"Uh, are monsters so scary? Some monsters are still very beautiful."

For example, fox demons, those are very beautiful, and mortal women can't compare with them.
"Of course, I heard that the monster is scary and even eats people."

When did they eat people? They seem to only kill people, right?Feng Qining pursed her lips, this is the scary part of the message, it can be said that there are none, and it can be said that there are some.

"Have you seen it? I heard that monsters look like people, how can they be scary?" [

Murong Li said with a look of disbelief, Feng Qi Ning nodded, after so many words, this was her favorite sentence.

Monsters are not scary, but people are scary.

"That's because you haven't seen their scary side. I heard that the monster has blue-faced fangs and will kill people when it comes out. It's scary."

The one with the blue face and long fangs is a ghost, Feng Qining flattened her mouth, said she didn't see clearly, and said she was so scary.

"Are monsters really that scary?"

The man nodded: "That's why I advise you to be careful, how about it? Do you want to be together? When the monster comes out, we will have a companion"

"Since it's so scary, why did you go? Aren't you afraid that monsters will eat you?"

"Let's stand a little farther away so that we can run away quickly when the monster comes out. In fact, I'm also curious about what the monster looks like. It's the first time I've heard that there are monsters in this world."

It's really two, others believe so nonsense, Feng Qining's eyes flashed disdain, he also said, growing up so big, it was the first time he heard that there are monsters in this world, he didn't even think about it, there was nothing at all The so-called gods, where did the monsters come from?

After all, it is nothing more than human psychology.

"Oh, it's so scary, we need to think about whether to go, I'm afraid of being eaten by monsters"

Fear appeared on Murong Li's face, and sure enough, as soon as that expression appeared on his face, that person's eyes became contemptuous.

Children from rich families usually only know how to flirt, and they are also timid and afraid. Before they came, they probably wanted to see it. Now that they heard the horror of monsters, they immediately retreated. These people are the most useless.

"Okay then, I'll take a step first. I'll stand behind then. If you want to find me, it's probably easy. I'll take my leave."

Murong Li also clasped her fists together, looking at his back, Murong Li's eyes flashed brightly.

It's not that he is timid and afraid of death, yet he dares to despise him.

"Is this the so-called fifty steps laughing at a hundred steps?"

Feng Qining stood up, at first she thought they ran a little far away, but the person just said that this place is not very far from that place, so if those people chase after them, wouldn't they be very unsafe?

"Are you full? Let's leave when we're full" [

Feng Qining looked at the number of people, and belatedly realized that there seemed to be one person missing.

Seeing so many people below, Zhu Chiniao didn't dare to stop, so it hovered above Feng Qining's head. If it dared to go down now, the master would dare to rip off its fur.

For the sake of his oily and shiny fur, it's better not to leave.

"Don't look, it's up there"

Murong Li pointed to the top of her head, Feng Qining raised her head, sure enough, she saw a small black dot hovering above her head, it should be □□, seeing Feng Qining raised her head, Zhu Chi Niao began to descend.

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