It wasn't that it wanted to beat her, it was ordered by her pet, so she can't be blamed on it, the tiger doesn't know, it's a person, no, it's an animal destined to be cannon fodder.Passionate picture feast
Cannon fodder, what is cannon fodder?It was the one who rushed to the front in the battle, and it was also the one who was dying. The tiger's hair trembled and walked in front of Feng Qining.

Seeing it like that, Lin Sheng opened his eyes wide. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

I guess he has experienced all the weird things in this world. He probably will be treated as a lunatic if he speaks out about these unbelievable things.

"Okay, look at your worthless appearance, you will be the kitten's subordinate in the future"

Feng Qining's hand touched the tiger's whiskers, the tiger raised its head happily, as soon as it raised its head, it touched Feng Qining's chin, and immediately lowered its head again.

Feng Qining has always liked furry animals, and soon she was rolling around with the tiger in her arms.


Feng Qining hugged the tiger's head and bent her eyes. Her hands kept pulling on the tiger's ears. The tiger felt so sad, what evil did it do to meet this demon master.

"Okay, Feng, get up quickly, your beauty is still waiting outside."

Zhang Kai reminded Feng Qining, Feng Qining stood up immediately, she stepped on the tiger's tail too quickly, the tiger opened its teeth in pain, the fire bird looked at it threateningly, the tiger lowered its head immediately.

"Little fire, let it take us out"

Feng Qining was sitting on the tiger's body, at some point, the snake was about to crawl to her feet, Feng Qining was startled, and Ribbon made a move to sweep the snake away.

"What is it that wants to approach me?"

If it wasn't for Xiaoniao's sake, she might have to kill it with one blow.

"I hate you, don't come near me"

Feng Qining pointed to the snake and ordered, the python rolled up its body aggrieved, it just wanted to please her, you know, to please her is to please its master.

"Okay, you each choose an animal that can take you out, anyway, I chose it"

Feng Qining patted the tiger, Zhang Kai looked at the fire bird, he really wanted to ride on the fire bird, but it seemed impossible, because this cave doesn't allow it.

Murong Li waited anxiously outside the cave, he wanted to go in very much, but looking at his handicapped feet, Murong Li hated himself a little bit, why did he always have problems like this, couldn't he be more confident?

"Why don't you come out, maybe something happened to you?"

Murong Li muttered something, and when he was about to take it no longer and rushed out, a roar of a tiger rushed out from the cave.

"Why is there a tiger sound?"

Murong Li's frightened face changed a little, he thought of Feng Qining who had gone in, she hadn't come out for so long, she wouldn't...[

When Murong Li was afraid, the tiger came out of the cave, Murong Li looked at the tiger, and when he drew his sword, he finally saw Feng Qining sitting on it.

Feng Qining pointed in the direction of the tiger, and the tiger rushed towards Murongli, and Murongli immediately fell down, when the tiger came to him, he grabbed Feng Qining on the tiger's back with his hand, turned over, and sat down. Behind Feng Qining.

That neat movement made Firebird tilt its head slightly, as if it didn't know who was sitting next to its master. In Firebird's heart, except for that person, no one was worthy to sit beside its master.

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