"You don't want to take me away, so don't hurt me."

Lin Sheng was thrashing about in the swamp, complaining loudly that Zhu Chiniao really wanted to throw him here, but it still rescued him for fear of the master's rebuke.look
The powerful claws grabbed Lin Sheng. Before Lin Sheng was mentally prepared, he felt his body soaring into the air, and the cold wind was blowing in his face. Lin Sheng looked up and saw that he was getting higher and higher and farther and farther away from the ground. Had to close my eyes.


Lin Sheng closed his eyes and shouted, hearing his ghostly screams, Zhu Chiniao really wanted to throw him down, but tigers and leopards didn't bark, what's his name? [

The tiger and leopard are sitting on the back of the red bird, playing with its claws on the feathers of the red bird. It has been a long time since I have done this guy's back, which makes it a little strange, but the feeling has not changed .

The tiger and leopard imitated Feng Qining, and slapped Zhu Chiniao's back with its paw. It was so strong that Zhu Chiniao shook, and almost let go of Lin Sheng's claws. Lin Sheng felt his body shake. , screamed again and again in fright.

If Zhu Chiniao could speak, he would definitely scold him severely. If he is so far away from his master, why would he shout?

Is he still a man?

Zhu Chiniao didn't know that Lin Sheng was afraid of heights. Before he climbed a tree, he had to accumulate for a long time. Now it brought him so high without any warning. It was still a height he had never experienced. It was a lie that he was not afraid .

From a distance, Feng Qining saw a group of people standing by the pond.

"Where have you been waiting so early, soon?"

Feng Qining looked at the big knife in her hand, just in time, she also needed someone to sacrifice the knife, so many people came, it happened to suit her heart.

"It is very likely that they have been guarding there since last night, and now we have appeared, isn't it just right?"

Murong Li coldly came to the conclusion that for the sake of power, those people will always do some crazy things, such as brother killing and so on, what else can they not do?

After figuring out the function of the wordless gold medal, he had long thought that there would be a day when those people would come to him sooner or later.

They don't care who gets the gold medal without words first, in their hearts, the gold medal should go into their hands, and if it goes into someone else's hands, that's unacceptable.

Feng Qining didn't know that their speed was so high that those people couldn't see that they were human, they only saw a few shadows flying towards this side.

The people inside had already passed letters to them by flying pigeons, saying that there were monsters in the forest, and seeing such a strange scene this early in the morning, they were already terrified.

"A monster"

Seeing Feng Qining and the others getting closer and closer, those people shouted in fright.

From afar, what Feng Qining heard was this sentence, her brows raised, these people are really annoying, they yelled like that if they were telling the truth.

Where does her whole body look like a monster?

"□□, show them some strength"[

Feng Qining yelled to the vermilion bird in the sky, the vermilion bird flapped its wings, and those people swept by the strong wind couldn't open their eyes.

At this time, Feng Qining and the others also arrived at the shore, and before those people opened their eyes, they ran away in a hurry.

When the wind disappeared and everything returned to calm, where were the shadows of Feng Qining and the others?

Seeing that no one was chasing after her, Feng Qining breathed a sigh of relief. After fighting for so long, she must be given a break, right?

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