Lan Se said proudly, eating chicken, his mouth was full of oil, looking at his behavior, Feng Qining handed over her handkerchief: "You should wipe it off."

"Mother help me wipe"

Lan Se aggressively stretched his head over, Murong Li got angry, snatched the handkerchief from Feng Qining's hand, and blocked Lan Se's mouth: "I'll wipe it for you"

Lan Se took out the handkerchief from his mouth, and gave Murong Li a bitter look, this person is always like this, he can't see his kindness, especially his mother's kindness to him.Passionate picture feast
"I seem to hear voices"[

Feng Qi Ning frowned, she looked up at the sky, a little admired those people's perseverance, it's so late, are they still planning to call it a day?

"I heard it too"

Soon, Murong Li heard it too, the footsteps were very chaotic, it can be seen that there must be more than one person coming this way.

"It should be what happened just now that alarmed those people."

Yichu guessed, but Zhang Kai stood up straight away, seeing his impulsive appearance, Yichu held him back: "What are you doing?"

"Of course they were driven away"

If you don't drive them away, are you still waiting to be driven away by them?

"Don't worry, it's so late, maybe they can't find us"

Feng Qining looked at the fire they raised, her eyes rolled around, and she had an idea in her mind.

"Aren't we going out? So..."

Feng Qining said a few words in a low voice, and Murong Li and the others exchanged glances.

"It's a good idea, but what do they do?"

Murong Li pointed to the tiger leopard and the scarlet bird, they must not be taken along.

"Isn't this easy to handle? □□, kitten, find a place to hide, as for the tiger, get out of here!"

Hearing this sentence, the tiger disappeared into the grass in an instant, and the speed was so fast that everyone clicked their tongues.

"Am I scary?"

The appearance of the tiger made Feng Qining a little hurt, isn't she scary?Why is that tiger like a ghost?

"Okay, let's hide now"

Murong Li, who understood Feng Qining's depression, had no time to comfort her, grabbed her hand, and then found a hidden place to hide. [

There are still people in white clothes, but this time there are more people in gray clothes and red clothes.

Seeing the scared and excited expressions on their faces, Feng Qining reckoned that they were not looking for monsters but going on an adventure.

"You said that if we search like this, can we find the monster?"

It may have been a long time to find it, and someone complained.

"Didn't they say that monsters are around here? I guess they will appear when they see people"

The person next to him replied, but there was more fear than excitement in that voice, and seeing their behavior, Feng Qining guessed that they were forced to come here.

Feng Qining and the others hid in a big grass. Someone saw the grass and walked over. Feng Qining and Murong Li nodded, and the ribbon wrapped around the man's neck. Murong Li went to him quietly. Behind him, a knife went down, and the man passed out.

Feng Qining and Murong Li threw the corpse back, Yichu and the others quickly stripped off the clothes.

Soon, Feng Qining and others were enough for five sets of clothes, and there was still one set short. Lin Sheng was a little nervous, would they throw him here? According to his understanding of this group of people, such an inhuman thing, They can definitely do it.

"You won't leave me"

Seeing that they really wanted to go out, Lin Sheng became a little anxious. These beasts really don't care about their feelings at all.

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