His expression finally convinced those people, and those people looked at each other.Passionate picture feast
"Don't care if what they said is true or not, kill them first, and then search them. If there is no one, isn't it true?"

Someone suggested that Feng Qining put on a mocking smile on her lips, "Look, let them go if you say anything, it's all bullshit, let's forget it."

"Didn't you say to let us go? What? Did you just let us go?"

Yichu looked at them ironically, with deep contempt in his eyes. [

"Let you go? How do we know if what you say is true? Unless you let us search you"

Said a bearded man very savagely.

"Who do you think you are? Are you being searched?"

Feng Qining looked at them arrogantly, did they think they let them be searched just because they said they should be searched?They don't look at whether they are worthy or not.

"No? Could it be that what you just said is a lie?"

"So what if it's a lie or the truth? You should feel lucky, we are willing to lie to you, if it is someone else, we will solve it directly"

Lancer said to them in a godsend tone, listening to him, as if they were willing to lie to them, that was their blessing, in fact, in Lancer's heart, it was indeed like this.

"I really want to see how you guys deal with us."

A man stabbed at them with a sword, Lancer flicked his sleeve, and the man was thrown into the pond immediately.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I actually wanted to throw him back to you, but I couldn't grasp the strength well."

The words of apology are just that one can't hear a bit of apology in that tone, those people's faces are ugly, they put their stance so low just now, and when they turned their heads, their stance is so strong.

Such a big reversal caught those people off guard.

"You guys are liars"

Those people pointed at Feng Qining, Feng Qining's expression changed instantly, she hated people pointing at her the most.

"I hate people pointing at me"

The ribbon was released, wrapped around the man's hand, and pulled hard, the man's finger fell to the ground, and the scream was heard immediately, the broken finger fell into the pond, Feng Qining looked at them apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I hate people pointing at me like this the most. I was so excited that I did such a thing."

Those people pointed at her with trembling fingers. It was the first time they saw such a bloodthirsty woman. Is this still a woman?

"You, you..."[

"What's the matter with us, we just can't bear to see you pointing at us like this"

Feng Qining also looked at them apologetically, Murongli looked at her dotingly, and she started playing again.

"Who the hell are you?"

Finally someone stood up, Feng Qining and Murong Li looked at each other.

"We, we are us, where is anyone?"

"Don't talk nonsense with them, let's go directly"

Some people waved their hands and were about to charge forward, Feng Qining took out her big knife, waiting for them to charge up, but unexpectedly they stopped.

"If the wordless gold medal is really in your hands, you should hand it over quickly, the gold medal is useless to you"

How do they know it's not working for them?

"We really gave the gold medal to someone else because they gave me a sum of money. If you are willing to give me a sum of money, I will consider stealing it back."

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