are not good, and she was afraid that she would hurt his feet if she kept walking like this.

"Limei, take a break"

Feng Qining helped Murong Li to sit down. After he sat down, she immediately opened the lid of the kettle and put the water to Murong Li's mouth: "Drink some water."

Feng Qining took care of herself so carefully, which made Murongli a little flattered. She always took care of her by herself, but this time it was her turn to take care of him.

"Feng, take a rest, you have traveled for so long."

Murong Li grabbed Feng Qining, she was so tired that her body couldn't take it anymore, her face was a little pale, obviously she was overworked.

"It doesn't matter, you will become like this, it's all because of me, I should take care of you"

Feng Qining smiled, he has always taken care of her, this time it is right for her to take care of him, besides, she is also very happy to take care of him.

"Mother, you are really partial, you have completely forgotten about us, but we adults have a lot, don't care, you don't have time to take care of us, let us take care of you."

Lan Se pressed Feng Qining to Murongli's side, picked up the water in her hand, and put the water near her mouth.

Feng Qi stared at her steadfastly, and sighed, why should this person do it.

"You guys also take a break, let's go slowly, anyway, we will always go out"

After sighing, Feng Qining raised her smiling face again. She knew that if she was unhappy, they would also be unhappy, so she was not only happy for herself, but also for their share of happiness.

"Well, I've already passed through the front, why are you discouraged at this time?"

Yichu also sat beside Feng Qining. [

"I just feel a little tired"

After walking this road for so long, there is no end in sight, and I don't know how long it will take. If they weren't by her side, she probably wouldn't be able to persevere.

She is not a great person, nor does she have any grand ideals. Her ideal is very simple, as long as she lives a peaceful and ordinary life with the one she loves, but God's will tricks people, and her life is destined to be uneven.

Too many kalpas and too many emotions have caused too many troubles and many ups and downs.

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